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You guys defending this are disgusting lol.
"A man with no sauce is lost.

<p style="text-align:center;">But that same man can get lost in the sauce."

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(08-17-2017, 12:06 PM)Vino Wrote: You guys defending this are disgusting lol.

Defending what?  The deaths in Charlottesville?  Who is doing that?
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=59]

(This post was last modified: 08-17-2017, 12:22 PM by Vino.)

(08-17-2017, 11:09 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: A clear photo of the Challenger being attacked:

[Image: XUwfB5]

(08-17-2017, 12:08 PM)FBT Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 12:06 PM)Vino Wrote: You guys defending this are disgusting lol.

Defending what?  The deaths in Charlottesville?  Who is doing that?

So what is the above post doing?

(08-17-2017, 12:00 PM)FBT Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 11:25 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: It's tough being an old, while male southerner these days, isn't it? History is catching up to you, and you don't like it.

But hey, the post Confederacy had a good run. 165+ years is nothing to sneeze at. But all things must pass.

I find great humor in people bemoaning the removal of statues that until two days ago they didn't know existed.  Those of you in Duval County go down to Hemming Park and gaze upon the Confederate Soldier all the time? Didn't think so. Would you know if it was removed last week? Didn't think so.

It doesn't bother you that a lot of this love of the Confederacy was in direct reaction to Brown v. Board of Education? I went to school in Duval County - grades 1-12 - and never had a black kid in any class. Duval fought integration tooth and nail. That's the history you're trying to preserve?

Come Senators, Congressmen
Please head the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't citicize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
And your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changin'.

Don't worry, FBT. You and the boys at the country club, as well as Stroud and Winger and Drifter and Dakota and Richard Spencer and David Duke and all associated fellow travelers will get through this. It just won't have the outcome you wish. You thought with Trump you had a chance to string it out a little longer - but the little tin god you chose to support turned out to be a petulant man-child who puts his personal grievances before any agenda. And he's a terrible politician who is alienating everyone except a few true believers.

So, put on your Sean Hannity Truth Deflectors and hunker down. You'll always have Byron LeftTown's trolling posts to amuse you.

You know absolutely nothing about me, yet you feel compelled to link me with people like Richard Spencer or David Duke?  You're nothing but the typical liberal who needs to demonize those who don't agree with you.  Pretty pathetic, but also pretty much the standard tactic these days. 

My opposition to this effort to dismantle visible representations of history, regardless of the intention of their being built or erected in the first place, comes from the fact that I think it starts us down a slippery slope that you and the rest of the leftist snowflakes want this country to go down so that you can truly eradicate anything you find offensive from the public view.  

It's Confederate monuments today (which I couldn't care less about), tomorrow it's the founding fathers, then you're going after religious or any other straw man institution or symbol that you can find to claim you're offended over because anything you oppose must be destroyed or erased.  One thing is certain.  You don't want a two way dialogue.  You don't want to be rational.  You just want things gone and a safe space where you can go to avoid being offended by reality.  That's how the modern "progressive" thinks these days.  Anyone who opposes them has to be labeled and ultimately eliminated before they damage your precious psyche.  Well, right back at ya snowflake.
This is always the excuse people use to justify keeping up statues of traitorous racists. "Heritage", "free speech". Considering this country was built on a foundation of racism and white men making all decisions, maybe all that should be torn down and made anew, ever think of that? The country is far different not than it was nearly 300 years ago when it was founded. Moving on from the past is not destroying the country, it's called progression. As a black man, I could care less if the statues of men who owned slaves and viewed women like objects and fought to oppress every other demographic other than wealthy white men get torn down. Even with all that said, none of the boogieman schtick you're going with is going to happen anytime soon just because they're removing confederate statues. Deal with it.
"A man with no sauce is lost.

<p style="text-align:center;">But that same man can get lost in the sauce."

I'm not defending the driver; neither am I convicting the driver.  I am attempting to gather evidence and facts.  YouTube keeps deleting videos which show the Challenger being attacked before the driver accelerated.  They are suppressing evidence.  I believe under Virginia law it is lawful to flee if your vehicle is being attacked, so the attack on the vehicle is key evidence.

Here is recently posted video of the car "escaping":

This is all idiotic driven agenda. Pretending like war monuments are driving or extending racism is just stupid. Most of these protesters had zero ideas that these monuments existed. I wonder if any of them realize these are based on federally recognized (U.S. Code 38) war veterans also? In any case, while many of the countries leaders had questionable pasts by today's standards, it is what is and there is a thing called progression. Do we tear down or destroy everything with a link to a questionable past? (Indian War and Mexican-American War to name a few) Heck, the United States exists based on a questionable and treasonous past. We should be Brittish! Meh, it's all cherry picked stupidity to further drive a wedge between not only races but eventually the government and the people. Sadly, this may just be the beginning.

