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Quote:Yea I'm not understanding the problem? The two gunman are dead, the police did a good job protecting the public.
Yes . This time. But my point is..why did they have to protect the public in this instance. Because some wise guy Texan puts out 100 K for a Je Suis Charlie cartoon? We witnessed how nutty these fanatics are. So...hey...let's do it again....because why? Because we can dadgummit.

What IF...and it was a distinct possibility, that innocents were killed. Sure the perps should be punished...harshly. And the the ones who had this contest sit back and say...see? See how crazy these people are?

We fight wars to keep our homeland safe, then some twit baits these nuts to commit their crap here.

Did these brainiacs even think of a possible backlash.

But I digress. I'll wait to see the cartoons everyone supports posted here. Maybe I'll backtrack and have a good chuckle.
Quote:It supposed to be a reminder in this country that we should still support the freedoms to have these contests (doesn't matter how stupid they are).. People do stupid things and they're allowed to do them. Maybe it's not stupid to that small sect of people, but it's their right to do it anyway.. Thats the only purpose I see in it.. I think its dumb as all hell, but I still support it because of our freedoms..
I'll agree with this. Support our rights. But let's , in the meantime, try to fix stupid.

Some rights go overboard. From a protest to a riot and looting. Starts out as a " right" and turns into a cluster [ bad word remove ]. But that's a problem for the States of Maryland, Missouri, etc.

My point being, some people take a right and freedom and use it the way it wasn't intended.

There are so many bad examples. Should the Klan march or rally in a black neighborhood. Should nazis fly their flag outside synagogues? I dunno. Guess its just the character of a person. I'd like to bust the Kansas Baptist Church members in the mouth for protesting Veteran funerals. But they have that right. Awesome.
Quote:So blame the perpetrators , let's say some black kids, who you called N, then popped you upside the head?

But explain civilized? The terrorists are not civilized IMO. But I guess because we have a right to inflame a subject matter, we are more civilized?

Again, let's say that there's a church that decides to host a gay wedding.  An offended party decides to shoot up the place because it offends them.  You blame the people who decided to have a gay wedding at a church?


You're de-escalating.  What about if you go up to a black person and call them the N word, and they shoot you?  Are you 'asking for it'?  
Quote:This country is so full of pansies and butthurt people with thin skin, I'm surprised we're still a super power.. There's always a group of people crying about something.
This really nails it.


Being offended is a personal choice.
Quote:Yes . This time. But my point is..why did they have to protect the public in this instance. Because some wise guy Texan puts out 100 K for a Je Suis Charlie cartoon? We witnessed how nutty these fanatics are. So...hey...let's do it again....because why? Because we can dadgummit.

What IF...and it was a distinct possibility, that innocents were killed. Sure the perps should be punished...harshly. And the the ones who had this contest sit back and say...see? See how crazy these people are?

We fight wars to keep our homeland safe, then some twit baits these nuts to commit their crap here.

Did these brainiacs even think of a possible backlash.

But I digress. I'll wait to see the cartoons everyone supports posted here. Maybe I'll backtrack and have a good chuckle.

No one's saying it was a good idea or in good taste, but the alternative is restricting free speech and association. That's a dark and dangerous road that should be avoided at all cost, even if that cost is agitating some violent radicals.
Quote:My point being, some people take a right and freedom and use it the way it wasn't intended.

Charles Cooke puts it better than I ever could:
"Simply put, a country in which the people regard certain individual rights as inviolable axioms of nature — and who accept with alacrity, therefore, that they will often be used for ill — will be a country that boasts protections of those rights within its national charter. A country in which the people are focused primarily on what might be done with those rights, by contrast, will be a country that prefers to elevate and to abide by the whims of transient majorities — or, perhaps, by the discretion of a supposedly enlightened few."

Quote:The Gay Mafia mostly.
Oh bless you heart

Charles Cooke puts it better than I ever could:
"Simply put, a country in which the people regard certain individual rights as inviolable axioms of nature — and who accept with alacrity, therefore, that they will often be used for ill — will be a country that boasts protections of those rights within its national charter. A country in which the people are focused primarily on what might be done with those rights, by contrast, will be a country that prefers to elevate and to abide by the whims of transient majorities — or, perhaps, by the discretion of a supposedly enlightened few."


Well put.

