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Full Version: Cut him he is wasting space on the roster
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I would say there's a <10% chance of Branch getting cut. However, given how much time Alualu has gotten at 3-technique, I think Hood is toast. Which is a shame because he's an ok player, just expendable given Bennett/Abry/Alualu and the fact that he has a $4m non-guaranteed salary this year. 

Quote:I was saying that too a few days ago, and I said it last year during the pre-season as well. And then he intercepted Stafford's pass and got a sack in the third pre-season game. They're a scheming unit and aren't good enough to get sacks on their own. They were running with standard formations and plays last week, that's why none of our starters have gotten sacks.

Good point
Quote:Watching Branch's performance on DVR the first couple of preseason games I can't see how he makes the final cut

He runs into the tackle and then he flails his arms. He literally gives the defense nothing but a warm body. Everyone who says he's on a contract year this and there's no way he's cut that...obviously they haven't watched him play because he is horrible.
Quote:I would say there's a <10% chance of Branch getting cut. However, given how much time Alualu has gotten at 3-technique, I think Hood is toast. Which is a shame because he's an ok player, just expendable given Bennett/Abry/Alualu and the fact that he has a $4m non-guaranteed salary this year. 


I'd rather them keep Hood than Branch. At least Hood got his hands on a ball vs the Giants. That said, I reiterate that I think both are gone meaning only 9 DLs in order to keep an extra player elsewhere like Neal Sterling, Corey Grant, Austin Pasztor, Thurston Armbrister or Nick Marshall.

Quote:I see a 9 player DL...



starters: Odrick, Miller, Marks, Clemons

backups: Alualu, Davis, A.Jones, Bennett, C. Smith


Ziggy Hood and Andre Branch are tough cuts to make, but the roster needs players elsewhere.

I see them keeping 10 and I think Ziggy is going to easily make the team. Most posters here are too bullish on Marks's return, he hasn't even practiced yet and I wouldn't be shocked it he's kept on PUP to begin the season. Even if he's good to go week one, he's going to need some time to get up to speed and will likely be on a limited snap count.
2 years ago Branch had a good season, last year he was hurt. I think he makes the team and a couple plays tonight
Was hoping this was Yo Boy's new Henne thread
As much as people hate to hear it, Branch is still one of the top LEO options on this roster.


There haven't been enough players who have shown they can do it in real games or have done enough this offseason or preseason to push him off the roster.


They aren't going to give the job to some random guy who has shown even less and just cross their fingers and hope they can get more regular season production from him than they have from Branch.


It is what it is until we have actual better options. I think it is unlikely they move forward based on wishful thinking.

Quote:I'd rather them keep Hood than Branch. At least Hood got his hands on a ball vs the Giants. That said, I reiterate that I think both are gone meaning only 9 DLs in order to keep an extra player elsewhere like Neal Sterling, Corey Grant, Austin Pasztor, Thurston Armbrister or Nick Marshall.

Sterling is PS

Grant will be held over Pierce

Pasztor is most likely gone

Nick Marshall will go PS

Armbrister might be only one that might stick to active roster...
They will probably do some stunts tonight and Branch will look better
Quote:As much as people hate to hear it, Branch is still one of the top LEO options on this roster.


There haven't been enough players who have shown they can do it in real games or have done enough this offseason or preseason to push him off the roster.


They aren't going to give the job to some random guy who has shown even less and just cross their fingers and hope they can get more regular season production from him than they have from Branch.


It is what it is until we have actual better options. I think it is unlikely they move forward based on wishful thinking.

I'm huge Davis and Smith fans, but a good rotation of LEO's will be critical to our success this year.  If Fowler was around, maybe his spot would be in jeopardy. 
Quote:I'm huge Davis and Smith fans, but a good rotation of LEO's will be critical to our success this year.  If Fowler was around, maybe his spot would be in jeopardy. 

You are delusional if you really don't think his spot is already in jeopardy. He has shown nothing.
Quote:I'd rather them keep Hood than Branch. At least Hood got his hands on a ball vs the Giants. That said, I reiterate that I think both are gone meaning only 9 DLs in order to keep an extra player elsewhere like Neal Sterling, Corey Grant, Austin Pasztor, Thurston Armbrister or Nick Marshall.
Paz is cuttable is Bo can play the swing T.

I think we stay at 10 on DL: Clemons, Davis, Smith, Jones, Bennett, Odrick, AluAlu, Miller, Hood, Branch

The lovefest for Cap has got to stop lol or at least slow down... he's a PS guy. Maybe he gets moved up if Branch still isn't producing a few weeks in... maybe.


Sterling is interesting in that with his size he could be a "swing" WR/TE 

Speaking of which... anyone remember Ernest Wilford? Didn't he switch to TE one year? lol


I've heard a lot of people raving about Armbrister... if they keep 6 LB he's definitely in.


Marshall and Grant seem destined for PS, but Storm's lackluster play open up a spot for Grant, if we keep 5 RBs.

I don't think Marshall will be safely stashed on the PS though... so not sure who gets cut to make a spot for him.
Quote:I'm huge Davis and Smith fans, but a good rotation of LEO's will be critical to our success this year.  If Fowler was around, maybe his spot would be in jeopardy. 
Exactly. The numbers aren't there to push him off the roster at this point.
Quote:Exactly. The numbers aren't there to push him off the roster at this point.

Whoa calm down there, you are being delusional...


It's preseason, COME ON MAN.
Quote:You are delusional if you really don't think his spot is already in jeopardy. He has shown nothing.

We've already had this discussion. He'll show up when they being scheming stunts and delays for him. That's not going to happen in preseason. If Fowler was healthy he'd be on the bubble but fortunately for Branch he's not.
But he can bring down the QB if he's unblocked from a DL stunt
Do not forget about Skuda. He has been playing LEO sometimes. Could be they are to cut one of the LEO,s
Quote:He'll show up when they being scheming stunts and delays for him. 

Wow. Impressive.
Quote:Do not forget about Skuda. He has been playing LEO sometimes. Could be they are to cut one of the LEO,s
I think that's more along the lines of preparing him in case of emergency. My guess is that the team keeps three LEOs (Clemons, Smith, Davis). If Skuta can fill in there on a limited basis, they might be able to deactivate one of those three in favor of a player at another position and use Skuta as an emergency/lightning package LEO.
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