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Paragon is alot of fun and free to play on PC and Ps4
it's a third person MOBA. you choose heroes who have unique abilities, upgrade throughout the game, use cards to become more powerful. loving it and i never played a MOBA before Quote:Paragon is alot of fun and free to play on PC and Ps4 I pretty much only played mobas when I would game the past 4-5 years, I prefer the isometric view but can see how the 3rd person view is appealing to newer players Quote:I pretty much only played mobas when I would game the past 4-5 years, I prefer the isometric view but can see how the 3rd person view is appealing to newer players i never played League of Legends, but i recently saw a video of it. Paragon is almost exactly the same, but just in third person and way better visuals.
Doom on XBOX1
It's fast and fun and completely non serious. You can pick it up, play a level, and put it away. I also bought Dirt Rally - which is way too friggin hard. I loved the previous versions but this one will be tough to master. Lots of hand brake, that's for sure We show less advertisements to registered users. Accounts are free; join today!
Madden 17 and Bioshock collection (Xbox one) Will pick up gears in november rough month.
Bleeding Teal since 1995. The Icon Teal Time Radio aka ctjags
Replaying Life is Strange. Great game. Yesterday would have been the three year anniversary of the game's ending. Anybody else play it? Which ending did you choose?
Personally I usually choose [spoiler]Sacrifice Arcadia Bay.[/spoiler]
I was wrong about Trent Baalke.
Quote:Replaying Life is Strange. Great game. Yesterday would have been the three year anniversary of the game's ending. Anybody else play it? Which ending did you choose?It is indeed a great game, played it for the first time last year and absolutely loved it. I chose [spoiler]sacrifice Chloe. I felt it wouldn't be right to have everyone else die for one person. [/spoiler]
Eagerly awaiting the release of Civ6. Since I quit MMOing years ago...I've gravitated to the RTS realm and I've played every incarnation of Civ ever released....always as Egypt.
<i>Behold man's final mad disgrace.</i>
<i>He chops his nose to spite his face.</i> -Etrigan the Demon We show less advertisements to registered users. Accounts are free; join today!
I accidentally got addicted to madden ultimate team :/
Go Jags!
*To stay up for atleast 2 years 3/6/17 2016 draft players I think will be good
Quote:I accidentally got addicted to madden ultimate team :/ See I cant get into MUT. When I play Madden I want to play as how a team is in real life.
Quote:See I cant get into MUT. When I play Madden I want to play as how a team is in real life. I was the same way I like franchise and building the team and players. But after like 2-3 seasons my team is exactly how I want it and I'm unstoppable. MUT does the same thing in a way except your team is never perfect or dominating
Go Jags!
*To stay up for atleast 2 years 3/6/17 2016 draft players I think will be good
Now playing: Dragon Quest Builders. Way better than Minecraft IMO.
I was wrong about Trent Baalke.
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just got rising star in rocket league. My love for mut ended when my account got locked and I had to start over. Rocket league is still amazing though.
Go Jags!
*To stay up for atleast 2 years 3/6/17 2016 draft players I think will be good
Madden 17 & GTA V.
![]() 80% of what I talk about is nonesense.. the other 25% is made up statistics...
ESO. Fixing to work FF XV into the rotation though.
![]() "What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie? I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky. The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing; Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king."
Quote:ESO. Fixing to work FF XV into the rotation though. The bad (and very good) thing with ESO is you'll never "finish" it.
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Right now, I've got three irons in the fire:
I'm redoing Bloodborne since I bought the DLC and you kinda have to go back to the beginning in order to access it. Lords of the Fallen as I was told that it's a bit like Dark Souls / Bloodborne but maybe not as hard. Plus, it was $5 at GameStop And I got FFXV for Christmas so I cut in and out on that one. Of course, I haven't had a chance to pick up a controller in about two weeks so take that for what it's worth.
I'm trying to make myself more informed and less opinionated.
Stop saying whatever stupid thing you're talking about and pay attention to all the interesting things I have to say!
Quote:Right now, I've got three irons in the fire: Lords of the Fallen is decent but no where near the game DS n BB are. I got it for free and was bored of it quick
Go Jags!
*To stay up for atleast 2 years 3/6/17 2016 draft players I think will be good
Quote:Lords of the Fallen is decent but no where near the game DS n BB are. I got it for free and was bored of it quick Yeah, I'm picking up on that. I like the different mechanics that the weapons give you but it's nowhere near as polished as Blood'.
I'm trying to make myself more informed and less opinionated.
Stop saying whatever stupid thing you're talking about and pay attention to all the interesting things I have to say! |
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