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Ode to "let's talk about" ll

Hope the Mrs. is okay Rico!!
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???

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(This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 02:01 PM by RicoTx.)

(12-26-2017, 01:11 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: WOW! 

Hope she recovers well, and tell her to take it easy!

Me telling her and her actually doing it are two completely different things.  

That's why I'm going to work out of the house next week after she has her surgery (for something else), so I can monitor her.
[Image: IMG-2758.jpg]

Anyone surprised that JW didn't create a new account by now? Is she gone for good?

Hmm...I made a post on here just like an hour ago asking about JW and it got deleted.

Can I get an explanation for this mods?

(12-26-2017, 12:21 PM)Rico Wrote: So I had an interesting Christmas Eve.  About 3:00 in the morning I hear my wife get up to let the dogs out.  A few minutes later I hear some pained groaning from my wife as she's leaning over a chair in the bedroom.  She said that her back was so sore that she didn't think she could make it into the bed, and we needed to go to the ER.  Now, obviously most of you don't know my wife, but if she says that she has to go to the ER there is something really wrong.  

So I go over to try to help her get into bed while I get dressed, and she passes out and I have to catch her.  I literally had to drag her into the bed.  It turns out that her blood sugar had dropped (she's type 2 diabetic).  But it really freaked me out because she was totally out of it.  Couldn't answer my questions and was talking incoherently.  She finally gathered her sense enough to start talking to me and she told me that she though I should call the paramedics.  In the meantime, I got her meds to her as she dictated exactly how many of each pill to get.  About the time the paramedics arrived, she seemed to have perked up (as far as being coherent), which made me feel a lot better.  Granted her back still hurt like hell, but it really freaked me out when she passed out and started talking gibberish.

The paramedics were pretty cool.  Took her vitals and made sure she was OK.  Then they asked her if she thought she could ride in the car to go to the hospital (because patient transport would be pretty expensive), which I thought was pretty cool.  They put her on the gurney to take her out to the car, and my Golden Retriever starts having a hissy-fit because she didn't like the looks of her mommy on that thing.  So I had to get her outside, which wasn't easy because she doesn't wear a collar when she's in the house.

They got my wife in the car and we went to the hospital.  We were there about four hours.  They said that she pulled a muscle in her back (fortunately nothing spinal) and it was going into spasms.  To complicate matters, they couldn't give her anything that would thin her blood because she has a surgery scheduled on Thursday.  So she was pretty much relegated to Tylenol for pain.  They were able to give her flexeryl for the muscle spasms and we got some lydocaine patches to put on her back.  She looked awful on Sunday, barely shuffling around.  Was better on Monday but still getting occasional spasms.  Same this morning.  I was hesitant to come to work because I am 100% sure that she's going to be doing stuff she shouldn't be doing, while I'm here.  As a matter of fact, she hasn't answered a single text since I've been here so I'm sure she's outside doing something.  I had to stop her more than once on Sunday and Monday.

So that was my Christmas Eve and Christmas story.  It was different anyway.

So was the spasm and the low blood sugar totally unrelated?

When I attend patients with both of those things happening at the same time, I suspect Diabetic Ketoacidosis which is relatively common and usually treated by IV insulin.

Hey, at least it's a Christmas to remember!

I'm glad to hear she is recovering!
[Image: 5S5POfa.jpg]

80% of what I talk about is nonesense.. the other 25% is made up statistics...


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Two separate issues.
[Image: IMG-2758.jpg]

(12-28-2017, 05:32 PM)Rico Wrote: Two separate issues.

Surgery go okay today?
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???

(12-28-2017, 05:32 PM)Rico Wrote: Two separate issues.

I see, I hope she's getting well.
[Image: 5S5POfa.jpg]

80% of what I talk about is nonesense.. the other 25% is made up statistics...


(12-28-2017, 06:24 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote:
(12-28-2017, 05:32 PM)Rico Wrote: Two separate issues.

Surgery go okay today?

Yep.  She's doing well.  Came home after an overnight stay at Baptist South.  Actually was there less than 24 hours.  She'll need to be inactive for a couple of weeks which I think will be more painful for her than her post-op discomfort.
[Image: IMG-2758.jpg]

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Can I get a good reasoning for why my post about JW was deleted twice? It was merely a question and I think I deserve an answer. It was harmless just asking if anyone was surprised she didn't make another account. There was nothing wrong with my post and I even put it in the proper topic.


My post on here has now got deleted a third time. Can I get a reasoning from someone besides no one saying anything? I would appreciate it, thanks!

Got the firepit cranking. Going to watch the game outside tonight.
[Image: IMG-2758.jpg]

(12-31-2017, 05:07 PM)Rico Wrote: Got the firepit cranking.  Going to watch the game outside tonight.

What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???

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(12-29-2017, 07:26 PM)Brett Wrote: Can I get a good reasoning for why my post about JW was deleted twice? It was merely a question and I think I deserve an answer. It was harmless just asking if anyone was surprised she didn't make another account. There was nothing wrong with my post and I even put it in the proper topic.


I think that's a not-so-subtle hint to just let it go. She's gone, thank god.

(12-31-2017, 05:17 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote:
(12-31-2017, 05:07 PM)Rico Wrote: Got the firepit cranking.  Going to watch the game outside tonight.


It's nearly 55 degrees! He's gonna freeze to death! DON'T DO IT RICO!

(12-31-2017, 06:02 PM)DragonFury Wrote:
(12-31-2017, 05:17 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: Why???

It's nearly 55 degrees! He's gonna freeze to death! DON'T DO IT RICO!

Exactly!!  Ninja
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is agoin' on here???

I just saw a live report from a third string reporter for First Coast News from the Landing. It was a sparse gathering of gap-toothed homeless people dancing drunkenly. Could that TV station really do no better?

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(01-01-2018, 12:09 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: I just saw a live report from a third string reporter for First Coast News from the Landing. It was a sparse gathering of gap-toothed homeless people dancing drunkenly. Could that TV station really do no better?

Why would a normal Saturday night at The Landing be newsworthy?
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato


(12-31-2017, 06:02 PM)DragonFury Wrote:
(12-31-2017, 05:17 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: Why???

It's nearly 55 degrees! He's gonna freeze to death! DON'T DO IT RICO!

Lol! You're so funny!

I survived the horrid 49 degree conditions. The game sucked. But the firepit, booze, and snacks were great.
[Image: IMG-2758.jpg]

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