Charles Cooke puts it better than I ever could:
"Simply put, a country in which the people regard certain individual rights as inviolable axioms of nature — and who accept with alacrity, therefore, that they will often be used for ill — will be a country that boasts protections of those rights within its national charter. A country in which the people are focused primarily on what might be done with those rights, by contrast, will be a country that prefers to elevate and to abide by the whims of transient majorities — or, perhaps, by the discretion of a supposedly enlightened few."


You left out the beginning..."In its classical mode, liberalism requires the citizenry that it serves to respect the crucial distinction that obtains between the principle of a given rule and the consequences that the rule might feasibly yield. 

When I first saw a headline I said to myself - Texas.


This was Texas being Texas. Land of the free and home of the yahoo.


Playing to the base. Raising funds for some future yahoo event. 


I wonder how they'd feel about a Jesus Is Just All Right event in Waco?


As long as we have Texas Florida will look a little less like the capital of the loons.

Quote:No one's saying it was a good idea or in good taste, but the alternative is restricting free speech and association. That's a dark and dangerous road that should be avoided at all cost, even if that cost is agitating some violent radicals.
Totally agree. Our society worldwide has failed in its consideration of using better judgement.

Sadly, its also our enemies that use our freedoms and rights to benefit and them and against us. Somehow this double edged sword has reared its ugly head again, and Im sure it will continue.

These latest actions certainly doesnt tell me we can outsmart them, and sadly the idiots who inflame use their freedoms as their excuse. Again Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind.."pray for more dead soldiers", "planes crash, God laughs". Yep, Im sure when our forefathers drew up our Bill of Rights and put out certain ground rules, they had this crap in mind.

They're not "hurting" anyone with the protests, and have that right, but would you blame a father who just lost his son fighting to protect these "rights" to go over and clock one upside their head? Then the father goes to jail.

I guess I just dont get it. Sometimes, just because you can, doesnt mean you should.

Honey does this dress make me look fat? No honey, the fat makes you look fat. Sure , one has the right to say it. Think there would be consequences. Common sense has flown out the door.

From Paula Priesse:


Huff Post headline: “2 Men Shot Dead After Opening Fire Outside Muhammad Art Exhibit In Garland, Texas” Some in the lib media are already blaming the organizers of the event. Here’s a tweet from NY Times’ foreign correspondent Rukmini Callimachi: “Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a Muhammad drawing contest?” That’s a pretty big “aside” madam. Now for three headlines you never saw: 1) “2 Christians Shot Dead After Opening Fire Outside a Gallery Displaying a Photo of a Crucifix in a Glass of Urine” 2) “2 Mormons Shot Dead After Opening Fire Outside the Broadway Theater Presenting the Controversial Musical the ‘Book of Mormon’” & 3) “Two Catholics Shot Dead After Opening Fire Outside the Artist’s Home Who Depicted the Virgin Mary Covered with Elephant Dung” There’s free speech and then there’s the “free speech” only allowed by our leftist overlords. The lesson for all the lib hypocrites today is a simple one: DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!

When I first saw news of the event I thought to myself "Wow, The Drifter got work on a national site posting fictitious articles that sound too weird to be true."


But, no, this one is real! I'm sure the organizers got just what they wanted. Now they can go on to bigger and better - all in the name of "free speech" of course. Someone is hoping to make a bunch of money. 

This was phase one of a well designed staged event by Homeland Security codenamed "Operation Mouse Trap".  Due to its success, we should see similar events taking place in the near future.*

Quote:Oh bless you heart

Don't mess with them! You'll end up with a Ralph Lauren shirt with the polo pony in your bed when you wake up!!!
Quote:Don't mess with them! You'll end up with a Ralph Lauren shirt with the polo pony in your bed when you wake up!!!
Quote:Don't mess with them! You'll end up with a Ralph Lauren shirt with the polo pony in your bed when you wake up!!!

Actually you'll end up on the receiving end of death threats and forced to close your business. But why let historical facts upset the narrative?
The $10,000 prize-winning cartoon was drawn by Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim.




Here it is.........



Quote:The $10,000 prize-winning cartoon was drawn by Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim.

Here it is.........

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.ijreview.com/2015/05/312509-here-is-the-prize-winning-cartoon-of-muhammad-that-2-islamic-terrorists-in-texas-tried-to-snuff-out/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=conservativedaily&utm_campaign=Terror'>http://www.ijreview.com/2015/05/312509-here-is-the-prize-winning-cartoon-of-muhammad-that-2-islamic-terrorists-in-texas-tried-to-snuff-out/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=conservativedaily&utm_campaign=Terror</a>

Is it just me or does Muhammad look like a Thunder Cat?
Looks more like Wolverine
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