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(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 07:31 AM by Caldrac.)

The funny thing about all of this is that in an effort to erase history that was embroiled with bigotry and racism we in turn see people resorting to bigotry, racism and reverse racism as a coping or defense mechanism to justify erasing it or preserving it.

History repeating itself as usual. The one thing that I have seen lately though floating around on social media from this weekend is this meme comparing the Jim Crow era and its laws to today's current affairs in 2017. And it was one of those pause in your tracks and say it out loud "Are you out of your [BLEEP] mind!?!" moments for myself personally.

I am not saying racism and unfair treatment doesn't exist today when it comes to the minority in the USA today. But, to compare what the racist bigots did brazenly during those times in contrast to today's gentle little snowflakes. It's beyond asinine. Our country isn't perfect. But it's come a very, very, very long way from it's darker roots and days of segregation and pre segregation.

I can't stress this enough. I've said before that I am not a leaning leftist or rightist. I try to see both sides of the arguments here. The one thing you cannot argue with is our 1st amendment. I don't care what your beliefs are. I don't care what your skin color is. I don't care what your gender is. I don't care what your sexual orientation is.

But, that amendment is in place to allow everybody as Americans to have the proper freedom of speech we are entitled to. To allow everyone to have a say at varying levels over varying subjects or issues. No matter how mundane or complex that may be.

You have both sides wanting everyone on the opposing sides to shut their pie holes. At this rate. Where do we draw the line in the sand if we can't do this peacefully? Because if we keep it up. You might get what you asked for. Where your speech is severely limited. Or your speech is possible but not without severe punishment or consequences.

People on both sides really need to think about that. I hope I never see that happen. But if we keep at it you're only giving Big Brother the excuses and fuel it needs to intervene since nobody can apparently play house nicely and peacefully anymore.
[Image: 4SXW6gC.png]

"What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie? I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky. The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing; Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king."

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The most shocking video I saw of this whole sad event was when a group of Alt Right agitators attempted to break through a human wall of riot police holding out shields in front of them.

These guys literally formed a scrum and were trying to push through the line. And the cops did absolutely nothing. They just stood their ground. Talk about white privilege. There was no tear gas fired. No mace. No billy clubs pulled or rubber bullets fired. At least a dozen guys clearly placing hands on officers and not a one arrested for assault on an officer. One was wearing khakis and a navy blue blazer. If he was black in a hoodie, he would have been hospitalized. I was beyond shocked.
Only a chump boos the home team!


KKK = Democrats
BLM = Democrats
Nazi = Socialists


This whole affair is as shocking as the alt_left guy who attempted a mass assassination of lawmakers on a baseball field.

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 10:49 AM by Byron LeftTown.)

It's not the same car.  Paint is different, stripes are different, the tint along the top of the windshield is different.  

[Image: w6w5it]

No moon roof, no airbag deployed:

[Image: PA8Mdq]

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(08-15-2017, 09:49 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: KKK = Democrats
BLM = Democrats
Nazi = Socialists

BLM I'll give you, but the Nazis were about as socialist as Gilgamesh, and you'll have to explain how a Klan that's openly supportive of Trump is made up of Democrats.


(08-14-2017, 06:39 PM)jagibelieve Wrote:
(08-14-2017, 06:10 PM)TJBender Wrote: The idea of removing a statue because it's "offensive" is no less repugnant than naming a school after the founder of the KKK as a reaction to the Civil Rights movement. That said, and even if we put the idea of being "offended" aside (we should), Confederate generals, officials, soldiers, they're all traitors. They all spent four years committing high treason against the United States. Their monuments and the flags that represent them should be removed from public land and donated to private museums, memorials, places where they can go to be teaching tools instead of government-sanctioned methods of honoring traitors.

Again I ask.  Where does it stop?  We have renamed some schools here in Jacksonville because the name of the school was deemed "offensive".  I can somewhat agree with that, though I don't totally buy it.  RJ was correct in the fact that new schools were built and named after Confederate Generals or other figures as a result of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950's and 60's.

