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Now they're Doxxing Students.........


Just another example of the "Tolerant" Left

New UT freshmen threatened with release of personal info if they join conservative groups

University of Texas incoming freshmen who are interested in joining one of the two conservative groups on campus are being met with social media threats by a far left wing group.
[Image: review.jpg]

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Are they going to wear ski masks and sucker punch them too and then proceed to drench them with milkshakes? This far left and far right [BLEEP] is getting out of hand. Plenty of moderates on both sides of the aisle are willing to play nice and fair at the table in the middle.

But at some point I guess we'll all have to band together within reason and stop letting these little punks circle around us like baby sharks. They're an embarrassment to the few people who still believe in Democracy and Freedom of Speech in this Country.
[Image: 4SXW6gC.png]

"What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie? I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky. The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing; Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king."


Lots of people believe in freedom and democracy. They just aren't vocal about it. Take away the extremes and you'd have a fairly united majority.


Shoot them and it will either escalate or stop. Either way it will stop eventually.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato



Before a very good friend of more than 12 years decided we couldn't be friends anymore she actually admitted she was not as tolerant as she thought she was. In fact, she couldn't stand being told a different POV- at all. She was a liberal when we met but was willing and able to discuss things, then she married a dude who was far left liberal and after a while she just went sideways with her ideology. It was scary to watch. It was almost like watching your friend marry an abusive dude who beat her up daily and that became her 'new normal' and there was nothing you could do about it. 

So yeah, I completely believe this is happening.

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(07-05-2019, 12:25 PM)Last42min Wrote: Lots of people believe in freedom and democracy. They just aren't vocal about it. Take away the extremes and you'd have a fairly united majority.

Apparently there are not a lot of those non-extreme people willing to stop this. The university administrators seem to encourage hate attacks on campus conservatives, and I haven't heard anything from the elected Democrats decrying these actions. There were journalists actually defending the attack by Antifa on a fellow journalist.


"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"


(07-06-2019, 09:30 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: Before a very good friend of more than 12 years decided we couldn't be friends anymore she actually admitted she was not as tolerant as she thought she was. In fact, she couldn't stand being told a different POV- at all. She was a liberal when we met but was willing and able to discuss things, then she married a dude who was far left liberal and after a while she just went sideways with her ideology. It was scary to watch. It was almost like watching your friend marry an abusive dude who beat her up daily and that became her 'new normal' and there was nothing you could do about it. 

So yeah, I completely believe this is happening.

I have seen the same occurrences with friends I went to school with. We all graduated high school between 2006 - 2008 depending on the individual. It's amazing how much people can change overtime with just influence from another person. Especially from a significant other. I have seen people drop religions, politics, diets, etc. over the years when they were unflinching and unchangeable when we were all young adults or still in our early to mid 20's. 

Change is good for some people. Some people change for the better or worse depending on you view things on an individual level. But as you pointed out. It's completely believable now. Nothing surprises me anymore. Hell, my mom could blow up an entire school of rabbits tomorrow morning and I would totally believe it. 

People are spooky capable of changing on a drop of a hat or turning on a dime mentally.
[Image: 4SXW6gC.png]

"What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie? I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky. The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing; Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king."


The biggest story about all of this is the fact that an "institution of higher learning" doesn't condemn or address these acts.  In "educational" institutions the thought, belief or values of certain individuals is "forbidden" and labeled as "hate speech".  This is not only happening in private colleges, it happens in our own public school system.  Any images whether on a student's clothing or personal belongings is considered "hate speech" and can cause a student to be banned or at the very least disciplined.

Consider this hypothetical situation.  Say a student in high school that has perfect grades and just got his/her driver's license shows up to school and parks in the student parking lot.  This student happens to be driving a 4x4 pickup truck that is either flying the Confederate flag or might have stickers on his/her vehicle with a Confederate flag.  He/she happens to be wearing a "MAGA" hat.  It doesn't really matter if this hypothetical student is black or white, what matters is the "message" that he/she might be spreading.  This student would probably be suspended and/or expelled for "hate speech" or "violence".

The Constitution and what it means isn't really taught anymore.  Students are "taught" what to think rather than teaching actual history with the facts and letting them make their own minds up.  That goes from public school all the way up into college.  That's why so many of us label schools nowadays as "indoctrination centers" rather than institutions of learning.  School should be about learning.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.


