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Full Version: Why vote for a lawyer the most untrusted Job profession for President?
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Quote:About as relevant as GWB's and Carter's "nukular."

Exactly...or Chris Christie's weight.
Christie's weight won't cause him the election but the scandal with the traffic most likely already has and he lost many republicans with his courtship to Obama following the hurricane on his shores.

Quote:About as relevant as GWB's and Carter's "nukular."

Why is George Bush (Jr) so beloved in Albania (is that weird)?
I also wish we had more politicians from professions other than law. We were formed by mostly farmers and doctors.

I know I am generalizing quite a bit here, but I feel lawyers are hard-wired to win and accomplish their goals at all costs while doctors are wired to look at empirical data and problem solve. Without having met a candidate, I would be prone to trust the doctor more.
Good point!

It is "We the people" not "We the attorneys at Law", and with this push for diversity in sex & race why not add profession to the mix.

Surely a great businessperson, doctor, scientist, farmer, architect or other types of career path would make good politicians too.


I mean we had almost a 100% lawyers with Obamacare & none of them even read the bill, so why put such an emphasis on them being lawyers first?

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