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Doug Marrone new Assistant Head Coach/OL coach

Quote:you're assuming any Bills fan here actually wants to have a logical discussion.  looks to me like they are all here just to hate.
Most seems to have been logical on the Bills front here, with a whole lot of name calling from the Jags. Just any information would be nice. Just add to the conversation something rather than just yelling butt hurt and the Bills are a terrible franchise.


In regards to the personell vs. scheme. As HC, he asked for road graters, we got them, didn't work. If they weren't the type he was looking for, why continue to slam a square peg into a round hole. Scheme is important, and certain schemes are what make some coaches very good, but don't you have to blend your scheme with the personell you have, rather than just throw your hands up in the air?


If the scheme doesn't match your personell, you still have 16 weeks of football to play, and in that time, you aren't finding a whole new OL, but you can retrofit your scheme to your roster. Which is the largest criticism of Marrone in Buffalo. His inability to cater to his players strengths. Just ask Spiller.


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Quote:Did Marrone have any of his assistants say in Buffalo or were there any that are expected to follow him?
If you are asking if any assistants stayed..yes two did.

Crossman:  Special Teams 

Henderson: DBs(worked with Rex in Bmore)


Word is plenty of his Assistants were more than pissed he left them in the lurch like he did...none of them another job as of yet


Doug Marrone will be paid $4 mil from the Bills (ouch to all Bills fans whom couldve at least had him as their OLine coach)...

and if the Jaguars are making him asst HC in addition to the Oline coach probably means he is getting paid a lot of money.


(This post was last modified: 01-20-2015, 04:18 PM by badger.)

Quote:Most seems to have been logical on the Bills front here, with a whole lot of name calling from the Jags. Just any information would be nice. Just add to the conversation something rather than just yelling butt hurt and the Bills are a terrible franchise.


In regards to the personell vs. scheme. As HC, he asked for road graters, we got them, didn't work. If they weren't the type he was looking for, why continue to slam a square peg into a round hole. Scheme is important, and certain schemes are what make some coaches very good, but don't you have to blend your scheme with the personell you have, rather than just throw your hands up in the air?


If the scheme doesn't match your personell, you still have 16 weeks of football to play, and in that time, you aren't finding a whole new OL, but you can retrofit your scheme to your roster. Which is the largest criticism of Marrone in Buffalo. His inability to cater to his players strengths. Just ask Spiller.

You're here to make sure we don't get too excited about the hire.  We get it.  You guys can't have people happy about this.  Cant have that.


It's the creepy ex girlfriend syndrome fans get



Quote: Just from the outside looking in, there isn't much talent on the Bills OL.  Put that together with an under performing QB & the injuries you had at RB and all of that will effect the OL play.  


How "hands-on" can a head coach be with a specific position? (serious question, not being snarky).


The Bills gave up 30 sacks in '12,  48 in '13 (Marrone's 1st year) & 39 in '14 -    The Jags gave up 71! 


Just from reading different BIlls sites, he was running a ZBS with the wrong personnel also. 


I wouldn't say im excited about the hire, but I'm not sure I would get excited for any position coach hire.  I think it's an upgrade from our previous coach though.


That's super fair. I'd view it as the same.  I would say your OL has now gone from terrible, to maybe servicable based on coaching alone then. Haha. I was really suprised when I logged on and saw all the positive takes on the hire of St. Doug (that's what he refers to himself as, and I am not joking/neither is he)


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Quote:His schemes did not fit the personnel.


That said, Seantrel Henderson seemed to develop nicely under him.


Questions for Bills fans:


Marrone was offensive coordinator for the Saints from 2006-2008.


1)  If Marrone were anathema to offensive football, why would a revered offensive mind like Sean Payton name him as offensive coordinator?


2)  If Marrone were anathema to offensive football, why would the Saints have a top 5 offense in two of Marrone's three years as offensive coordinator?


3)  If Marrone were so inept, and the team succeeded in spite of him, why did the guy who saved football in Buffalo, Terry Pegulla, try to retain him in his capacity as Head Coach? 


1) Drew Brees

2) Drew Brees

3) Didn't really try to retain him, Doug was under contract. He had an out clause. He took it...wasn't sad to see him go.


Spent too much time with the Oline...not enough time with the rest of the team....even the Oline wasn't good...not much to work with granted...good luck. London just got more fun. See ya's there.  


