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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Panthers Game Day Thread - Second Half
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If only we hired a GM who didn't draft overrated linemen and draft a QB 39 picks higher than they should be.....we just MIGHT be ok

His face mask got ripped off and no penalty!! Garbage refs
Blake Henne
Quote:Remember when we thought the Jags would score 27 points? Ahh, good times.

 Maybe, just maybe in the entire 1st half...... of the season.
That's just comical

Gratz Bortles died
Ouch... suckage!!!
Quote:lol 5-11

Too optimistic.


Game over.

Yeah. [BLEEP] you Jaguars. Go [BLEEP] yourselves. I am so [BLEEP] pissed right now. [BLEEP] you.
So glad I didn't pay money to watch this mess. Bad showing on everyone's part. Did we do anything good today? Just think if we had been playing a good team with an accurate passer.
Thank god someone smacked Young around.  He's sucked for 2 years...  He deserved that.
We just need to keep getting better folks
How did the refs miss  a guy throwing Youngs helmet?

What the hell. Refs can't even call this [BLEEP] right.
Quote:Thank god someone smacked Young around. He's sucked for 2 years... He deserved that.
Jags did not invest enough in the O-line.

I can't take it anymore. I am out of here.

Well if you want to stop getting the fail commentators and the fail refs how about you learn how to win and stop doing stupid crap all game like we do every time.

Beating a dead horse now.