(07-08-2019, 06:06 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: The biggest story about all of this is the fact that an "institution of higher learning" doesn't condemn or address these acts.  In "educational" institutions the thought, belief or values of certain individuals is "forbidden" and labeled as "hate speech".  This is not only happening in private colleges, it happens in our own public school system.  Any images whether on a student's clothing or personal belongings is considered "hate speech" and can cause a student to be banned or at the very least disciplined.

Consider this hypothetical situation.  Say a student in high school that has perfect grades and just got his/her driver's license shows up to school and parks in the student parking lot.  This student happens to be driving a 4x4 pickup truck that is either flying the Confederate flag or might have stickers on his/her vehicle with a Confederate flag.  He/she happens to be wearing a "MAGA" hat.  It doesn't really matter if this hypothetical student is black or white, what matters is the "message" that he/she might be spreading.  This student would probably be suspended and/or expelled for "hate speech" or "violence".

The Constitution and what it means isn't really taught anymore.  Students are "taught" what to think rather than teaching actual history with the facts and letting them make their own minds up.  That goes from public school all the way up into college.  That's why so many of us label schools nowadays as "indoctrination centers" rather than institutions of learning.  School should be about learning.

I think it was the mid-seventies that the Supreme Court explicitly ruled that public high schools could greatly limit a students' freedom of speech beyond what would be permissible for an agent of the government to do elsewhere.
I don't remember the year, but I do remember the case involved the Miami school system.
My fellow southpaw Mark Brunell will probably always be my favorite Jaguar.

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(07-08-2019, 06:06 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: The biggest story about all of this is the fact that an "institution of higher learning" doesn't condemn or address these acts.  In "educational" institutions the thought, belief or values of certain individuals is "forbidden" and labeled as "hate speech".  This is not only happening in private colleges, it happens in our own public school system.  Any images whether on a student's clothing or personal belongings is considered "hate speech" and can cause a student to be banned or at the very least disciplined.

Consider this hypothetical situation.  Say a student in high school that has perfect grades and just got his/her driver's license shows up to school and parks in the student parking lot.  This student happens to be driving a 4x4 pickup truck that is either flying the Confederate flag or might have stickers on his/her vehicle with a Confederate flag.  He/she happens to be wearing a "MAGA" hat.  It doesn't really matter if this hypothetical student is black or white, what matters is the "message" that he/she might be spreading.  This student would probably be suspended and/or expelled for "hate speech" or "violence".

The Constitution and what it means isn't really taught anymore.  Students are "taught" what to think rather than teaching actual history with the facts and letting them make their own minds up.  That goes from public school all the way up into college.  That's why so many of us label schools nowadays as "indoctrination centers" rather than institutions of learning.  School should be about learning.

They're not just being taught at schools. As a person who grew up in the 80's in a home where politics just wasn't talked about, I thought all kids grew up that way. As an adult I was pretty surprised to learn a lot of kids had parents who basically groomed them to believe in their political party. I see it now with friends. These days it's scary to hear what parents tell their kids.

I'm of the opinion a parent(s) should teach their kids to be kind, moral and productive members of society and the kids should be able to decide for themselves which party to follow when the time comes.


Why would politics be exempt from parental guidance? It's based on your value system. Pointing out how certain policies may go against what you feel are right and wrong should be a staple in the family unit. This is different that using your children as activists (which is becoming increasingly common). 8 year old kids shouldn't be outside with signs that say "God hates [BLEEP]" or twerking in a gay pride parade. I just don't believe they have enough agency to make those decisions.

This is more of a philosophical opinion than a precise refutation of your statement. It's basically an age of consent argument. Parents should teach their kids about the birds and the bees, but shouldn't encourage them to have sex until they are mature enough and have the agency to consent.

(This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 12:02 AM by StroudCrowd1.)

Take 70% of your kids allowance and give it to the neighbors kid who doesn't do any chores. Then let the kid decide what political party he wants to be a part of when he gets a little older.


