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Quote:Because forcing a person to violate his or her conscience is an evil and despicable act.


Gay bakery doesn't want to serve KKK because they don't agree with their history of violence, torment, harassment and discrimination.

Your bakery doesn't want to serve gays because they love each other and want equal rights as everyone else.

Quote:So the baker that doesn't normally sell wedding cakes with two male figures or two female figures shouldn't have to forced to make a cake they wouldn't sell to anyone else?


Just like a Black baker can't be forced to make a KKK sponsored cake, or even provide services for the KKK.


That said I didn't even have to read the article to know it was fake, gotta vet your sources better drifter it hurts you're credibility on legit issues otherwise.
In Drifter's defense, he doesn't post many article that are legit, or newsworthy for the most part.

Gay bakery doesn't want to serve KKK because they don't agree with their history of violence, torment, harassment and discrimination.

Your bakery doesn't want to serve gays because they love each other and want equal rights as everyone else.


Your making the case that the content not the principled argument justifies intrusion.  Of course gay couples are not equivalent to the largest sect of evil known to man kind in the last century. However, rights are not subject to content, otherwise you'd have to accept someone deciding who has rights and who does not, that kind of power has always led to the suppression of minorities.
Declining service to someone for being gay is wrong on all levels.. And to be honest, If this discussion pertained to my lifestyle, I wouldn't want to eat anywhere I'm not socially accepted anyway.. I've seen the movie Waiting.. No thanks..
Quote:Your making the case that the content not the principled argument justifies intrusion. Of course gay couples are not equivalent to the largest sect of evil known to man kind in the last century. However, rights are not subject to content, otherwise you'd have to accept someone deciding who has rights and who does not, that kind of power has always led to the suppression of minorities.

I agree 100%

I just chuckle that angry, myopic, religious guy has to resort to comparing gays to KKK or Nazis because there is no actual parallel analogy.

Or even better if they view the analogy as parallel.

But yes, I agree with you post completely.
Quote:Because forcing a person to violate his or her conscience is an evil and despicable act.

Not necessarily.   In fact, I'm sure you can think of lots of examples of how it would not be an evil and despicable act to force someone to violate his or her conscience. 
Quote:Not necessarily. In fact, I'm sure you can think of lots of examples of how it would not be an evil and despicable act to force someone to violate his or her conscience.

The fine print of his post was "as long as they also align with my worldview."
Should a Gay Fireman be able to refuse to put out a fire in a place that bans gay people?:

Should a Christian Fireman be able to refuse to put out a fire at a gay wedding?


Should an employer be able to fire someone for being gay?

Should an employer be able to fire someone for being Christian?

Should an employer be able to fire someone for refusing to go to a gay wedding for work purposes?


Quote:Should a Gay Fireman be able to refuse to put out a fire in a place that bans gay people?:

Should a Christian Fireman be able to refuse to put out a fire at a gay wedding?

Should an employer be able to fire someone for being gay?

Should an employer be able to fire someone for being Christian?

Should an employer be able to fire someone for refusing to go to a gay wedding for work purposes?

Public employees like public areas are required to provide services without discrimination no ones even tried to argue against that.

As for firing someone for being gay or a Christian if it's a private company then yes they should be. However the current discrimination laws would only make one of those acts illegal, that being the religious one.

Again if the employer is a private employer and fires someone for not going to a gay wedding so be it.
I think the disconnect is becoming clearer... The fact is that while a private business is private, you cannot assume the business exists outside of society. In fact the business relies on the public to sell their goods or services. Therefore the business is beholden to the general rules of the public.

A business, while having some freedoms, is still required to comply with the laws of the society.

Gay bakery doesn't want to serve KKK because they don't agree with their history of violence, torment, harassment and discrimination.

Your bakery doesn't want to serve gays because they love each other and want equal rights as everyone else.

Good idea to take the most extreme of examples to make your point.


I mean, it wouldn't make sense to to use a less despicable example, right?  Maybe a something like a gay owned bakery being required by law to make a cake for some organization, say a non-denominational church, that states "We support traditional marriage between one man and one woman".  Yeah, let's lean on the Nazis or the KKK as the best possible example. 


People have been entitled throughout the history of this country to conscientiously object to certain things based on personal beliefs.  Look at those individuals who refused military service during the Vietnam War.  Muhammad Ali was one of those who refused military service because of his Muslim beliefs.  Was he wrong? 


