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Full Version: Trickle-down economics is "wrong" according to the IMF
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Quote:No, I don't think so...  The ability to collectively bargain may have some to do with it...  But Labor costs have been stagnant for at least 2 decades.  So I think the major player is driven by basic economic principles.   There is lower demand for jobs in America.  There is a high supply of workers in America.  The demand sets the price for wages.  Because there are so many people fighting for only a few jobs, the wages are lowered here.


And again, the reason why all these manufacturing jobs have left is because of free trade with 3rd world and developing countries where wages are pennies on the dollar.

I can agree that labor costs have been stagnant, but part of the problem is that there isn't really a lower demand for jobs in America, it's that the jobs are not being filled by Americans.  Here is a very good example of what I am talking about.  Regarding this news story, I am actually (gasp) on the side of the unions.  $300 million dollars in federal stimulus money goes to firms that are partnered and/or owned by foreign companies, in this case Korea.  They brought in Korean workers to fill the jobs.  They purchased mainly Korean supplies and equipment.  Again, this was stimulus money that was supposed to create thousands of jobs as part of the "green energy" initiative of the current administration.


Oddly enough, this story was never broadcast on CBS other than their website.  It was also never picked up by any of the "main stream" media.  I wonder why that is?
Quote:Most of us free market advocates are also for strong immigration controls to protect the American workers. You can't, for instance, lay off your entire IT staff and replace them with H1-[BAD WORD REMOVED] like Disney recently tried to do. That is a legitimate use for government regulations. We aren't anarchists as many seem to believe.

The is the most reasonable thing I've seen you post on here. Incidentally, I agree.
Quote:The is the most reasonable thing I've seen you post on here. Incidentally, I agree.

Did someone turn his tv off Fox? Next he will want sensible reform of gun laws...
Quote:Did someone turn his tv off Fox? Next he will want sensible reform of gun laws...

Funny how that's all you guys have. Fox and Koch, the meat of all Leftist tripe.
Quote:Funny how that's all you guys have. Fox and Koch, the meat of all Leftist tripe.

I'm not a "leftist" some of my views could be considered right, some left some middle. This is true of most independent thinkers.
Quote:I can agree that labor costs have been stagnant, but part of the problem is that there isn't really a lower demand for jobs in America, it's that the jobs are not being filled by Americans.  Here is a very good example of what I am talking about.  Regarding this news story, I am actually (gasp) on the side of the unions.  $300 million dollars in federal stimulus money goes to firms that are partnered and/or owned by foreign companies, in this case Korea.  They brought in Korean workers to fill the jobs.  They purchased mainly Korean supplies and equipment.  Again, this was stimulus money that was supposed to create thousands of jobs as part of the "green energy" initiative of the current administration.


Oddly enough, this story was never broadcast on CBS other than their website.  It was also never picked up by any of the "main stream" media.  I wonder why that is?

This is the type of thing that grinds my gears.  And it's exactly what bother's me most about our corporatist politics.  Something bothers me about this Korean car manufacturing story...  Was there some sort of a bid for the stimulus money?  Was Tesla's bid too high, so they gave it to the Korean company?  


This brings up another question:  Where you for the bank bailouts?  What about the Auto-Industry bail out?  


I personally was not for the bank bailouts.  But I thought the Auto Bail out was a good idea, and seems to have worked.  I'm still not sure why we haven't had a huge stimulus package to fix our deteriorating bridges and create a better internet infrastructure.  It seems there are alot of ways to build a better America, if we were willing to invest in American things instead of wasting money on foreign trade and foreign countries.


As for why it was never broadcast...  One can only imagine.  But I have my guesses.  I'm sure you know what they are.   :thumbsup:
Quote:This is the type of thing that grinds my gears. And it's exactly what bother's me most about our corporatist politics. Something bothers me about this Korean car manufacturing story... Was there some sort of a bid for the stimulus money? Was Tesla's bid too high, so they gave it to the Korean company?

This brings up another question: Where you for the bank bailouts? What about the Auto-Industry bail out?

I personally was not for the bank bailouts. But I thought the Auto Bail out was a good idea, and seems to have worked. I'm still not sure why we haven't had a huge stimulus package to fix our deteriorating bridges and create a better internet infrastructure. It seems there are alot of ways to build a better America, if we were willing to invest in American things instead of wasting money on foreign trade and foreign countries.

As for why it was never broadcast... One can only imagine. But I have my guesses. I'm sure you know what they are. :thumbsup:

I was opposed to all the bail outs. The government shouldn't have enough money to give away 300 million dollars, nor should it be able to pick winners and losers in the private sector.
Quote:I was opposed to all the bail outs. The government shouldn't have enough money to give away 300 million dollars, nor should it be able to pick winners and losers in the private sector.

So are you ok with foreign corporations coming into the usa and taking over our auto industry?

I'm not.

I agree, the idea of cronyism disgusts me too. But I'd rather find a solution where we keep the manufacturing in the country under the ownership of Americans, but not so large that they have this heir of the "too big to fail" nonsense.
Quote:So are you ok with foreign corporations coming into the usa and taking over our auto industry?

I'm not.

I agree, the idea of cronyism disgusts me too. But I'd rather find a solution where we keep the manufacturing in the country under the ownership of Americans, but not so large that they have this heir of the "too big to fail" nonsense.

I don't think I said that, but I do think that American companies who make crap products should be allowed to fold. I think the environment in America can be influenced so that quality American products make it to market and compete fairly with imports, but that has more to do with an educated and capable workforce and regulation that promotes American goods. 
Quote:This is the type of thing that grinds my gears.  And it's exactly what bother's me most about our corporatist politics.  Something bothers me about this Korean car manufacturing story...  Was there some sort of a bid for the stimulus money?  Was Tesla's bid too high, so they gave it to the Korean company?  