My question is this though.  Why is the name of said schools all of the sudden "offensive" 4 decades+ later?  Why rename the schools after all this time?  Are they not a part of the city's history?

How long have these Confederate statues and monuments stood?  Why is it that they are somehow all of the sudden "offensive" and need to be removed?  As far as The Confederate Generals, officials, soldiers they were exorcising their right under the Declaration of Independence at the time.  They never committed "high treason" against the United States.  As a refresher, take a look at this bit.

Quote:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

The Confederacy was simply following the Declaration of Independence.

Putting that argument aside though, where does it end?  Should the Hart Bridge be renamed?  Should the city be renamed?  Should the river be renamed since it does have ties to Catholicism?

Where does the madness and PC stuff stop?

Perhaps people should be more focused on teaching their children about the history of this nation, both good and bad, and less on trying to erase it all together because they find it offensive?  The best way to learn from our many mistakes isn't to erase them from history. It's to teach our kids about them so that they aren't repeated. By trying to wash them away like this, we're not doing future generations any favors. But, we're pandering to the politically correct crowd, so they've got momentary satisfaction....until they can find the next thing to be offended about. It never ends.

We're already on the slippery slope, so the suggestions you make above, as absurd as they sound right now, no doubt they'll be in the cross hairs of our easily offended snowflakes in the near future.  Look for St Augustine to be ground zero for the eradication of any religious symbolism.  You've got a major Catholic presence there with the Basilica and the Mission Nombre de Dios representing major anchors in the community.  These must be dealt with because they no doubt offend a broad swath of the progressive community.
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=59]


(08-15-2017, 11:02 AM)TJBender Wrote:
(08-15-2017, 09:49 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: KKK = Democrats
BLM = Democrats
Nazi = Socialists

BLM I'll give you, but the Nazis were about as socialist as Gilgamesh, and you'll have to explain how a Klan that's openly supportive of Trump is made up of Democrats.

Look up the history of the Klan.  As far as them being openly supportive of Trump, some of their prominent members were, but how does that tie back to Trump exactly?  It's not like he went out and solicited the support of guys like David Duke.  Quite the opposite.  There were also Klan leaders who supported Clinton in the election.  So, even among the pointy hooded sect, there's some diversity.  Of course, the media won't actually report on the KKK leaders who endorsed Clinton, but that's not really surprising.  The Klan was founded by, and predominately run by democrats.  This was their enforcement arm throughout the civil rights movement.  Prominent elected officials like Robert Byrd, the dead senator from West Virgina who is revered by democrats, was also a prominent leader in the KKK.  

As far as Nazis go, yes, the were absolutely socialists.  They advocated for a strong, unquestioned centralized government.  Hell, SOCIALIST was in their party name (National Socialist German Workers Party).  Not like they were trying to hide it.  Bernie Sanders supporters would embrace the Nazi agenda if it wasn't for the whole jack booted aspect of the party.

They wanted to nationalize corporations.  They wanted to expand their social welfare programs.  They demanded profit sharing in large corporations.  They wanted the government to snap up private property for public use.  They wanted to nationalize education and make it free to all.  Their platform reads like a Bernie Sanders rally for the most part.
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=59]


(08-15-2017, 10:27 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: This whole affair is as shocking as the alt_left guy who attempted a mass assassination of lawmakers on a baseball field.

Yes, it was, which is really the point.  There are lunatics on both sides of the aisle.  That doesn't make an entire political viewpoint responsible for the acts of the deranged.  I don't recall hearing CNN or other left wing media outlets blaming the democrats for the shooting, but they sure as heck wanted to pin this on the republicans for the incident in Charlottesville.  No agenda pumping there, I'm sure.

I read something yesterday indicating the driver of the car in Charlottesville was a diagnosed, medicated schizophrenic.  He was diagnosed as a child.  That tidbit hasn't really been something CNN and their ilk are pushing as a prominent narrative because it's not going to get them the ratings to point out that this guy was nuts to begin with.
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=59]

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(08-15-2017, 10:27 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: This whole affair is as shocking as the alt_left guy who attempted a mass assassination of lawmakers on a baseball field.