At the end of the day, the media and special interest groups are making this a much bigger issue than it really is, trying to portray it as discrimination.  I have reasonable friends who are also gay who don't have a problem with what places like Memories Pizza hold up as their world view for gay marriage.  My friends have made it clear throughout this entire ordeal that the real truth here is that nobody should be forced to provide a service or product to anyone.In the case of Memories Pizza, the media went out looking for a business to flog, twisted the story in a way that sensationalized it, and then went about trying to destroy this small family business over a non story.  The place has never refused anyone service, and odds are they wouldn't be approached to make pizza for a gay wedding anyway.  But, why let that get in the way when the media can put a face to this concocted evil.  


While the OPs article is a fake, there have been plenty of legitimate reports where people went out and basically did what the article states, approaching gay owned bakeries about making pro traditional marriage cakes, or black owned bakeries where they asked for some sort of racist cake.  When these establishments said they would not be willing to provide a product or service, nobody was howling.  Nobody was threatening a lawsuit.  But it certainly showed the hypocrisy of this entire situation.  It's only "discrimination" when there's a special interest group pushing an agenda.  This is what we've been reduced to in this country.  The squeaky wheel gets the media coverage.  When some of these same bakeries declined to provide services, they usually referred the customer to another store that would help them out.  As my friends have said to me, there are always other options, and businesses willing to provide a service.  Why would anyone want to force a business who objects for personal reasons to do so when there are willing alternatives?
Quote:Good idea to take the most extreme of examples to make your point.

I mean, it wouldn't make sense to to use a less despicable example, right? Maybe a something like a gay owned bakery being required by law to make a cake for some organization, say a non-denominational church, that states "We support traditional marriage between one man and one woman". Yeah, let's lean on the Nazis or the KKK as the best possible example.

I was using the example in the OP. Settle down boss.
Quote:Good idea to take the most extreme of examples to make your point.


I mean, it wouldn't make sense to to use a less despicable example, right?  Maybe a something like a gay owned bakery being required by law to make a cake for some organization, say a non-denominational church, that states "We support traditional marriage between one man and one woman".  Yeah, let's lean on the Nazis or the KKK as the best possible example. 


People have been entitled throughout the history of this country to conscientiously object to certain things based on personal beliefs.  Look at those individuals who refused military service during the Vietnam War.  Muhammad Ali was one of those who refused military service because of his Muslim beliefs.  Was he wrong? 


At the end of the day, the media and special interest groups are making this a much bigger issue than it really is, trying to portray it as discrimination.  I have reasonable friends who are also gay who don't have a problem with what places like Memories Pizza hold up as their world view for gay marriage.  My friends have made it clear throughout this entire ordeal that the real truth here is that nobody should be forced to provide a service or product to anyone.In the case of Memories Pizza, the media went out looking for a business to flog, twisted the story in a way that sensationalized it, and then went about trying to destroy this small family business over a non story.  The place has never refused anyone service, and odds are they wouldn't be approached to make pizza for a gay wedding anyway.  But, why let that get in the way when the media can put a face to this concocted evil.  


While the OPs article is a fake, there have been plenty of legitimate reports where people went out and basically did what the article states, approaching gay owned bakeries about making pro traditional marriage cakes, or black owned bakeries where they asked for some sort of racist cake.  When these establishments said they would not be willing to provide a product or service, nobody was howling.  Nobody was threatening a lawsuit.  But it certainly showed the hypocrisy of this entire situation.  It's only "discrimination" when there's a special interest group pushing an agenda.  This is what we've been reduced to in this country.  The squeaky wheel gets the media coverage.  When some of these same bakeries declined to provide services, they usually referred the customer to another store that would help them out.  As my friends have said to me, there are always other options, and businesses willing to provide a service.  Why would anyone want to force a business who objects for personal reasons to do so when there are willing alternatives?
People today seem to look for reasons to be offended. The media looks for stories to exploit these reasons and does so to the nth degree. And the general public eats it up while the left and right bicker about it all with hate and discontent. All of this pouring more fuel on the fire.
Quote:I was using the example in the OP. Settle down boss.
I get that, and I clarified my point in the post referencing the OP.  But, you certainly wanted to fixate on that, which is precisely what the media is doing.  There are far better examples where most people would understand objections.  But, we're all conditioned to respond to the dog whistle issues the media likes to create from thin air. 


