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Quote:...them's fightin' words.
It's true and you bloody well know it.
Been playing a lot of PS3 lately. Been catching up on my Metal Gear playing the HD collection in preparation for MGSV. Also re-playing Kingdom Hearts series in preparation for KH3. Unfortunately if I want to play KH3 I will have to get a PS4. Is the PS4 backwards compatible?


Being a PC master race, I rarely used my PS3 for gaming. It was mostly used for Netflix, Hulu, etc. However with so many PS3 games super cheap I have been revisiting a lot of exclusive classics I missed.

Quote:Been playing a lot of PS3 lately. Been catching up on my Metal Gear playing the HD collection in preparation for MGSV. Also re-playing Kingdom Hearts series in preparation for KH3. Unfortunately if I want to play KH3 I will have to get a PS4. Is the PS4 backwards compatible?


Being a PC master race, I rarely used my PS3 for gaming. It was mostly used for Netflix, Hulu, etc. However with so many PS3 games super cheap I have been revisiting a lot of exclusive classics I missed.
Nope, and because of PlayStation Now, it probably never will be.


Our PS3 is used mostly the same way. Probably 90% Netflix, 10% gaming. I used to do quite a bit of PC gaming, and still jump back into Skyrim every once in a while, but I don't spend a ton of time in games anymore.
Quote:Nope, and because of PlayStation Now, it probably never will be.


Our PS3 is used mostly the same way. Probably 90% Netflix, 10% gaming. I used to do quite a bit of PC gaming, and still jump back into Skyrim every once in a while, but I don't spend a ton of time in games anymore.

Lame. Screwing over the consumer. This is why I stick to PC.
Quote:Lame. Screwing over the consumer. This is why I stick to PC.
PC's not too far away. EA's Origin service hasn't taken off, and Steam more or less has a stranglehold on the PC market. With Windows 10 able to block pirated software from working, Steam is headed for a monopoly and will price itself as such.
 I have a ps4 its a great system espailley for sports. if you want a baseball game you definttly want ps4 with MLB show 16 comeing out. I have been a big fan of Nintendo systems for years,and still love nintendo,but unforttanttly nintendo will go out of busnuies soon even with the new nx being worked on. Rumor has it its now going to have disk,you will have to download games from online. Not everyone always has acces to the internet. that will be a killer if they make it downloadble games only. 

lol what makes you think nintendo is going out of business? 

Quote:lol what makes you think nintendo is going out of business? 
They have too much of a following to go out of business--Pokemon alone could keep that company afloat for the indefinite future. I wouldn't be surprised to see them become a mobile game developer rather than a hardware manufacturer if the NX isn't a Wii-scale hit.
Quote:lol what makes you think nintendo is going out of business? 

Quote:lol what makes you think nintendo is going out of business? 
because my dad told me it was a couple years ok. things are not looking good for them with 3rd party dropping them.
Quote:because my dad told me it was a couple years ok. things are not looking good for them with 3rd party dropping them.
If the NX is any good, you'll be amazed at how quickly third-party devs flock back to it.


If it's not any good, Pokemon will keep them afloat as a mobile developer until the end of time, and anything else they come up with will just be icing on the cake.
Quote:I really wish they would have released Read Dead Redemption on the PC. I played through about half of it before I sold my xbox 360, should have finished it.
One of my favorite games of all time. Easily in my top five. There has been rumors that they've been working on the next installment for quite awhile. Rockstar will probably announce it early next year.
 also from the rumors going around about the new nx you can't buy games in stores,you have to download them by internet only. Thats going to really hurt nintendo. Not everyone always has  access to the internet.

Those same rumors were said about the Xbox One and PS4 as well. When it comes out, i'll probably buy it. As for the PS4, there isn't anything bad about it other than now you have to pay to play online. I tradedy PS4 in for a Xbox One because of the Forza, Gears of War, and Halo series. I must say, Xbox One sure has more competitive players in Call of Duty and Battlefield.
Quote:I've always been a Sony guy and had many a Sony game system since I was in my early teens.

I sold my PS3 awhile back and have been pondering getting a PS4. Those of you that have had one, played one etc are they as good as advertised? I've seen some pretty good reviews but don't know too many people personally that have them.

