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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ New York Giants Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Move dem chains
First down out route to denard
Beautiful throw to ARob!
Good pass to Robinson there, nice placement to let him get down.

Quote:I'll have to look into U-Verse, I haven't heard of it.  I don't want to go another season without watching the Jags on TV.


I used to watch them on-line at some of those... Inappropriate... websites...  But the lag and buffering were just too annoying.  I finally convinced my wife to allow the NFL ticket.  It's expensive, but, it's the one indulgence I have...  Well that and booze... And that glue sniffing...  But this is the week I give that up...

Do you have an android device?
What Channel in Tallahassee?
First down!
Quote:I feel like your trying to tell me something, but I can decipher it!  LOL
Depending on your location, the NFL channel isn't needed...


No Blackouts...


Dude Greene wasn't looking!
Winksi doing good in there
Man things looking real good.

Green will be an viable part of our offense...



Pass interference!
O-Line looking good
I'm stuck with the Philly game here in North Alabama.  If it isn't the stupid Failcons, or Tack games.

Oline broke down on that. Slowby missed the block!
Gerhart missed the blitzer
What an escape by BB5...



Quote:Oline broke down on that. Slowby missed the block!

That was on Gerhart.