Fun fact: Free blacks in the Confederacy outnumbered those in the Union! They even fought for their side during the civil war (
[Image: Ben-Roethlisberger_Lerentee-McCary-Sack_...ayoffs.jpg]

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(This post was last modified: 08-17-2017, 01:19 PM by Adam2012.)

(08-17-2017, 11:31 AM)The Drifter Wrote: Adam2012, you got a helluva nerve associating me and others with David Duke and Richard Spencer ....
I have not seen any racist remarks here....
It's about heritage not hate.......
Those fringe groups stole our symbols and use them for their own neferious purposes......

How does it feel?

Is this where I use one of the Right's favorite buzz words - snowflake?

You post all kinds of things. You say all kinds of things. You imply all kinds of things. And your feelings are hurt?

How does it feel?

(08-17-2017, 12:00 PM)FBT Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 11:25 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: It's tough being an old, while male southerner these days, isn't it? History is catching up to you, and you don't like it.

But hey, the post Confederacy had a good run. 165+ years is nothing to sneeze at. But all things must pass.

I find great humor in people bemoaning the removal of statues that until two days ago they didn't know existed.  Those of you in Duval County go down to Hemming Park and gaze upon the Confederate Soldier all the time? Didn't think so. Would you know if it was removed last week? Didn't think so.

It doesn't bother you that a lot of this love of the Confederacy was in direct reaction to Brown v. Board of Education? I went to school in Duval County - grades 1-12 - and never had a black kid in any class. Duval fought integration tooth and nail. That's the history you're trying to preserve?

Come Senators, Congressmen
Please head the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't citicize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
And your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changin'.

Don't worry, FBT. You and the boys at the country club, as well as Stroud and Winger and Drifter and Dakota and Richard Spencer and David Duke and all associated fellow travelers will get through this. It just won't have the outcome you wish. You thought with Trump you had a chance to string it out a little longer - but the little tin god you chose to support turned out to be a petulant man-child who puts his personal grievances before any agenda. And he's a terrible politician who is alienating everyone except a few true believers.

So, put on your Sean Hannity Truth Deflectors and hunker down. You'll always have Byron LeftTown's trolling posts to amuse you.

You know absolutely nothing about me, yet you feel compelled to link me with people like Richard Spencer or David Duke?  You're nothing but the typical liberal who needs to demonize those who don't agree with you.  Pretty pathetic, but also pretty much the standard tactic these days. 

My opposition to this effort to dismantle visible representations of history, regardless of the intention of their being built or erected in the first place, comes from the fact that I think it starts us down a slippery slope that you and the rest of the leftist snowflakes want this country to go down so that you can truly eradicate anything you find offensive from the public view.  

It's Confederate monuments today (which I couldn't care less about), tomorrow it's the founding fathers, then you're going after religious or any other straw man institution or symbol that you can find to claim you're offended over because anything you oppose must be destroyed or erased.  One thing is certain.  You don't want a two way dialogue.  You don't want to be rational.  You just want things gone and a safe space where you can go to avoid being offended by reality.  That's how the modern "progressive" thinks these days.  Anyone who opposes them has to be labeled and ultimately eliminated before they damage your precious psyche.  Well, right back at ya snowflake.

Oh, the irony!

You of all people feeling sorry for yourself. You don't know a thing about me, blah blah blah.

Are you saying you know anything about someone you respond to? When you go to your standard "you liberals all blah, blah"?

Like I told Drifter - how does it feel?

You're just another message board tough guy who can't take it. But you can see the future! Tell me again how "liberals" (Or "progressives") think.  Oh, and throw in "safespace". You've got all the cliches and standard buzz words. What you don't have is original thought. But keep working on it.
The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.

Meanwhile here in Brooklyn, they renamed a children's park after Biggie Smalls, who degrates women,a drug addict and singing about armed robbery. Let's look up to him, maybe he will get a statue.

(This post was last modified: 08-17-2017, 01:23 PM by Adam2012.)

(08-17-2017, 12:36 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: I'm not defending the driver; neither am I convicting the driver.  I am attempting to gather evidence and facts.  YouTube keeps deleting videos which show the Challenger being attacked before the driver accelerated.  They are suppressing evidence.  I believe under Virginia law it is lawful to flee if your vehicle is being attacked, so the attack on the vehicle is key evidence.

Here is recently posted video of the car "escaping":

I hope you're in this for the long haul - because defending Nazis is a full time job.

(08-17-2017, 01:20 PM)BklynJag Wrote: Meanwhile here in Brooklyn, they renamed a children's park after Biggie Smalls, who degrates women,a drug addict and singing about armed robbery. Let's look up to him, maybe he will get a statue.

