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For every new regulation, two must be revoked


Quote:This idea is so fundamentally stupid... so naturally conservatives will love it.  
Since you are popping in to throw your IQ around, enlighten. 

[Image: Ben-Roethlisberger_Lerentee-McCary-Sack_...ayoffs.jpg]

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Quote:So... deregulation wasn't the primary contributor to the housing crisis? No oversight into the lending process whatsoever was good for America?

All I'm asking for is a simple response and I get deflection.

No it wasn't.  There are a number of factors that lead up to the housing prices including regulation/deregulation, but that wasn't really the primary cause.


Here is an article from the New York Times that describes Fannie Mae's involvement.


Here is a report from the FCIC regarding what the actual cause was.


Here is a Wikipedia article that deals with just government policies having to do with the housing crisis. (More specifically the sub-prime mortgage crisis).

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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