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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Panthers Game Day Thread - Second Half
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Every Jag fan: Screw this garbage team.


But we'll still see you next Sunday.

That's the game. Second half has been very poor, I feel like that missed extra point took away the momentum.

Ball game.

such a let down for me.

absolutely sux
no reason to call a TO untill the 4th down... Bradley sucks

Quote:Dude has a team had the ball for a full quarter before?
I want to cry
I don't usually get frustrated by games but this one has me heated. Absolutely atrocious execution for the most part. Very winnable game with how the Panthers were playing. Those drops are inexcusable.
This is the defense we've always known; hold the opponent to 3 downs and then allow them to move the chains - repeat.  They're getting progressively gassed.  It's going to be another long year, I'm afraid.  I predicted we would crumble in the second and lose by 13.  I should have placed a wager on it.

We are terrible. No improvement from last year. Offense sucks so bad, the defense becomes so gassed they start giving up huge gains. Pathetic. Gus has to go
Yup. Offense is still a liability.
This team is so frustrating to watch. I feel like I wasted 3 hours for another pathetic performance
Positives- It was a 1 score game up until 2:41 left in the game.


Negatives- It's a 2 score game with 2:41 left in the game.

Well, at least Bortles looked exactly like he did last season with no change at all.

Quote:Every Jag fan: Screw this garbage team.


But we'll still see you next Sunday.

We're all masochist. 
And that's a wrap for the 2015 season!  :thanks:

Quote:I blame Caldwell as much as Gus
I don't want to say I blame them for fear or being banned for speaking truth....so I will say this.



If I performed as Gus and Dave have so far at ANY other job in the world, I would be jobless. somehow, they get paid 8936498369 times MORE than me, and have LOWER standards 
[Image: 3835.jpg]

Remember when we thought the Jags would score 27 points? Ahh, good times.
Us loyal fans don't deserve this trash..


All I'll say is that Gus Bradley is officially on the hot-seat.