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Quote:It's not throwing stones to refuse to particpate. What will I do when they come for me? Will I be derided as "intolerant", "hayseed", "bigot" or any of the other nasty things people have called these pizza makers, florists, and photographers who earnestly are acting on their formerly Constitutionaly-protected religious convictions? What happens when I'm the target of one of these ambush journalism witch hunts? Because what we all know is that this movement is never satisfied to win, there's always the next battle. And once you have the cake, the photographer, and the florist then there's only two things left you need to have a wedding, and it will be their next fight to see that I acede to their demands.

I know...when's it going to end? Complete equality? Pppffftttttttt....
Quote:I know...when's it going to end? Complete equality? Pppffftttttttt....

It's nice that you can make light of other people's religious convictions. Especially for those of us for whom holding those convictions results in a national lynch mob.
Quote:It's nice that you can make light of other people's religious convictions. Especially for those of us for whom holding those convictions results in a national lynch mob.

Here's a tip. You don't want to sell a pizza to certain sect of our society, don't sell pizza.

You don't like that, you can get out.

Move to Iran. It's that simple.

America is the land of the free (to buy cake from any business with a state-sponsored license to sell cake) and if you got a problem with that you can get out.
Quote:It's not throwing stones to refuse to particpate. What will I do when they come for me? Will I be derided as "intolerant", "hayseed", "bigot" or any of the other nasty things people have called these pizza makers, florists, and photographers who earnestly are acting on their formerly Constitutionaly-protected religious convictions? What happens when I'm the target of one of these ambush journalism witch hunts? Because what we all know is that this movement is never satisfied to win, there's always the next battle. And once you have the cake, the photographer, and the florist then there's only two things left you need to have a wedding, and it will be their next fight to see that I acede to their demands.

That was the exact same argument was made in regards to racism and sexism. The exact same one. They lost those arguments and have now moved on to other forms of discrimination all while claiming religious persecution. If you are one of those people and use religious convictions as an excuse to discriminate than yes, you will be. Stop hating people so much.  

Quote:Here's a tip. You don't want to sell a pizza to certain sect of our society, don't sell pizza.

You don't like that, you can get out.

Move to Iran. It's that simple.

America is the land of the free (to buy cake from any business with a state-sponsored license to sell cake) and if you got a problem with that you can get out.
That's some mighty fine tolerance you are displaying

Also I had to laugh at the state sponsored cake your pretending a business license is sponsorship by the state? A business license is just another form of taxation it doesn't give you or anyone in the public a right to access.
Quote:As a Christian, I have changed my stance on this. If a gay couple came into a bakery that I owned and asked for a cake, I'd do it. I'd go the extra mile. Without getting to religious, it's what Jesus would have done.

How many times has a store owner done service with people who were not in agreement with their religious beliefs? How many times has someone baked a cake for people who had stolen something, or weren't faithful in marriage? We're all sinners.

That's an admirable and really the correct approach to take from a religious stand. However it doesn't change the legal question of weather or not private individuals have a choice in free association and business transactions.
Quote:That was the exact same argument was made in regards to racism and sexism. The exact same one. They lost those arguments and have now moved on to other forms of discrimination all while claiming religious persecution. If you are one of those people and use religious convictions as an excuse to discriminate than yes, you will be. Stop hating people so much.

You can't focus on the symptom you have to view these issues from the source. The question isn't if discrimination is wrong or immoral of course it is. The issue always has been and always will be are individuals free to choose whom they interact with and if not at what point are they free to refuse service and who sets those stAndards.
Quote:You can't focus on the symptom you have to view these issues from the source. The question isn't if discrimination is wrong or immoral of course it is. The issue always has been and always will be are individuals free to choose whom they interact with and if not at what point are they free to refuse service and who sets those stAndards.
You already know my stance that all forms of discrimination in public or business practices should be illegal if you would provide those same services to someone else. 


The comment you quoted was directly in response to terminology used to describe intolerant people. 
Quote:As a Christian, I have changed my stance on this. If a gay couple came into a bakery that I owned and asked for a cake, I'd do it. I'd go the extra mile. Without getting to religious, it's what Jesus would have done.