Quote:That's super fair. I'd view it as the same.  I would say your OL has now gone from terrible, to maybe servicable based on coaching alone then. Haha. I was really suprised when I logged on and saw all the positive takes on the hire of St. Doug (that's what he refers to himself as, and I am not joking/neither is he)

You hired Rex Ryan.  GOOD LUCK



Quote:Most seems to have been logical on the Bills front here, with a whole lot of name calling from the Jags. Just any information would be nice. Just add to the conversation something rather than just yelling butt hurt and the Bills are a terrible franchise.


In regards to the personell vs. scheme. As HC, he asked for road graters, we got them, didn't work. If they weren't the type he was looking for, why continue to slam a square peg into a round hole. Scheme is important, and certain schemes are what make some coaches very good, but don't you have to blend your scheme with the personell you have, rather than just throw your hands up in the air?


If the scheme doesn't match your personell, you still have 16 weeks of football to play, and in that time, you aren't finding a whole new OL, but you can retrofit your scheme to your roster. Which is the largest criticism of Marrone in Buffalo. His inability to cater to his players strengths. Just ask Spiller.
The Bills Offensive scheme under Marrone/Hackett didn't make a lot of sense. Their first season, the wanted to run an up tempo offense. The problem with that is, you can't really do that with road grating behemoths on your OL because they tire out. You really need a smaller, athletic OL for that. They seemed to have figured that out in their 2nd season.


Quote:You're here to make sure we don't get too excited about the hire.  We get it.  You guys can't have people happy about this.  Cant have that.


It's the creepy ex girlfriend syndrome fans get


That's not totally true. I am a huge Donnie Henderson and Joe D. fan. I was happy for SD for getting a great OL coach. I am thankful Henderson is staying. Pepper Johnson did a great job, and I wish no ill towards Schwartzy (although I think he is very good DC, I think he benefited greatly from the roster).  We are all Gaily fans in Buffalo, and hope for his successes. I really like Wade as well.


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Quote:Did you bother to read the article reporting his hiring?
Full disclosure I did not, i admit when I'm wrong and I shouldve read the entire thing first.. my bad.


Quote:This reminds me of the time Buffalo fans came here to tell us all that we shouldn't be happy we got Poz.  Since then he's been the most consistent player on our defense.


So this is good.  These signs are encouraging.
Poz was also consistent with the Bills. He consistently stopped the opposing RBs after they got 5 yards past the LOS.


(This post was last modified: 01-20-2015, 04:32 PM by Bullseye.)

Quote:1) Drew Brees

2) Drew Brees

3) Didn't really try to retain him, Doug was under contract. He had an out clause. He took it...wasn't sad to see him go.


Spent too much time with the Oline...not enough time with the rest of the team....even the Oline wasn't good...not much to work with granted...good luck. London just got more fun. See ya's there.  

1 does not make any sense at all compared to the question asked.


2.  I could attribute Drew Brees to Marrone's success in New Orleans.  In other words, if he has the talent to succeed, he has proven he can succeed.  If you deem the Buffalo offense as less than successful, isn't it possible the lack of success was not necessarily a coaching issue as it was a lack of talent issue?


3.  This is from Bills owner Terry Pegulla on Marrone's departure from Buffalo:



We are disappointed that Coach Marrone will no longer be an important part of our organization. We thank him for all of his hard work and leadership during his tenure and wish him and his family the best with the next chapter in their lives.


Worst to 1st.  Curse Reversed!


Quote:1 does not make any sense at all compared to the question asked.


2.  I could attribute Drew Brees to Marrone's success in New Orleans.  In other words, if he has the talent to succeed, he has proven he can succeed.  If you deem the Buffalo offense as less than successful, isn't it possible the lack of success was not necessarily a coaching issue as it was a lack of talent issue?
Yeah, we're a funny fanbase sometimes. We also used his N.O. experience as a reason to get excited about his hire. He ultimately proved to be the complete opposite of the innovative coach we hoped for. I'm doing my best to pull away from the hate and see him for what he is. If I was a Jags fan, I'd be happy with the hire. But you gotta admit, if your coach took off for a sure HC spot elsewhere and ended up a positional coach, wouldn't you laugh a little?


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Quote:Not a single win in the playoffs since 1993???

That's extremely awful and depressing.

WOW, that's before the Jags were even in the NFL, and I thought the Jags have had it bad for too many seasons now. YIKES.


1993 (Jan '94) was also the last of their 4 super bowl appearances.


