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Quote:That's why I asked you for a definition. At some level we all have bad or sin or evil in us whatever you want to call it. What happens in life most of it is a result of actions taken some good some bad some non of the above. I believe In a higher power I don't believe we all come into earth with a preplanned road map and destiny or fate takes us to where we're supposed to be that's the movies. Bad things happen to good people because someone's good people make bad choices, and then sometimes good people suffer because other people make bad choices, sometimes bad things just happen naturally but it's not fate or some higher power testing us.

Then we don't all get what we deserve because the very concept of evil requires an unbiased referee. If they just happen naturally then you aren't getting what you deserve. Without some scale there can be no delineation of what you deserve, there isn't any such thing as what you deserve in a cosmic sense. There's also no such thing as sin or evil or even bad, morals are a construct, not a natural reality.
Quote:No ones taking about sickness the reply was to a question about destiny and predestination. But don't let the stop you from taking a response by me and making it something else to grind that personal axe you have with me.

You literally said "in the end we all get what we deserve."


Do people who die from terminal illness deserve what they get?
Quote:Not saying you're wrong.  But there is still a problem.  Based on your perspective, width, height, and length are interchangeable.  In other words you could measure every dimension by holding a tape measure from your left hand to your right hand if you change your perspective.  How can you verify you are measuring a different dimension every time?
No, the problem is your wall doesn't change so it's not interchangeable...your livingroom wall can't be interchanged with your bathroom wall because the dimesions are not the same...The height, width, and length remain constant...Your livingroom wall doesn't suddenly go from 18 feet(L) by 21 feet(W)  by 8feet(H)  to  6 feet (L) 36 feet (W) to 4 feet (H)
Quote:You literally said "in the end we all get what we deserve."

Do people who die from terminal illness deserve what they get?

So my clarification wasn't enough for you? I was responding to the idea of destiny not terminally ill people or children. No terminally ill people don't deserve to be terminally ill that's just nature it's a part of the cycle of life.
Quote:Then we don't all get what we deserve because the very concept of evil requires an unbiased referee. If they just happen naturally then you aren't getting what you deserve. Without some scale there can be no delineation of what you deserve, there isn't any such thing as what you deserve in a cosmic sense. There's also no such thing as sin or evil or even bad, morals are a construct, not a natural reality.

I believe evil and sin are very much natural. You don't have to teach a child selfishness for example it is natural for a child to be selfish and unconcerned with others.

I shouldn't have said we all get what we deserve that's speaking to broad, I should say most of what happens in life is determined by our own actions.
Quote:I believe evil and sin are very much natural. You don't have to teach a child selfishness for example it is natural for a child to be selfish and unconcerned with others.

I shouldn't have said we all get what we deserve that's speaking to broad, I should say most of what happens in life is determined by our own actions.

But who says that selfishness is evil? Or that concern for others is good? If selfishness is a natural behavior then why do we seem to want to deny it instead of embracing it? Why isn't being the most selfish person in the world a laudable goal instead of something meet with derision?
Quote:No, the problem is your wall doesn't change so it's not interchangeable...your livingroom wall can't be interchanged with your bathroom wall because the dimesions are not the same...The height, width, and length remain constant...Your livingroom wall doesn't suddenly go from 18 feet(L) by 21 feet(W)  by 8feet(H)  to  6 feet (L) 36 feet (W) to 4 feet (H)

I'm really not the one who you should be arguing this to.   It's not my theory. The Holographic Principle has been around since the 70s.  You should contact the mathematicians and physicists who made the calculations with this information, but I'm pretty sure they are aware already of what you are telling them.   
Quote:But who says that selfishness is evil? Or that concern for others is good? If selfishness is a natural behavior then why do we seem to want to deny it instead of embracing it? Why isn't being the most selfish person in the world a laudable goal instead of something meet with derision?

Hmm I guess this is where philosophy and religion get hard to separate. Trying to think in broad and general terms I would saying advancing ones self at the cost of another is the most basic form of evil, all other bad acts at some point come from that basic evil. There's probably a better word then evil I just can't think of it right now.
Quote:I'm really not the one who you should be arguing this to.   It's not my theory. The Holographic Principle has been around since the 70s.  You should contact the mathematicians and physicists who made the calculations with this information, but I'm pretty sure they are aware already of what you are telling them.   
The Holographic Principle contradicts itself and admits " However, there exist classical solutions to the Einstein equations that allow values of the entropy larger than those allowed by an area law, hence in principle larger than those of a black hole. These are the so-called "Wheeler's bags of gold". The existence of such solutions conflicts with the holographic interpretation, and their effects in a quantum theory of gravity including the holographic principle are not yet fully understood."


Granted this comes from Wikipedia which I generally avoid as a practical source, but I just wanted a brief synopsis as I will admit, I have little knowledge of The Holographic Principle...From the little knowledge I have of it, I would be more comfortable using and believing therories that have been proven and accepted by the greater scientific world such as Einstein's ( and others) body of works...Notice I said body of works, not just the therory of realitivity...


I have a hard time accepting that the universe and all that it contains is a hologram


Sorry I forgot the link I quoted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle

Quote:The Holographic Principle contradicts itself and admits " However, there exist classical solutions to the Einstein equations that allow values of the entropy larger than those allowed by an area law, hence in principle larger than those of a black hole. These are the so-called "Wheeler's bags of gold". The existence of such solutions conflicts with the holographic interpretation, and their effects in a quantum theory of gravity including the holographic principle are not yet fully understood."


