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Quote:Basically no matter what he says or does the people who already have been brainwashed into hating him are not going to change their minds.

Statement may or may not be accurate. It's just as accurate if you typed but changed one word:

"Basically no matter what he says or does the people who already have been brainwashed into "idolize for" him are not going to change their minds."

Pretty much sums you up.
Quote:Statement may or may not be accurate. It's just as accurate if you typed but changed one word:

"Basically no matter what he says or does the people who already have been brainwashed into "idolize for" him are not going to change their minds."

Pretty much sums you up.

Does it? Because I've been clear that failed promises will not be overlooked by me... so no.


Believe it or not, the average American liked him in the presser.  MSM has a super low approval rating.  Why would the majority take their side?  They dont, that's the reality and ratings prove it.


To an extent you have a point.  Those are the people still stuck in the left vs right paradigm.  People on the right need to break free from that and confront real problems with politicians in the Republican party.

Quote:everybody who is mad probably realize that Trump looked good in the press conference to the average moderate (which makes up most of the population) and they cant stand it. so they have to nitpick every little word and say things like, "omg the world is laughing at us right now" when they aren't in reality.

in reality Britain voted for Brexit, France wants Le Pen, and Germany hates Merkel. There are still just a brainwashed few still left that MSM has a stranglehold on. Maybe one day they will realize they are a mark, but I doubt it.

The majority of the British media were pro brexit
Quote:Does it? Because I've been clear that failed promises will not be overlooked by me... so no.


Quote:The majority of the British media were pro brexit
Yet none of their polling reflected this inclination.  Whether they were pro Brexit or not, their reporting clearly indicated it was going to go down to defeat in the vote, kind of like they did in all but declaring Clinton president elect weeks before the election here in the US.
Quote:Basically no matter what he says or does the people who already have been brainwashed into hating him are not going to change their minds.

And you were always so accepting of Obama and willing to give him a chance ... lol


Politics and hypocrisy just seem to go together.
Quote:The majority of the British media were pro brexit

Ok, well here the entire idea was scoffed at
Quote:Shep Smith certainly has no bias, right? 


Please.  If you think posting a link showing the one guy who would be right at home on MSNBC or CNN who is complaining about the presser is somehow vindication, you'll need to try a little harder.


If anything, Shep is hosting an opinion show that masquerades as a news show.  He's no less biased than Hannity or O'Riley. 


The truth is if you're a leftist, you hated the presser.  If you're a member of the MSM elite, you hated the presser.  If you're a member of the political establishment in either party, or a supporter of their views, you hated the presser.  If you're the average Joe on the street or someone who actually voted for Trump, it was nothing but red meat.  Based on the fact that Trump's polling numbers continue to rise despite the best efforts of your compadres in the MSM to do the opposite, I'd say his approach seems to be reaching the intended office.


Whether you like him or hate him, one thing is certain.  You're watching.  The ratings back that up.   Obama's pressers were about as interesting as watching grass grow.  He'd take a minimum # of questions, and drone on for 10 or 15 minutes stammering through each answer, never really saying much of anything.  Trump stood there and took questions, clearly having a lot of fun with the back and forth banter, even with Jim Acosta of CNN, and the thing just kept going and going and going.  They should put that stuff on prime time TV.


I've never seen a press conference end with applause from the gallery.

If you're sane you hated the presser.
Quote:And you were always so accepting of Obama and willing to give him a chance ... lol


Politics and hypocrisy just seem to go together.
There were a few things that Obama did as president that I agreed with.  Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut.  However, I disagreed with the vast majority of his policies and his tactics.
Quote:If you're sane you hated the presser.
If by sane you mean a liberal curled up in the fetal position admiring the "I'm with Her" tattoo he had emblazoned on his forehead, then yes, you probably hated it.
Quote:And you were always so accepting of Obama and willing to give him a chance ... lol


Politics and hypocrisy just seem to go together.

Obama's legacy really has nothing to do with any of his detractors, which I wasn't because I was pretty indifferent during most of his presidency.  His legacy is crap because he promised way too much and never truly delivered.
Quote:If you're sane you hated the presser.

Cool story bro, not reality
Quote:If by sane you mean a liberal curled up in the fetal position admiring the "I'm with Her" tattoo he had emblazoned on his forehead, then yes, you probably hated it.

You're so easily played. But why be proud of it?
We were played if Trump doesn't do anything he said he would, then you can come in here and act smart.  Until then, keep your mouth shut because you have been wrong every step of the way.

Quote:Cool story bro, not reality

Remember when Donald said he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and not lose a vote?


Ladies and Gentalmen! I give you badger and FBT!
In reality we are getting "weekly updates" from the President himself on the progresss of his promises. lol Ya, this is same old same old

Anyone who is still supporting Trump at this point is legitimately a stupid person.

Not sure if you are a stupid person? Do you like Trump? If the answer is yes, then you are a stupid person. Still need confirmation? Think back on your time in high school. I know that's difficult but try. Do you remember making good grades? No? Well there you go.
Quote:Not going to get into the pro-trump/anti-trump stuff but from the outside looking in it seems Trump is very clever at managing the media as president. This press conference and the Russia stuff has pretty much taken a ton of the heat off the "Muslim ban", Steve Bannon being on the council etc etc

I'm not sure if they realise or not but it seems to me Trump is playing the media like a fiddle.

I don't think it's the media being played. It's the Trump supporters who have shown they'll accept pretty much anything.


Trump babbles, deflects, insults, lies, blames Hillary(?) and acts thoroughly confused and they say "Our boy did great!"
Quote:Anyone who is still supporting Trump at this point is legitimately a stupid person.

Not sure if you are a stupid person? Do you like Trump? If the answer is yes, then you are a stupid person. Still need confirmation? Think back on your time in high school. I know that's difficult but try. Do you remember making good grades? No? Well there you go.

Then you are saying anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade, anti-illegal immigration, anti-terrorism, anti-globalism are stupid... am i right?


If you want to debate the actual issues then that's good.  However, all you guys have is "OMG HE IS THE WORST" with no actual real reasons other than "HEY DID U SEE HOW HE TALKED TO SO AND SO< OMG"

LOL.  The left is in total meltdown.

Quote:LOL.  The left is in total meltdown.

Based on what I saw yesterday and since he's become president it seems that it's the Trump Administration that is in total meltdown.


But that's ok - all he has to say is "Look over there!" and his supporters will have their attention diverted. He'll continue to do this for the next four years.


Be prepared for 2020, when Donald's approval rating is about 22% (people will get tired of his act pretty quickly) he'll still be blaming Hillary and false news.
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