This brings up another question:  Where you for the bank bailouts?  What about the Auto-Industry bail out?  


I personally was not for the bank bailouts.  But I thought the Auto Bail out was a good idea, and seems to have worked.  I'm still not sure why we haven't had a huge stimulus package to fix our deteriorating bridges and create a better internet infrastructure.  It seems there are alot of ways to build a better America, if we were willing to invest in American things instead of wasting money on foreign trade and foreign countries.


As for why it was never broadcast...  One can only imagine.  But I have my guesses.  I'm sure you know what they are.   :thumbsup:

There was not a bid for the stimulus money involved in this story.


I was/am against both bailouts.


Regarding why it was never broadcast, the whole story behind the matter is told in a book that I just finished reading titled "Stonewalled" by former CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson.  It's a very good and "eye opening" book, and I highly recommend it.  I'm willing to send it to you if you would like to read it.  I'll bet that you're surprised that conservative-leaning me is reading a book written by a reporter from a "liberal" news outlet.   Wink
Quote:This is the type of thing that grinds my gears.  And it's exactly what bother's me most about our corporatist politics.  Something bothers me about this Korean car manufacturing story...  Was there some sort of a bid for the stimulus money?  Was Tesla's bid too high, so they gave it to the Korean company?  


This brings up another question:  Where you for the bank bailouts?  What about the Auto-Industry bail out?  


I personally was not for the bank bailouts.  But I thought the Auto Bail out was a good idea, and seems to have worked.  I'm still not sure why we haven't had a huge stimulus package to fix our deteriorating bridges and create a better internet infrastructure.  It seems there are alot of ways to build a better America, if we were willing to invest in American things instead of wasting money on foreign trade and foreign countries.


As for why it was never broadcast...  One can only imagine.  But I have my guesses.  I'm sure you know what they are.   :thumbsup:

Again...  the bailouts of the car companies was unnecessary.  Mitt Romney himself published a process by which they could have restructured after going through conventional bankruptcy that would have been better for the companies.  The bail out was specifically designed to benefit the UAW not about saving two companies that could have survived the bankruptcy process.  


And more importantly, you should be asking yourself with a trillion dollar stimulus package why we didn't build roads and bridges instead of building turtle underpasses, museums for the fine arts, and paying political kickbacks!  you should also be asking if over the last 7 years we have accumulated more than 40% of the national debt in the history of the nation, had interest rates at theoretical zero and had the federal reserve printing money (quantative easing) to the tune of tens of trillions of more dollars that in all that money and debt we don't have tangible infrastructure gains to show for it!   Or how about why we have men who risked there lives to save this country living in VA hospitals for the better part of a decade before they can see a DOCTOR!!!!!!


I don't think that you want to ask those questions because you will be left with only one answer.  No matter how much some want to believe otherwise GOVERNMENT CAN NOT MANAGE RESOURCES WELL!
Quote:Again...  the bailouts of the car companies was unnecessary.  Mitt Romney himself published a process by which they could have restructured after going through conventional bankruptcy that would have been better for the companies.  The bail out was specifically designed to benefit the UAW not about saving two companies that could have survived the bankruptcy process.  


And more importantly, you should be asking yourself with a trillion dollar stimulus package why we didn't build roads and bridges instead of building turtle underpasses, museums for the fine arts, and paying political kickbacks!  you should also be asking if over the last 7 years we have accumulated more than 40% of the national debt in the history of the nation, had interest rates at theoretical zero and had the federal reserve printing money (quantative easing) to the tune of tens of trillions of more dollars that in all that money and debt we don't have tangible infrastructure gains to show for it!   Or how about why we have men who risked there lives to save this country living in VA hospitals for the better part of a decade before they can see a DOCTOR!!!!!!


I don't think that you want to ask those questions because you will be left with only one answer.  No matter how much some want to believe otherwise GOVERNMENT CAN NOT MANAGE RESOURCES WELL!

Quote:Again... the bailouts of the car companies was unnecessary. Mitt Romney himself published a process by which they could have restructured after going through conventional bankruptcy that would have been better for the companies. The bail out was specifically designed to benefit the UAW not about saving two companies that could have survived the bankruptcy process.

And more importantly, you should be asking yourself with a trillion dollar stimulus package why we didn't build roads and bridges instead of building turtle underpasses, museums for the fine arts, and paying political kickbacks! you should also be asking if over the last 7 years we have accumulated more than 40% of the national debt in the history of the nation, had interest rates at theoretical zero and had the federal reserve printing money (quantative easing) to the tune of tens of trillions of more dollars that in all that money and debt we don't have tangible infrastructure gains to show for it! Or how about why we have men who risked there lives to save this country living in VA hospitals for the better part of a decade before they can see a DOCTOR!!!!!!

I don't think that you want to ask those questions because you will be left with only one answer. No matter how much some want to believe otherwise GOVERNMENT CAN NOT MANAGE RESOURCES WELL!

But if we just have them more...

More money...

More power...

More control...

More distance from the people they "serve"...

It will all work out for our good, won't it?

Isn't that what history shows us, that government has our best interests at heart and we should trust them implicitly?
Quote:But if we just have them more...

More money...

More power...

More control...

More distance from the people they "serve"...

It will all work out for our good, won't it?

Isn't that what history shows us, that government has our best interests at heart and we should trust them implicitly?
I'm sure those in control were big fans of indentured servitude as well. 
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