What are your thoughts on games? I'm usually a sports or first person shooter guy. GTA also had me hooked for years.

Being without my PS3 has me missing the gaming world.

I'm too old for the gaming world -- I'd rather just drink and listen to music or say stupid [BLEEP] on message boards.


ANYWAY --- I highly recommend buying gaming devices to avoid real communication with people.   Anything that can divert your attention from dealing with other peoples complaints and miseries of life is worth while.


Enjoy life while you can and control your own destiny with just a simple remote ---- Go For It !!
Quote: also from the rumors going around about the new nx you can't buy games in stores,you have to download them by internet only. Thats going to really hurt nintendo. Not everyone always has  access to the internet.

I'm sure the audience they're targeting has internet access.  PC has been essentially digital only for the better part of a decade, and it has only grown since then.  It's a cost saving measure that the 3 consoles should've taken this current generation imo.  
Quote:I'm too old for the gaming world -- I'd rather just drink and listen to music or say stupid [BAD WORD REMOVED] on message boards.


ANYWAY --- I highly recommend buying gaming devices to avoid real communication with people.   Anything that can divert your attention from dealing with other peoples complaints and miseries of life is worth while.


Enjoy life while you can and control your own destiny with just a simple remote ---- Go For It !!

I love this.


I decided against it.
Quote:I'm sure the audience they're targeting has internet access.  PC has been essentially digital only for the better part of a decade, and it has only grown since then.  It's a cost saving measure that the 3 consoles should've taken this current generation imo.  

PSN has been doing this for some time, too.
Quote:Nope, and because of PlayStation Now, it probably never will be.


Our PS3 is used mostly the same way. Probably 90% Netflix, 10% gaming.
I used to do quite a bit of PC gaming, and still jump back into Skyrim every once in a while, but I don't spend a ton of time in games anymore.
That's how I use my PS4. When I bought it a few months back, it came with The Last of Us download and a free game (Destiny). I also bought MLB The Show too. Rarely do I play the games anymore. Use it mostly for Netflix and the WWE Network. Not gonna lie though... I kinda wanna get three more games I've been showing interest in.
Quote:PSN has been doing this for some time, too.

Well I mean more in terms of it being available almost exclusively as a digital copy.  Most anything not indie thats on psn/xbl/nintendo store(?) can still be grabbed at a brick and mortar, where as for pc, if it isn't blizzard, or call of duty/battlefield you're kind of out of luck.  I remember reading an article about 80% of console sales are still physical, and something like 93% of pc sales are digital. 


Either way the point was pc is proof that all digital doesn't hurt.
Quote:Either way the point was pc is proof that all digital doesn't hurt.
It doesn't, but consoles will never go all-digital. They'll probably never go even majority-digital, and we may ultimately find that most of what's available in digital formats is DLC. The reason? Retail.


Stores like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, make virtually no money on the console hardware. They, like the console makers, make their money on games. For the console makers, it'd be much easier and more cost-effective to just transition everything to digital, but the retailers would never go for that. A PS4 is a great way to draw someone into the store, but if all they're going to buy there is the console itself, the store isn't making any money on them at all (aside from incremental purchases like additional controllers, but the profit margin on those isn't great either). Target isn't stupid. They're not going to dedicate a large inventory budget and a lot of shelf space to a break-even product with nothing enticing in the store that would make it a money-maker for them. That doesn't even begin to cover stores like Best Buy, which would have to drastically change its business model to survive in a digital gaming scenario, or GameStop, which would just go out of business entirely (though that's not a bad thing).


Of course, it would screw the console developers, too, but that's another post. Bottom line, console games will continue to be physical indefinitely until a solution that makes them digital-only and doesn't cut retailers out of the picture is found. I've already got a couple of ideas that might work, but you're talking about a fundamental shift in how business is done. PC games have only gone as far digital as they have because PC, as a gaming platform, was on life support before Steam came along. Stores typically don't have a ton of space dedicated to PC games as a result, so losing that market share to Steam is fine by them as long as they still have Plants vs. Zombies and The Sims available for purchase.
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