Granted this comes from Wikipedia which I generally avoid as a practical source, but I just wanted a brief synopsis as I will admit, I have little knowledge of The Holographic Principle...From the little knowledge I have of it, I would be more comfortable using and believing therories that have been proven and accepted by the greater scientific world such as Einstein's ( and others) body of works...Notice I said body of works, not just the therory of realitivity...

I don't know much about of The Holographic Principle either.  All I'm saying is that I personally don't believe I could disprove the idea.  All we have are mathematical models to describe the universe.  If the math matches the universe, then we can say the universe is based on that model.  But if multiple models match the universe, we will have no way of knowing which one is correct or if there really is a correct answer.  
Quote:I don't know much about of The Holographic Principle either.  All I'm saying is that I personally don't believe I could disprove the idea.  All we have are mathematical models to describe the universe.  If the math matches the universe, then we can say the universe is based on that model.  But if multiple models match the universe, we will have no way of knowing which one is correct or if there really is a correct answer.  
well my thing is that Einstein's work has all been proven and accepted while other models can't be proven or contrdict themselves and/or known and proven principles...not to mention, if the Universe is only a hologram, what is reality? The two terms contridict eachother...The one thing about mathematics, is it's that it's absolute...Math is either right or wrong...when the rules to math are followed, it's impossible to have a wrong answer

Quote:Take the money. If you never fall in love, you won't know what you're missing anyway.

What if I love money?
Quote:well my thing is that Einstein's work has all been proven and accepted while other models can't be proven or contrdict themselves and/or known and proven principles...not to mention, if the Universe is only a hologram, what is reality? The two terms contridict eachother...The one thing about mathematics, is it's that it's absolute...Math is either right or wrong...when the rules to math are followed, it's impossible to have a wrong answer

I'm not sure how much the hologram idea contradicts Einstein or if it does at all.  Usually all these ideas are attempting to explain something general relativity didn't explain.  But a hologram is still physical thing.  It's not the same as saying the world is a simulation (which is a whole different can of worms). 
Quote:I'm not sure how much the hologram idea contradicts Einstein or if it does at all.  Usually all these ideas are attempting to explain something general relativity didn't explain.  But a hologram is still physical thing.  It's not the same as saying the world is a simulation (which is a whole different can of worms). 
The defination of a hologram (in every form of hologram I can find) has to do with photographicly produced images...hardly anything I would consider our universe to be..."


Also found in: Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

 (hŏl′ə-grăm′, hō′lə-)
<div><b>1. </b> The pattern produced on a photosensitive medium that has been exposed by holography and then photographically developed.
<b>2. </b> The photosensitive medium so exposed and so developed. Also called <i> holograph</i>.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


<div><b>1. </b> (General Physics) a photographic record produced by illuminating the object with coherent light (as from a laser) and, without using lenses, exposing a film to light reflected from this object and to a direct beam of coherent light. When interference patterns on the film are illuminated by the coherent light a three-dimensional image is produced

<div>a three-dimensional image of an object produced by recording on a photographic plate or film the patterns of interference formed by a split laser beam and then illuminating the pattern with usu. coherent light.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

(hŏl′ə-grăm′, hō′lə-grăm′)

<div>A three-dimensional image of an object made by holography.

a three-dimensional representation in photographic form, recorded on film by a reflected laser beam of a subject illuminated by part of the same laser beam.



Yea, but think about it.  When you have a hologram, you have both a 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional version of something at the same time.  Physically a hologram has two dimensions, but contains information to reproduce a 3d image.  The concept of a hologram proves that at least the idea of representing 3 dimensions in 2 dimensional space is possible at some capacity.  


Holograms are created by bouncing a laser off an object onto a film.  Say you could convert the entire universe into a hologram in real time.  All of Einsteins laws still exist in both the universe and in the 2d hologram of the universe.  But the laws just would look differently while in the 2d hologram.    

Quote:Yea, but think about it.  When you have a hologram, you have both a 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional version of something at the same time.  Physically a hologram has two dimensions, but contains information to reproduce a 3d image.  The concept of a hologram proves that at least the idea of representing 3 dimensions in 2 dimensional space is possible at some capacity.  


Holograms are created by bouncing a laser off an object onto a film.  Say you could convert the entire universe into a hologram in real time.  All of Einsteins laws still exist in both the universe and in the 2d hologram of the universe.  But the laws just would look differently while in the 2d hologram.    
But if you have to create an object into 3D is it REAL or is it a manufactured 3D? You have 2 eyes, that's how 3D is created (depth perception). Is manufacturing an object  into 3D the same as actually being in 3D?


I would argue that if you have to create the illusion of 3D, it's not 3D in reality such as my use of a wall for a 3D illustration...


If you can measure the height, width, and length, of something, you don't have to create or manufacture it into 3D, it just IS 3D and there can be no argument that it isn't. When you can see and measure height width, and length, it's 3D...There is no way to disprove the ability to see and measure height, width, and length


If you have to bounce a laser off an object and record it on film and minupulate the natural state of an object to make it APPEAR to be in 3D, it's an illusion which is not real, therefore can not be reality

Quote:So my clarification wasn't enough for you? I was responding to the idea of destiny not terminally ill people or children. No terminally ill people don't deserve to be terminally ill that's just nature it's a part of the cycle of life.

So destiny only applies to some people? How does that work?
Quote:So destiny only applies to some people? How does that work?

I don't believe in destiny thought that was clear?
Quote:I don't believe in destiny thought that was clear?

"We make our own future in the way we react and handle each situation good or bad. In the end we all get what we deserve."


Who is we ALL? Where do you draw the line between unfornunate events that ARE deserved and unfornunate events the AREN'T deserved? I know you're just a oil changer, but please at least attempt to make sense when you explain this.

Quote:Live your life right, and there should be no worries.

If it were only that easy
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