(07-08-2019, 06:06 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: The biggest story about all of this is the fact that an "institution of higher learning" doesn't condemn or address these acts.  In "educational" institutions the thought, belief or values of certain individuals is "forbidden" and labeled as "hate speech".  This is not only happening in private colleges, it happens in our own public school system.  Any images whether on a student's clothing or personal belongings is considered "hate speech" and can cause a student to be banned or at the very least disciplined.

Consider this hypothetical situation.  Say a student in high school that has perfect grades and just got his/her driver's license shows up to school and parks in the student parking lot.  This student happens to be driving a 4x4 pickup truck that is either flying the Confederate flag or might have stickers on his/her vehicle with a Confederate flag.  He/she happens to be wearing a "MAGA" hat.  It doesn't really matter if this hypothetical student is black or white, what matters is the "message" that he/she might be spreading.  This student would probably be suspended and/or expelled for "hate speech" or "violence".

The Constitution and what it means isn't really taught anymore.  Students are "taught" what to think rather than teaching actual history with the facts and letting them make their own minds up.  That goes from public school all the way up into college.  That's why so many of us label schools nowadays as "indoctrination centers" rather than institutions of learning.  School should be about learning.

A hat would probably be in violation of the dress code. As far as Confederate flags go, that would be a district by district decision. I could see districts going either way on them, probably depending on geography and racial makeup. What you'd get away with in Clay County or Baker County is very different from what you'd get away with in Duval. And if you disagree with the way public schools teach kids, that's what private schools are there for. For the record, I would send kids of my own to a private school.

(07-09-2019, 12:00 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: Take 70% of your kids allowance and give it to the neighbors kid who doesn't do any chores. Then let the kid decide what political party he wants to be a part of when he gets a little older.

If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

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(This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 09:24 AM by StroudCrowd1.)

(07-09-2019, 09:05 AM)TJBender Wrote:
(07-08-2019, 06:06 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: The biggest story about all of this is the fact that an "institution of higher learning" doesn't condemn or address these acts.  In "educational" institutions the thought, belief or values of certain individuals is "forbidden" and labeled as "hate speech".  This is not only happening in private colleges, it happens in our own public school system.  Any images whether on a student's clothing or personal belongings is considered "hate speech" and can cause a student to be banned or at the very least disciplined.

Consider this hypothetical situation.  Say a student in high school that has perfect grades and just got his/her driver's license shows up to school and parks in the student parking lot.  This student happens to be driving a 4x4 pickup truck that is either flying the Confederate flag or might have stickers on his/her vehicle with a Confederate flag.  He/she happens to be wearing a "MAGA" hat.  It doesn't really matter if this hypothetical student is black or white, what matters is the "message" that he/she might be spreading.  This student would probably be suspended and/or expelled for "hate speech" or "violence".

The Constitution and what it means isn't really taught anymore.  Students are "taught" what to think rather than teaching actual history with the facts and letting them make their own minds up.  That goes from public school all the way up into college.  That's why so many of us label schools nowadays as "indoctrination centers" rather than institutions of learning.  School should be about learning.

A hat would probably be in violation of the dress code. As far as Confederate flags go, that would be a district by district decision. I could see districts going either way on them, probably depending on geography and racial makeup. What you'd get away with in Clay County or Baker County is very different from what you'd get away with in Duval. And if you disagree with the way public schools teach kids, that's what private schools are there for. For the record, I would send kids of my own to a private school.

(07-09-2019, 12:00 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: Take 70% of your kids allowance and give it to the neighbors kid who doesn't do any chores. Then let the kid decide what political party he wants to be a part of when he gets a little older.

If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

Please tell me what problem taxing the .01% 70% is going to fix. There isn't enough income there to do anything with. it is just a starting point that will eventually make its way down to the top 10% and eventually the top 20%, but surely never make its way down to whatever percentage are making $174,000 per year.


(07-09-2019, 09:23 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote:
(07-09-2019, 09:05 AM)TJBender Wrote: A hat would probably be in violation of the dress code. As far as Confederate flags go, that would be a district by district decision. I could see districts going either way on them, probably depending on geography and racial makeup. What you'd get away with in Clay County or Baker County is very different from what you'd get away with in Duval. And if you disagree with the way public schools teach kids, that's what private schools are there for. For the record, I would send kids of my own to a private school.

If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

Please tell me what problem taxing the .01% 70% is going to fix. There isn't enough income there to do anything with. it is just a starting point that will eventually make its way down to the top 10% and eventually the top 20%, but surely never make its way down to whatever percentage are making $174,000 per year.