How could they not at least win 1 of those 4 straight super bowls? Odds say they should have gotten at least 1 victory, but they defied them and lost all 4, in a row.

I survived the Gus Bradley Error.

Quote:Yeah, we're a funny fanbase sometimes. We also used his N.O. experience as a reason to get excited about his hire. He ultimately proved to be the complete opposite of the innovative coach we hoped for. I'm doing my best to pull away from the hate and see him for what he is. If I was a Jags fan, I'd be happy with the hire. But you gotta admit, if your coach took off for a sure HC spot elsewhere and ended up a positional coach, wouldn't you laugh a little?

If he weren't still getting paid by my team...I might.


If the coach that left helped lead my team to its first winning season in a decade...I might not.


I think you rebounded decently with Rex Ryan.


Your defense should be in good shape.


But I fear he is like his father in that as brilliant as a defensive mind as he is, he is clueless offensively.


Worst to 1st.  Curse Reversed!


Quote:Yeah, we're a funny fanbase sometimes. We also used his N.O. experience as a reason to get excited about his hire. He ultimately proved to be the complete opposite of the innovative coach we hoped for. I'm doing my best to pull away from the hate and see him for what he is. If I was a Jags fan, I'd be happy with the hire. But you gotta admit, if your coach took off for a sure HC spot elsewhere and ended up a positional coach, wouldn't you laugh a little?

Well doesn't that now make 2 HCs that quit on the Bills? Marrone and Mularkey.


What is going on up there in Bills-nation?

I survived the Gus Bradley Error.

Quote:1 does not make any sense at all compared to the question asked.


2.  I could attribute Drew Brees to Marrone's success in New Orleans.  In other words, if he has the talent to succeed, he has proven he can succeed.  If you deem the Buffalo offense as less than successful, isn't it possible the lack of success was not necessarily a coaching issue as it was a lack of talent issue?


3.  This is from Bills owner Terry Pegulla on Marrone's departure from Buffalo:




Sean Peyton could march out anyone at OC with a HOF QB is my point. 


Doug got too conservative with his offense, which is why the Bills look at the 15th year of no playoffs, can afford to be aggressive with a good defense. The opportunities were there...oh well. 


Terry didn't try to retain him...Doug had an out clause and used it. its what it is..


good luck hope it works for yous guys


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Quote:If he weren't still getting paid by my team...I might.


If the coach that left helped lead my team to its first winning season in a decade...I might not.


I think you rebounded decently with Rex Ryan.


Your defense should be in good shape.


But I fear he is like his father in that as brilliant as a defensive mind as he is, he is clueless offensively.
You're nailing what our local sports talk is on about right now. Some of our anger is because we're jealous. The guy gets to walk away, get $4 Mil, and still go work somewhere else and get paid on top of that...with the rep that he helped turn the team around. I can't say I'm jealous, I'm purely coming from an observation point and was really disappointed in his management but yeah, we're known to over react quite often.


It can be pretty exhausting trying to bash Marrone for the reasons we've stated and defend Rex against what everyone else is saying, haha! Who really knows?


(This post was last modified: 01-20-2015, 04:46 PM by Bullseye.)

Quote:Sean Peyton could march out anyone at OC with a HOF QB is my point. 


Doug got too conservative with his offense, which is why the Bills look at the 15th year of no playoffs, can afford to be aggressive with a good defense. The opportunities were there...oh well. 


Terry didn't try to retain him...Doug had an out clause and used it. its what it is..


good luck hope it works for yous guys

Perhaps...but he hired Marrone as OC before he signed Brees as a free agent.


Why would he do that if he didn't respect Marrone's coaching ability?




Worst to 1st.  Curse Reversed!


Quote:You're nailing what our local sports talk is on about right now. Some of our anger is because we're jealous. The guy gets to walk away, get $4 Mil, and still go work somewhere else and get paid on top of that...with the rep that he helped turn the team around. I can't say I'm jealous, I'm purely coming from an observation point and was really disappointed in his management but yeah, we're known to over react quite often.


It can be pretty exhausting trying to bash Marrone for the reasons we've stated and defend Rex against what everyone else is saying, haha! Who really knows?

 I guess the bottom line is, who would you rather have as HC, Doug or Rex?


Rex is a lot of fun when he is winning.


Like usual, it will play itself out over the next several seasons, but I figure Rex has to at least get the Bills to a winning season, to be considered a good start.


He will have to find a QB out there some where for that to happen though.

I survived the Gus Bradley Error.

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