Nice deflection - having to do with nothing. I'm surprised you didn't mention Benghazi.
The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.

Michael Moore compared people that voted for Trump to rapists this week. Yes, rapists. It's open season on insulting the right. If you don't like what someone has to say or they don't agree with you, they are a racist.

I now agree with the left back in January, February, and March when they said this country is going to [BLEEP]. They've succeeded in making it a dump. Instead of worrying about real problems (ie murder, crime, homelessness) we are worrying about statues that nobody cared about a week ago. The city of Chicago wants statues taken down, all the while the body count continues to climb.

Tell me, what does erasing Stone Mountain do? It's a piece of art. The rare few memorializes the people on those horses and their values. They simply want it removed to prove a point and try to show their muscle. It's pathetic and again shows nothing in the long run. It does nothing to make racism go away, in fact its only making people argue more. It makes people dislike each other more. So while I hear everyone say how they want peace and everyone to get along, they act completely differently.



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That blimp Michael Moore only does things when he is trying to self-promote himself. He can't possibly mean the words that come out of that gravy repository he calls a mouth.

[Image: C3nWGOXXUAAjbmV.jpg]

Until these violent protests stop on all sides this is my stance. 

Racists are bs in all forms.  Chanting for cops deaths is bs.  Attacking people for believing in 2 genders is bs.  Continuously attacking and misquoting anything the president does is bs.
Go Jags!
*To stay up for atleast 2 years 3/6/17
2016 draft players I think will be good
  • On the Fournette train, will be best back of his class 3/6/17
  • Lattimore please,  Lockdowns on both sides would be nice
  • Engram at TE and the MJD clone Samaje Perine

(08-17-2017, 09:38 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote:
(08-15-2017, 10:00 PM)My Desired Display Name Wrote: I personally dont have a problem with removing all confederate garbage, they took up arms against this country, they lost...delete their [BLEEP] and move on.  Should have happened long ago imo...but that's just me

If you consider the Union burning down the Confederate cities than having all of the Southerners watch as the Yankees move into their towns and take over then yes, I guess you can consider that a slight victory.


(08-17-2017, 03:32 PM)realtorpat Wrote: [Image: C3nWGOXXUAAjbmV.jpg]

Until these violent protests stop on all sides this is my stance. 

Racists are bs in all forms.  Chanting for cops deaths is bs.  Attacking people for believing in 2 genders is bs.  Continuously attacking and misquoting anything the president does is bs.
Exactly.  People are offended so easily and for some reason feel the urge to tell the world.



(08-17-2017, 12:36 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: I'm not defending the driver; neither am I convicting the driver.  I am attempting to gather evidence and facts.  YouTube keeps deleting videos which show the Challenger being attacked before the driver accelerated.  They are suppressing evidence.  I believe under Virginia law it is lawful to flee if your vehicle is being attacked, so the attack on the vehicle is key evidence.

Here is recently posted video of the car "escaping":

He was fleeing into a crowd of people 300+ feet away? I don't know if you are serious or trying to make a joke.

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(08-17-2017, 12:18 PM)Vino Wrote: Even with all that said, none of the boogieman schtick you're going with is going to happen anytime soon just because they're removing confederate statues. Deal with it.

Don't be so sure. In the last five years there hasn't been nationwide talk/arguments about removing statues whether confederate or otherwise. All of a sudden it's everywhere, the discussion and the action, even if illegally as was done in NC. This sets a dangerous precedent. If you can't see that then you're as blind as some of the people you rail against.

(08-17-2017, 04:36 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 12:18 PM)Vino Wrote: Even with all that said, none of the boogieman schtick you're going with is going to happen anytime soon just because they're removing confederate statues. Deal with it.

Don't be so sure. In the last five years there hasn't been nationwide talk/arguments about removing statues whether confederate or otherwise. All of a sudden it's everywhere, the discussion and the action, even if illegally as was done in NC. This sets a dangerous precedent. If you can't see that then you're as blind as some of the people you rail against.

Exactly.  Many of these statues/monuments have been in place for decades.  All of the sudden they are "offensive" to a select minority of people.

The lunacy of all of this is pretty much unbelievable.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(08-17-2017, 04:25 PM)PAjagsfan Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 12:36 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: I'm not defending the driver; neither am I convicting the driver.  I am attempting to gather evidence and facts.  YouTube keeps deleting videos which show the Challenger being attacked before the driver accelerated.  They are suppressing evidence.  I believe under Virginia law it is lawful to flee if your vehicle is being attacked, so the attack on the vehicle is key evidence.

Here is recently posted video of the car "escaping":

He was fleeing into a crowd of people 300+ feet away? I don't know if you are serious or trying to make a joke.

