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If we're talking a new generation in 2020 then I'm about 90% certain one of the big three will have a digital only unit, it makes too much sense on their end not to, I don't see the retailers as a big hurdle. 

Quote:If we're talking a new generation in 2020 then I'm about 90% certain one of the big three will have a digital only unit, it makes too much sense on their end not to, I don't see the retailers as a big hurdle. 
Xbox one all the way

I've officially decided against it and am putting that money into my house instead. I feel like a real adult now.
Quote:I've officially decided against it and am putting that money into my house instead. I feel like a real adult now.
If Sega's VR headset is any good, I would strongly consider buying a PS4. Thing is, I'm far from convinced that the PS4 has the juice to be an effective VR platform.
Honestly you are way better off spending the money on a gaming comptuer instead of a game console.  That being said if you are going to spend $500 dollars mind as well be on the Xbox One at least then you

can use it to watch tv while you play your game, and your voice command as a remote control.

Quote:Honestly you are way better off spending the money on a gaming comptuer instead of a game console. That being said if you are going to spend $500 dollars mind as well be on the Xbox One at least then you

can use it to watch tv while you play your game, and your voice command as a remote control.

I have a TV to watch TV on and I hate voice commands. And $400 will buy you a crap gaming PC.
Quote:I've always been a Sony guy and had many a Sony game system since I was in my early teens.

I sold my PS3 awhile back and have been pondering getting a PS4. Those of you that have had one, played one etc are they as good as advertised? I've seen some pretty good reviews but don't know too many people personally that have them.

What are your thoughts on games? I'm usually a sports or first person shooter guy. GTA also had me hooked for years.

Being without my PS3 has me missing the gaming world.

I am a Playstation loyalist. It's worth the money if you're strictly into console gaming. I am starting to favor a PC gaming build at the moment that can be played like a console for more games and more options. But, as far as the quality of it, the interface, etc. It's a great system. The only drawback is the lack of backward compatibility which is where it kind of leaves you hanging. They have the Playstation store, etc. Luckily I keep all of my old gems so I don't invest in that stuff.


Gaming wise. Depends on what you like. At the moment I have a heatlhy rotation of Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Addition, Dragon Age III: The Inquistion and Madden 15. Debating on getting the newest Madden Madden 16, however, haven't felt good about that reviews I've seen so far and it's just coming off as a rehash of the last few years with just a roster update. Not worth the $60.00 personally. Then you've got Fallout 4 due out in November which is great and I might get Elder Scrolls Online. Just weighing things out for the moment. But I recommend those games for sure. I have GTA V, Destiny, and Watch_Dogs as well. Got burned out on those pretty quickly. Let me know if you get one man.


Playstation Username: Caldrac


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