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Facts? What facts? The media is pushing spin. No one in this thread was able to defend her actions on the merits. All we here is VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY AND B B B BUSH.

when someones conduct is this reprehensible shouldnt they be held accountable?
As to social security, whatsvthe difference between old age insurance and a general retirement account.
Hahah you guys are ridiculous in your bias driven absurdity.

"You can't defend the facts" while presenting no facts only rage driven speculation. "You can't defend her on merits" while no is even trying to defend her but pointing out the clear partisan nature of the situation.

Than when called on the hypocrisy of the situation, you get all defensive and scream deflection, or liberal tactics. It's all quite tiresome.

If it was really about the "lying" there would be thread after thread posted here about Carson, Fiorina, or anyone else straight up lying but that's not exactly the case is it?
Quote:No one in this thread was able to defend her actions on the merits.

I don't recall anyone trying to.
The difference is Carson and Fiorina did not stand over the caskets with the families, look them in the eye and lie to them.
Quote:The difference is Carson and Fiorina did not stand over the caskets with the families, look them in the eye and lie to them.
Lying is only a big deal if there are caskets involved?


No, the difference is a letter next to a name. 

Quote:The difference is Carson and Fiorina did not stand over the caskets with the families, look them in the eye and lie to them.
How did Carson and Fiorina get involved in this? Carson's probably had a few botched surgeries over the years, but the only thing Fiorina's killed is HP.
Quote:How did Carson and Fiorina get involved in this? Carson's probably had a few botched surgeries over the years, but the only thing Fiorina's killed is HP.
I brought up people only caring about lying when it's the other party and they ignore their own party doing it. 
Certainly caskets matter.

There are degrees of lying and sadly the public expects all politicians to lie at some level. However, if you stand over the caskets, look the family in the eye and knowingly tell them a lie that is beyond any level of comparison.


I do agree with you that both parties lie as often as they breathe but if you cannot see the difference here then I don't know what to say.


Really TJ ? botched surgery?  Before he retired  Carson was considered one of or the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the world.

You may not agree with his politics but to say something like that is weak.

Quote:Certainly caskets matter.

There are degrees of lying and sadly the public expects all politicians to lie at some level. However, if you stand over the caskets, look the family in the eye and knowingly tell them a lie that is beyond any level of comparison.


Really TJ ? botched surgery?  Before he retired  Carson was considered one of or the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the world.

You may not agree with his politics but to say something like that is weak.
So what's it called when you stand in front of an entire country and lie about the reason people died, or the reason you're sending many more to die?


The "botched surgery" comment was a joke, but the man has been practicing brain surgery for, what, 30 years? Longer? Statistically speaking, he's most likely had a patient or two die on the operating table.
Lame joke.
Quote:I know you have to back up the right because you are just as biased as you claim the media and other people are but you're not dumb. Why pretend you don't understand the similarities in the situation coming from the question he's riasing?

Claiming two situations as different when they are so very similar based purely on the side of the person involved with each and trying to say itsnt about that is the oldest play in the book. Don't be that guy. You are better than that I think.

No, I back up what is right not the right.  The point of this thread is about the incompetence of the then Secretary of State and the presumed Democrat nominee for President.  The incompetence was then covered up with a lie to not only the families of those killed, but also lies to the Nation.


By the way, I do appreciate your kind words regarding me.


Quote:Hahah you guys are ridiculous in your bias driven absurdity.

"You can't defend the facts" while presenting no facts only rage driven speculation. "You can't defend her on merits" while no is even trying to defend her but pointing out the clear partisan nature of the situation.

Than when called on the hypocrisy of the situation, you get all defensive and scream deflection, or liberal tactics. It's all quite tiresome.

If it was really about the "lying" there would be thread after thread posted here about Carson, Fiorina, or anyone else straight up lying but that's not exactly the case is it?

That's exactly the spin that the media strongly supports and what a large portion of the population are led to believe.  The calls for investigations into not only the attack, but also the aftermath was labeled as a "partisan witch hunt" in order to protect the presumed Democrat nominee.  I presented clear facts that are public of events leading up to the attack.  This is what is public knowledge, yet most of the main stream media doesn't actually report this.  What is reported is the supposed "attack" on Hillary.


The last article that I linked is proof that this was a known terrorist attack as the event was taking place or shortly thereafter, yet the public and the families of the victims were told that it was because of a video.  Guess where this proof came from?  It came from Hillary's emails that were on her illegal personal server.


Think about the part in red for a minute.
Quote:Certainly caskets matter.

There are degrees of lying and sadly the public expects all politicians to lie at some level. However, if you stand over the caskets, look the family in the eye and knowingly tell them a lie that is beyond any level of comparison.


I do agree with you that both parties lie as often as they breathe but if you cannot see the difference here then I don't know what to say.

So does this mean we should investigate every politician who lied in one form or another which resulted in dead Americans?

Because that could become a very long list.
Quote:So does this mean we should investigate every politician who lied in one form or another which resulted in dead Americans?
Well, yeah. I'd be down with that.
Quote:Well, yeah. I'd be down with that.

Agreed. I think most Americans would agree alao. The problem is it's being in an obviously partisan manner. It's not about Americans death to those doing this, its about sinking a political career. The GOP in office made it known their whole goal was sink Obama and then when the time came moved to Hillary. I don't like her, I won't vote for her but I also don't think this whole thing is on the up and up and id say the same thing regardless of who was being targeted
THATS childish and partisan. The gop investigation into mrs clinton has been based on the objective facts of what she said to the american people vs. What she said to allies and her dauggter. These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed.

Conversely the former DEMOCRAT harry reid made up an accusation out of whole cloth that mitt romney hadnt paid his taxes in a decade. When asked for proof he said it was ROMNEYS burden to prove his innocence not his burden to prove tge charge. When confronted about the obvious lue his only defense was that ROMNEY LOST. ill sit patiently and wait for all those decrying a partisan witch hunt to show their post history where they called out a DEMOCRAT for a clear partisan lie with no evidence with the sole intent of affecting a presidential election.
Quote:THATS childish and partisan. The gop investigation into mrs clinton has been based on the objective facts of what she said to the american people vs. What she said to allies and her dauggter. These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed.

Conversely the former DEMOCRAT harry reid made up an accusation out of whole cloth that mitt romney hadnt paid his taxes in a decade. When asked for proof he said it was ROMNEYS burden to prove his innocence not his burden to prove tge charge. When confronted about the obvious lue his only defense was that ROMNEY LOST. ill sit patiently and wait for all those decrying a partisan witch hunt to show their post history where they called out a DEMOCRAT for a clear partisan lie with no evidence with the sole intent of affecting a presidential election.
Ok, fine, I give up. I've explained my position until I was blue in the face, and I'm over this thread. Enjoy the moral high ground.
... (Brushes the dirt off his shoulder) ...
Quote:So does this mean we should investigate every politician who lied in one form or another which resulted in dead Americans?

Because that could become a very long list.

Yes and we should publicly hang them as far as I'm concerned.
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