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Dec 5, 1933: Prohibition ends


Quote:Yet many medical drugs are also regulated and not freely available.

You really are. You're advocating a world without regulations. That would mean heroin being sold OTC at Walmart. After all, you can go and buy alcohol at Walmart (oh, there are regulations regarding that as well, hence "carding").

Yes, we would be worse off. Drug use isn't something that is an isolated experience limited to effecting the individual that chooses to use. It impacts the user's lives significantly more than alcohol would and would impact the lives of almost everyone around the user regardless of whether or not they are also users. Just because you believe that your family would be able to handle it just fine, doesn't mean that making something unregulated is a good idea that is beneficial to society at all.

I don't think I'm being clear enough and for that I apologize. I'm against the criminalization of natural substances and narcotics I can tolerate regulating chemically produced substances. so what if crack or heroine is sold over the counter, there would be laws against using it in public just like you can't get drunk in public. there would be laws against using the narcotics and operating power equipment or motor vehicles, just like alcohol. there would be laws against use while in charge of children just like alcohol.


For that to work however you'd have to essentially end many forms of welfare that would enable individuals to get high rather then work and make a living. That's the catch 22, would society accept true freedom in exchange for true responsibility?

[Image: 5_RdfH.gif]

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Quote:I don't think I'm being clear enough and for that I apologize. I'm against the criminalization of natural substances and narcotics I can tolerate regulating chemically produced substances. so what if crack or heroine is sold over the counter, there would be laws against using it in public just like you can't get drunk in public. there would be laws against using the narcotics and operating power equipment or motor vehicles, just like alcohol. there would be laws against use while in charge of children just like alcohol.


For that to work however you'd have to essentially end many forms of welfare that would enable individuals to get high rather then work and make a living. That's the catch 22, would society accept true freedom in exchange for true responsibility?

Heroin isn't a natural substance. It's a synthesized opioid analgesic (it's derived from naturally occurring substances, but it is not one itself). Also, those laws are regulations as they are "rules or directives made and maintained by an authority." You've done nothing in this post but admit that regulation is necessary. Also, like I said before - I'm not against making pot legal. If it's on the ballot next election I'd vote for its legalization. I just recognize that some regulation is a necessity for modern society to continue existing.

That's exactly why regulation is necessary. True freedom sounds nice and all, but it doesn't work in practice. The effects of freely available narcotics would be devastating to society because it is an unsustainable path as more and more people become dependent upon it.


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