I didn't see this picture.  I did see the picture of the Antifa memebers dressed what appeared to be riot gears with helmets and billy clubs appearing ready to go to war.

Lets not act like either side here was entirely innocent.  There were some on the right that are racist idiots and if they were ignored would have gone home after the weekend with no fan fare.  Instead everyone decided to give them attention and this happened.  There are too many people on both sides that are more than happy to create drama and stir things up.





I wonder how many leftists think the cure for racism is violent actions?

I wonder how many righties think the cure for progressive lifestyle choices is violent actions..

I wonder how many of the far left and far right folks realize they are domestic terrorists...

And I wonder how many of you posters don't realize how aligned you are with them...

Here's a thought. You can't cure hate. No matter how many flags or statues you get rid of, those pieces of history will not change a group of people's idiotic way of thinking. No matter how many rules or regulations your big dumb government can create... it won't get rid of hate/racism/bigotry..

You can't cure it with 'love' either. Sorry... We really should start thinking more inclusively... realize that not everyone wants to be centered or like everyone else...
some people will always hate someone else just because they are jewish, white, black, native american, racist, misogynistic, muslim, republican, democrat, etc etc etc

Anyone who thinks the world will EVER be rid of all the bad is stupid or at the very least extremely naive.

So my suggestion is... you don't like someone, don't be around them. You don't like what they say ("hate speech") don't listen....
You have the option to turn away, turn off, ignore.... be the better person.

You can't have freedom of speech for Kaepernick but not freedom of speech for the Klan... or freedom of speech for Pro-Life groups... but limit the Pro-choice groups...
sorry... that's idiotic.

People that seek out people expressing their views to be met with violence and anti-speech views are backwards [BLEEP] thinking folks. Solve nothing...
And I'd say the majority of Americans fall into one category or the other... Too extreme.. It takes all kinds of kinds to go around.
You can be a racist, bigot, [BLEEP]-hat who thinks there is a 3 headed spaghetti monster for a God... Not my problem...
Just don't come on my lawn, stay out of the street so I can get to work while you protest, and don't hurt others.

The rioting to prove a point only proves you are weak. No matter what side you're on.
Oh... and blaming someone for something they didn't do is stupid. More stupid than stupid.

It isn't Trump's fault this crap happened..
This crap has been going on since forever... stupid people expressing themselves in stupid ways... and it gets out of control and our local PDs are caught in the middle of a bunch of idiots whose mamas didn't raise them right...



(08-15-2017, 11:02 AM)TJBender Wrote:
(08-15-2017, 09:49 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: KKK = Democrats
BLM = Democrats
Nazi = Socialists

BLM I'll give you, but the Nazis were about as socialist as Gilgamesh, and you'll have to explain how a Klan that's openly supportive of Trump is made up of Democrats.


"After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism."

[font=sans-serif]"But we National Socialists wish precisely to attract all socialists, even the Communists; we wish to win them over from their international camp to the national one."[/font]

[font=sans-serif]"[font=sans-serif]The party is all-embracing. It rules our lives in all their breadth and depth… There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism… Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers."[/font][/font]
“An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.”. - Plato



KKK used to be a racist Democrat terror organization, now they are mostly federal agents and a few idiots.

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(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 02:03 PM by Dakota.)

Here is a question for minorities, and all people who want these artifacts removed, and I ask this in earnest. What do you hope to accomplish by having these things taken down? What problems in minority communities will be fixed by doing this? Will the crime go away? Will the rampant drug problems suddenly disappear? To me, that is the real issue here. Slavery is a thing of the past, save the underground illegal operations. Furthermore, a large percentage of minorities who live in poverty in this country still have it better than they do back where they came from. Now that's real poverty. Living in mud huts or shanties. No electricity or any of the modern things that we as Americans take for granted on a daily basis. So, what will removing these things accomplish?

