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Full Version: An Open Letter to Jason Myers
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Quote:Them's fightin' words. The mains have been damaged and Genesis is about to explode. Please go down to engineering and fix them. Thanks. Smile

Scotty has it covered.   :thumbsup:
Omaha, good to see you mate. Week 2, a huge week for you. That cup is ours son.
Quote:I like the idea of Legatron/Myers (Optimyers Prime?) on the field at the same time. The matchup nightmares it would create would stifle even Buddy Ryan! I suspect that Anger would be designated as the Offensive Weapon, however we've already seen that the league is not progressive enough to allow that to happen.

I'm noticing an agenda here.. I don't think players are allowed to post on here, Bryan. 
Quote:I'm noticing an agenda here.. I don't think players are allowed to post on here, Bryan. 


Sure they are, but they're asked to sign in as a player with the team so that they can get an official tag marking them as one in order to eliminate all doubt. Otherwise we end up having an entire thread questioning their identity.

Uche my countryman Nwaneri...

Oh, and Mary caching Garrard used to come cry here when her husband was vilified

What players are currently 'tagged' then, or confidential info I guess?
Quote:Uche my countryman Nwaneri...

Oh, and Mary caching Garrard used to come cry here when her husband was vilified

What players are currently 'tagged' then, or confidential info I guess?
Garrard 's wife was soo mad at times, and then posters would make fun of her. She couldn't handle her husband starting for this team. She was probably so happy when they cut him.
Lol, caching. So CSO, when did you join the forum then? I'm confused.
Quote:September 1st, 2015


Dear Jason,


Congratulations on winning the kicking job for the Jacksonville Jaguars this season and winning the job over Jags legend Josh Scobee. Those of us who are passionate and pay close attention to the team realized the unthinkable might actually be occurring when you were chosen to kick in 3/4 opportunities vs. the Giants and then solely held place kicking duties in last weeks game vs. the Lions, going 1/1 while Josh Scobee was merely an observer from the sidelines. 


Rather than be bitter and angry at you for taking the job of a Jaguars legend and the heart and soul of our football team, I thought it would be more productive to pen a letter of advice and encouragement. Please understand that  I am writing this for my own healing as well as the legions of Jaguars fans in Jacksonville, the United States, and of course London, our unofficial home away from home.


First off, know that we support you. You do not have to worry about any of us true fans stating "Scobee would have made that" after you blow a game by missing a field goal or an extra point or "Scobee would have tackled him" after a returner blows by our return team leaving you one one one with you and then juking you out or running you over. Jacksonville fans understood that Scobee was a once in a lifetime player and although his career with Jaguars ended way to prematurely, we will throw our support behind you.


Secondly, you will need to understand that Jacksonville is nothing like Poughkeepsie, New York, where you kicked in college. Whereas there is no doubt in anyone's mind you could keep a low profie in Poughkeepsie and go about your business, you will never be able to do the same in Jacksonville. Be ready for fans to yell out things such as "Hey - There is Scobee's replacement" or "Hey - There's Scobee's replacement and I wonder if that guy can kick a 59 yarder to win a game like Scobee did' or "Hey - there's that guy who repaced Josh Scobee - I wonder if he will ever be our career scoring leader like Josh Scobee was and score 1022 points". Trips to the coffee shop, the laundry mat and to the grocery store will take on an entirely new meaning and will be an entirely new experience. Please do not be offended by comments such as these as us Jaguar fans often speak without thinking and our statements come out sounding worse than we intended.


Lastly, you will need to familiarize yourself with the Ponce De Leon Cup which is awarded to the top NFL team in Florida each year. The Ponce De Leon Cup is named after the Spanish Conquistador Juan Ponce De Leon who discovered the great state of Florida, or "La Florida" as De Leon affectionally referred to it back in the early 1500's. This season, we/you will play both Tampa and Miami. Winning these games will be essential to winning the 2016 Ponce De Leon Cup. Jacksonville Fans can forgive a lot (Such as drafting Blackmon, drafting Blaine Gabbert, Drafting Dante Fowler, taking a punter in the draft over Russell Wilson because or GM at the time will always draft a starter over a bench, hiring Mike Mularkey, parting ways with our beloved mascot, parting ways way to soon with David Garrard, and of course the biggest blunder ever -firing Jack Del Rio) but they will not tolerate anything but a first place finish in the PDL Cup. As  long as you know this going in, convert on 80.8% of your field goal attempts as Josh Scobee did, convert on over 99% of your extra point attempts as Josh Scobee did and tackle as well in the open field as Josh Scobee did, you can be a Jaguar for life - unless they decide to inexplicably trade you as they did Josh Scobee earlier this week.


That's enough advice for one day. 




Omaha's Number 1JAGSFAN
A well thought out and warm welcome to the newest legend. A true weapon. JDR  would be proud.
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