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9th Grader arrested for bringing clock to school that looks like bomb


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lol. Is Drifter out sick today?

The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.


Quote:lol. Is Drifter out sick today?



I could see how, based upon the kid's description, the clock could have raised suspicions, but a thirty-second examination of it would have pretty quickly revealed that it was just that, a clock. It's not racism, imo, it's just yet another byproduct of this nation's idiotic, "If you see something, say something," garbage.



Quote:I could see how, based upon the kid's description, the clock could have raised suspicions, but a thirty-second examination of it would have pretty quickly revealed that it was just that, a clock. It's not racism, imo, it's just yet another byproduct of this nation's idiotic, "If you see something, say something," garbage.

I doubt it was racially motivated. But yeah to add on to your comment the zero tolerance policy is an issue as well.

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Quote:lol. Is Drifter out sick today?


No, I just had a lot of work and appointments this morning.....


I just got back 2 Grateful Dead songs ago (Studio not live lol)

[Image: review.jpg]


Quote:I just got back 2 Grateful Dead songs ago (Studio not live lol)
So that explains your posts... Wink



And of course the letter sent home:


I was wrong about Trent Baalke. 


Quote:And of course the letter sent home:



I mean, wow. And people wonder why the post-9/11 generation is a bunch of sissies afraid to stand up for themselves. Xenu forbid they tell off a government official or stand up for themselves against a cop. Everyone knows that if you have nothing to hide, you have no reason not to cooperate, right?


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Quote:And of course the letter sent home:

This school is stifling innovation!!!!


Seriously though, this could have a very negative effect on the kid who just wanted to create something. Hopefully he doesn't let this event stop him from what he enjoys doing. 



I feel like a 9th grader because I chuckled at the principals name 



Quote:This school is stifling innovation!!!!


Seriously though, this could have a very negative effect on the kid who just wanted to create something. Hopefully he doesn't let this event stop him from what he enjoys doing. 
If he's building digital clocks from scratch in high school, he's got a long and productive career in engineering ahead of him. I mean, how many aspiring engineers get to tell the story in interviews about how they built a digital clock from scratch and were suspended for it?



Quote:If he's building digital clocks from scratch in high school, he's got a long and productive career in engineering ahead of him. I mean, how many aspiring engineers get to tell the story in interviews about how they built a digital clock from scratch and were suspended for it?

It's a step up from the Lego I was playing with at his age. 


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Common sense tells you just to look it over and then pat the kid on the back for building a clock from scratch. We used to build all sorts of stuff for school that I am sure would be considered "dangerous" now.



Quote:Common sense tells you just to look it over and then pat the kid on the back for building a clock from scratch. We used to build all sorts of stuff for school that I am sure would be considered "dangerous" now.
I remember all the boys bringing toy guns to school. Back then, the pistols in particular were generally made of die-cast metal and, aside from the red ring on the nose (which was easily removed) looked pretty real. We'd run around the playground during recess having gunfights. As long as we weren't using caps in the guns, teachers did not care.



And the school district just got the ultimate smackdown from the highest level: President Obama has invited Ahmed Mohamed, the clock's creator, to the White House.


Take that, school district.



Quote:And of course the letter sent home:


There ladies and gentleman is a really good example of your tax dollars at work being wasted.


I was going to post this story when I first saw it.  A few thoughts regarding this.


Rather than reward this kid for doing something useful and productive as a hobby, he is punished.  I am involved a lot with the Open Source community, and I'm always amazed at how some of these children can actually THINK and use their brains.


A couple of different articles that I saw regarding this story said that police saw no danger associated with his project.  If that is the case, then why was he led away in handcuffs, taken to juvenile detention, fingerprinted and suspended from school?


Some of the articles that I saw regarding this bring up the fact that the kid is Muslim and that it's a race issue.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Quote:I feel like a 9th grader because I chuckled at the principals name 

LOL.  I went back to the link and got a chuckle myself, and 9th grade for me was many, many years ago.   :yes:

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.



There ladies and gentleman is a really good example of your tax dollars at work being wasted.


I was going to post this story when I first saw it.  A few thoughts regarding this.


Rather than reward this kid for doing something useful and productive as a hobby, he is punished.  I am involved a lot with the Open Source community, and I'm always amazed at how some of these children can actually THINK and use their brains.


A couple of different articles that I saw regarding this story said that police saw no danger associated with his project.  If that is the case, then why was he led away in handcuffs, taken to juvenile detention, fingerprinted and suspended from school?


Some of the articles that I saw regarding this bring up the fact that the kid is Muslim and that it's a race issue.
It's easy picking in this day and age. 



Quote:And the school district just got the ultimate smackdown from the highest level: President Obama has invited Ahmed Mohamed, the clock's creator, to the White House.


Take that, school district.
Got an invite from Zuckerburg as well. I have a feeling this kid will have a scholarship before this is all said and done. 


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