I really want to know.

PS: for the record, I don't care either way whether they stay or go. I do know this though. Removing those things will cost money. Wouldn't that money be better spent on the community? That's the only thing that sways my opinion to leaving them alone.
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.




Looking at Brennan Gilmore, the guy on the scene who took the original video of the car hitting the crowd.  He appeared on MSNBC the night of the crash.  He is a State Department employee, as reported in the the NY Times, but now the article has been changed and all references to his employer removed.  Yesterday the State Department removed all mention of Brennan Gilmore. 

Mr. Gilmore was also Chief of Staff on the Tom Perrielo for Governor (of Virginia) campaign, which received $380,000 from George Soros. 

Is there anybody involved in this thing, including the BLM and Antifa counter-protestors, who DIDN'T get a check from Soros?  Even the event organizer turns out to be a lefty involved with the Occupy protests.


(08-14-2017, 03:05 PM).The Drifter Wrote:
(08-14-2017, 02:35 PM)rollerjag Wrote: General Lee was a traitor and a slave owner, a larger than life statue honoring him at a state university is not appropriate.

Lee was NOT a slave owner, now Union General Grant was, and he didn't free them until after the constitution was changed.

As for being a traitor, Wrong again, he was loyal to His Home State of Virginia, and the South Didn't want to take over the entire USA, they just wanted to seccede and form their own little chuck of the earth. It was The Union Forces that invaded the south

Re-read your history

Read history, not just your own. His wife inherited her father's plantation, including slaves. Her father's will stipulated they be emancipated unless they were needed, but at any rate after 5 years. Lee did not free them until he was compelled by a judge's decree. During those 5 years he treated the slaves more cruelly than his father-in-law, rupturing families by sending family members off to neighboring plantations. When two slaves escaped and were captured, he ordered them whipped and their wounds washed with brine. Source

The myth of Robert E. Lee as a kindly, benevolent man only loyal to his beloved Virginia is horse [BLEEP]. He believed slavery was a necessary evil, a benevolent Christian duty owed to black people.
If something can corrupt you, you're corrupted already.
- Bob Marley

[Image: kiWL4mF.jpg]


They even cried because The Dukes of Hazard car had the Rebel Flag on it HAHAHA

So sad its funny.. Where does this idiocy end?
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

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(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 06:44 PM by TJBender.)

(08-15-2017, 06:31 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: They even cried because The Dukes of Hazard car had the Rebel Flag on it HAHAHA

So sad its funny.. Where does this idiocy end?

Hopefully when Trump is driven from office and Mike Pence restores dignity to the Presidency.


(08-15-2017, 06:42 PM)TJBender Wrote:
(08-15-2017, 06:31 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: They even cried because The Dukes of Hazard car had the Rebel Flag on it HAHAHA

So sad its funny.. Where does this idiocy end?

Hopefully when Trump is driven from office and Mike Pence restores dignity to the Presidency.

Yeah you're right.. It's all Trump.. Worst president ever.. He even stole The Dukes of Hazard from the TV.. Has nothing to do with worthless garbage liberals who can't handle the adversity that their failure of candidate just couldn't win. Not at all...
[Image: SaKG4.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2017, 07:07 PM by TJBender.)

(08-15-2017, 07:00 PM)WingerDinger Wrote:
(08-15-2017, 06:42 PM)TJBender Wrote: Hopefully when Trump is driven from office and Mike Pence restores dignity to the Presidency.

Yeah you're right.. It's all Trump.. Worst president ever.. He even stole The Dukes of Hazard from the TV.. Has nothing to do with worthless garbage liberals who can't handle the adversity that their failure of candidate just couldn't win. Not at all...

It's not Clinton or Sanders standing behind a podium loudly defending skinheads, neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.

I mean, all he was missing today was a sharp rebuke to those uppity negroes to know their place in society.

The sooner Trump goes and Pence takes over, the faster these white supremacist groups shrivel back into their dusty little trailers.

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