Haaaaaaaaaave you met Byron?


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(08-17-2017, 02:48 PM)UCF Knight Wrote: Michael Moore compared people that voted for Trump to rapists this week.  Yes, rapists.  It's open season on insulting the right.  If you don't like what someone has to say or they don't agree with you, they are a racist.  

I now agree with the left back in January, February, and March when they said this country is going to [BLEEP].  They've succeeded in making it a dump.  Instead of worrying about real problems (ie murder, crime, homelessness) we are worrying about statues that nobody cared about a week ago.  The city of Chicago wants statues taken down, all the while the body count continues to climb.

Tell me, what does erasing Stone Mountain do?  It's a piece of art.   The rare few memorializes the people on those horses and their values.  They simply want it removed to prove a point and try to show their muscle.  It's pathetic and again shows nothing in the long run.  It does nothing to make racism go away, in fact its only making people argue more.  It makes people dislike each other more.  So while I hear everyone say how they want peace and everyone to get along, they act completely differently.

It's open season on insulting the right? People are allowed to do that? OMG!

Good thing no one on here has ever insulted the left. Everyone on here has been so respectful and understanding of the left's viewpoint - and when I say left I mean anything left of Louis XIV.

Were you asleep during the Obama years? Did you not read and hear what was said by the Tea party and all kinds of people (including Chief Birther Donald Trump) about this country's first African American president?  

The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.

(08-17-2017, 04:45 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: *sigh*

Pretty much my thought regarding this issue.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(08-17-2017, 12:18 PM)Vino Wrote:
(08-17-2017, 11:09 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: A clear photo of the Challenger being attacked:

[Image: XUwfB5]

(08-17-2017, 12:08 PM)FBT Wrote: Defending what?  The deaths in Charlottesville?  Who is doing that?

So what is the above post doing?

(08-17-2017, 12:00 PM)FBT Wrote: You know absolutely nothing about me, yet you feel compelled to link me with people like Richard Spencer or David Duke?  You're nothing but the typical liberal who needs to demonize those who don't agree with you.  Pretty pathetic, but also pretty much the standard tactic these days. 

My opposition to this effort to dismantle visible representations of history, regardless of the intention of their being built or erected in the first place, comes from the fact that I think it starts us down a slippery slope that you and the rest of the leftist snowflakes want this country to go down so that you can truly eradicate anything you find offensive from the public view.  

It's Confederate monuments today (which I couldn't care less about), tomorrow it's the founding fathers, then you're going after religious or any other straw man institution or symbol that you can find to claim you're offended over because anything you oppose must be destroyed or erased.  One thing is certain.  You don't want a two way dialogue.  You don't want to be rational.  You just want things gone and a safe space where you can go to avoid being offended by reality.  That's how the modern "progressive" thinks these days.  Anyone who opposes them has to be labeled and ultimately eliminated before they damage your precious psyche.  Well, right back at ya snowflake.
This is always the excuse people use to justify keeping up statues of traitorous racists. "Heritage", "free speech". Considering this country was built on a foundation of racism and white men making all decisions, maybe all that should be torn down and made anew, ever think of that? The country is far different not than it was nearly 300 years ago when it was founded. Moving on from the past is not destroying the country, it's called progression. As a black man, I could care less if the statues of men who owned slaves and viewed women like objects and fought to oppress every other demographic other than wealthy white men get torn down. Even with all that said, none of the boogieman schtick you're going with is going to happen anytime soon just because they're removing confederate statues. Deal with it.

What was the post of the car being attacked intended to do?  I'm thinking it was intended to show that the car was attacked by the protesters, as was the vehicle in front of it.  I don't see anyone saying that justifies what happens, but you libs have a tendency to twist things to fit whatever progressive narrative you've been told to fixate on.

I've never used the terms "heritage" or "free speech".  I was very clear why I'm opposed to this, and it has nothing to do with either of those points  

I predicted the idea that everything should be torn down because progressives will find it offensive.  Burn the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence because old white guys wrote them so they must be garbage.  Let's just dig up the Communist Manifesto and go with that since libs love the idea of an all powerful government telling them what they can or can't do.  I'm sure that would be perfectly fine in your eyes.  Wipe out any historical references that are associated with the old white guys who built this nation.  You'll create a utopia that rivals the likes of Detroit or Chicago or the state of California in no time.

As a black man you could care less about statues?  How much less?

None of the "boogieman schtick" is going to happen?  Are you not watching the [BLEEP] news?  It's already happening, and has been for a while.  The offended snowflakes are just getting more emboldened in their actions because they now have a willing media stoking the flames, and they had a president in Obama who encouraged them to evoke the kind of change that creates the environment we're living in today.
Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=59]

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