It's just the opening move to get to the Middle Class where all the money really is.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato



(07-09-2019, 09:05 AM)TJBender Wrote: If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

The problem is that it would not work at all.  Since there are myriad ways to shelter high earnings, a 70% tax on earnings over $10M would collect approximately $0 per annum.


(07-09-2019, 09:26 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote:
(07-09-2019, 09:23 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: Please tell me what problem taxing the .01% 70% is going to fix. There isn't enough income there to do anything with. it is just a starting point that will eventually make its way down to the top 10% and eventually the top 20%, but surely never make its way down to whatever percentage are making $174,000 per year.

It's just the opening move to get to the Middle Class where all the money really is.

Exactly. Everybody wants the government deciding what an adequate income is. I think I even heard one of them say nobody should be a billionaire. 

(07-09-2019, 09:30 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote:
(07-09-2019, 09:05 AM)TJBender Wrote: If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

The problem is that it would not work at all.  Since there are myriad ways to shelter high earnings, a 70% tax on earnings over $10M would collect approximately $0 per annum.

True, but the promise of it keeps the mindless base happy.

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(07-09-2019, 09:23 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote:
(07-09-2019, 09:05 AM)TJBender Wrote: A hat would probably be in violation of the dress code. As far as Confederate flags go, that would be a district by district decision. I could see districts going either way on them, probably depending on geography and racial makeup. What you'd get away with in Clay County or Baker County is very different from what you'd get away with in Duval. And if you disagree with the way public schools teach kids, that's what private schools are there for. For the record, I would send kids of my own to a private school.

If your kid is making over $10M a year, they'd have to send 70% of any earnings above that $10M mark to the kid next door, not $10M of all earnings. AOC is an idiot and her tax plan is daft, but let's at least be honest about how it would work, shall we?

Please tell me what problem taxing the .01% 70% is going to fix. There isn't enough income there to do anything with. it is just a starting point that will eventually make its way down to the top 10% and eventually the top 20%, but surely never make its way down to whatever percentage are making $174,000 per year.

I already said the plan was daft and it's not like I've hidden my desire for a straight, flat consumption tax. Under the plan AOC is pimping, income above $10M per year would be taxed at 70%. So if you make $10,000,001 next year, only the $1 above $10M would be taxed at the 70% rate. Stop pretending that the government would take $7M of that.


(07-09-2019, 11:02 AM)TJBender Wrote:
(07-09-2019, 09:23 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: Please tell me what problem taxing the .01% 70% is going to fix. There isn't enough income there to do anything with. it is just a starting point that will eventually make its way down to the top 10% and eventually the top 20%, but surely never make its way down to whatever percentage are making $174,000 per year.

I already said the plan was daft and it's not like I've hidden my desire for a straight, flat consumption tax. Under the plan AOC is pimping, income above $10M per year would be taxed at 70%. So if you make $10,000,001 next year, only the $1 above $10M would be taxed at the 70% rate. Stop pretending that the government would take $7M of that.

Be patient, they'll get to you in a minute.
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato



(07-08-2019, 11:43 PM)Last42min Wrote: Why would politics be exempt from parental guidance? It's based on your value system. Pointing out how certain policies may go against what you feel are right and wrong should be a staple in the family unit. This is different that using your children as activists  (which is becoming increasingly common). 8 year old kids shouldn't be outside with signs that say "God hates [BLEEP]" or twerking in a gay pride parade. I just don't believe they have enough agency to make those decisions.

This is more of a philosophical opinion than a precise refutation of your statement. It's basically an age of consent argument. Parents should teach their kids about the birds and the bees, but shouldn't encourage them to have sex until they are mature enough and have the agency to consent.

This is what I was talking about. I'm seeing more of this with a lot of folks. I've never raised kids so it's never been something I've had to deal with. 

Also, I guess because politics was never discussed and a "side" was never encouraged in my home growing up it's a weird concept to me. Politics and a faith or value system being the same was never on my radar. As more of a constitutional Libertarian I guess that's how some of my personal beliefs are a bit opposite of my political ones. And personal experiences in my 47 years of life have shown me not everything is black and white.

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