Much like the fake report the OP used to start this entire discussion, the REAL situation that created all the clamor last week was just as much a fake story.  That didn't stop the media from trying to destroy a small business in their quest to squash out opinions they don't subscribe to. 


It's funny.  The media continues to be outraged over the way a pizza parlor owner responded to questions about catering gay marriage, but there's a very prominent report out there of a reporter walking into a Muslim owned bakery and basically doing the same thing.  The bakery declined to make a cake for a gay marriage, but for some odd reason, that story got zero traction.  Why?  It was almost a carbon copy of the story in Indiana, but the target of that outrage was directed at Christians.  For whatever reason, this same agenda driven media has a blind spot when it comes to certain religious sects.  If they're going to be consistent, be consistent.  Go after any business that is, in their eyes, discriminating based on sexual preference.  They're not consistent in the way they apply their agenda. 



Quote:People today seem to look for reasons to be offended. The media looks for stories to exploit these reasons and does so to the nth degree. And the general public eats it up while the left and right bicker about it all with hate and discontent. All of this pouring more fuel on the fire.


There's nothing in the Constitution that protects people from being offended, but you wouldn't know that today if you're paying attention. 
At the risk of stereotyping, every gay man I know would likely prefer to make their own cake.

Quote:  For whatever reason, this same agenda driven media has a blind spot when it comes to certain religious sects.  If they're going to be consistent, be consistent.  Go after any business that is, in their eyes, discriminating based on sexual preference.

Hey now, let's not lose our heads over this.
Quote:I get that, and I clarified my point in the post referencing the OP.  But, you certainly wanted to fixate on that, which is precisely what the media is doing.  There are far better examples where most people would understand objections.  But, we're all conditioned to respond to the dog whistle issues the media likes to create from thin air. 


Much like the fake report the OP used to start this entire discussion, the REAL situation that created all the clamor last week was just as much a fake story.  That didn't stop the media from trying to destroy a small business in their quest to squash out opinions they don't subscribe to. 


It's funny.  The media continues to be outraged over the way a pizza parlor owner responded to questions about catering gay marriage, but there's a very prominent report out there of a reporter walking into a Muslim owned bakery and basically doing the same thing.  The bakery declined to make a cake for a gay marriage, but for some odd reason, that story got zero traction.  Why?  It was almost a carbon copy of the story in Indiana, but the target of that outrage was directed at Christians.  For whatever reason, this same agenda driven media has a blind spot when it comes to certain religious sects.  If they're going to be consistent, be consistent.  Go after any business that is, in their eyes, discriminating based on sexual preference.  They're not consistent in the way they apply their agenda. 





There's nothing in the Constitution that protects people from being offended, but you wouldn't know that today if you're paying attention. 
Religious folk want to discriminate because they are offended by gays. Gays are offended by said discrimination. Literally everyone is offended in this fight. 
As a Christian, I have changed my stance on this. If a gay couple came into a bakery that I owned and asked for a cake, I'd do it. I'd go the extra mile. Without getting to religious, it's what Jesus would have done.


How many times has a store owner done service with people who were not in agreement with their religious beliefs? How many times has someone baked a cake for people who had stolen something, or weren't faithful in marriage? We're all sinners.

Quote:As a Christian, I have changed my stance on this. If a gay couple came into a bakery that I owned and asked for a cake, I'd do it. I'd go the extra mile. Without getting to religious, it's what Jesus would have done.


How many times has a store owner done service with people who were not in agreement with their religious beliefs? How many times has someone baked a cake for people who had stolen something, or weren't faithful in marriage? We're all sinners.
I have all these stones I want to throw though  Sad
Quote:I have all these stones I want to throw though  Sad

It's not throwing stones to refuse to particpate. What will I do when they come for me? Will I be derided as "intolerant", "hayseed", "bigot" or any of the other nasty things people have called these pizza makers, florists, and photographers who earnestly are acting on their formerly Constitutionaly-protected religious convictions? What happens when I'm the target of one of these ambush journalism witch hunts? Because what we all know is that this movement is never satisfied to win, there's always the next battle. And once you have the cake, the photographer, and the florist then there's only two things left you need to have a wedding, and it will be their next fight to see that I acede to their demands.
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