How many times has a store owner done service with people who were not in agreement with their religious beliefs? How many times has someone baked a cake for people who had stolen something, or weren't faithful in marriage? We're all sinners.

If only there were more people like you. 
If you don't want to serve the public, don't own a business... if you want to own a business in the USA, be paid prepared to serve the public.

The public includes everyone, even those you disagree with.
Quote:It's nice that you can make light of other people's religious convictions. Especially for those of us for whom holding those convictions results in a national lynch mob.

You don't care about people's religious convictions. You only care about YOUR religious convictions, and people who have the exact same convictions as you. 
Quote:It's nice that you can make light of other people's religious convictions. Especially for those of us for whom holding those convictions results in a national lynch mob.

Its nice that you can make light of people's want for equality. Especially for those of us who were born in a country that allegedly guarantee those rights.
Quote:If you don't want to serve the public, don't own a business... if you want to own a business in the USA, be paid prepared to serve the public.

The public includes everyone, even those you disagree with.

Here's the disconnect, the purpose of owning a business isn't to serve the public, plenty of businesses don't serve the public at all. The purpose of owning a business is to provide an income for ones self and their employee's.
Quote:Here's the disconnect, the purpose of owning a business isn't to serve the public, plenty of businesses don't serve the public at all. The purpose of owning a business is to provide an income for ones self and their employee's.
By providing a product or a service. There is no disconnect in my eyes. Putting making an income above equality in a modern society is, frankly, deplorable. Slavery did exactly that and religious beliefs were used to prop that up as well. 

Quote:That's some mighty fine tolerance you are displaying

Also I had to laugh at the state sponsored cake your pretending a business license is sponsorship by the state? A business license is just another form of taxation it doesn't give you or anyone in the public a right to access.

If I was an administrator for the tax department or the licensing agent or whatever, I wouldn't process any paperwork for any entity which would bar me from service because of my sexual orientation.
Quote:By providing a product or a service. There is no disconnect in my eyes. Putting making an income above equality in a modern society is, frankly, deplorable. Slavery did exactly that and religious beliefs were used to prop that up as well. 

That's a pretty big false equivalency lets stay reasonable here.


I'll expand on what I'm saying, Anchorman's argument was that a business exist to serve the public and therefor has to be required to serve all of the public equally.

That's reasonable if all business exist to serve the public, but that's not the purpose of business at all. For example there are business to business transactions that exclude the public all together. There are exclusive transactions that discriminate against all kinds of groups. There are gender based, social economically based, racially based, ethnically based business that cater to specific demographics every day.


For Anchorman's argument to be true, that business exist to serve the public, we would have to accept that public service is primary to profit in order to operate a business in our society. On the surface that sounds great, people before profit! But that's not the economic system we have where the exchange of goods is the only engine driving our economy. If the purpose of business is to be public service we need to discuss changing the entire landscape of our economy, that's a big subject.


The reality is business doesn't exist to serve anyone other then those they choose to make a profit from. It's why you have to pay for services, it's why business of all type put qualifiers on who they will serve and it's why this notion that discrimination can be outlawed is silly at the core.
Quote:If I was an administrator for the tax department or the licensing agent or whatever, I wouldn't process any paperwork for any entity which would bar me from service because of my sexual orientation.

Understandable, I get that I really do, but that doesn't change the basis of my statement that taxation does not equal sponsorship. Otherwise when we paid property tax you'd be saying we are all sponsored by the state for owning our own homes.

Quote:I agree 100%

I just chuckle that angry, myopic, religious guy has to resort to comparing gays to KKK or Nazis because there is no actual parallel analogy.

Or even better if they view the analogy as parallel.

But yes, I agree with you post completely.
If a gay couple went to a Muslim bakery, requested a same sex wedding cake and were denied would you still find it amusing?

Talk about unintended consequences^^
Quote:If I was an administrator for the tax department or the licensing agent or whatever, I wouldn't process any paperwork for any entity which would bar me from service because of my sexual orientation.

And I as your boss would fire you on discover for illegal discrimination by a government entity.
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