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Full Version: So for you conservatives, is Jerry Falwell Jr okay for higher education?
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Quote:While his personal beliefs are a bit too conservative for me, I see nothing wrong with an experienced college level dean heading up a team to figure out where colleges are going wrong. Sounds like he is not too excited about colleges taking advantage of students via the student loan fiasco going on. Addressing accreditation is another plus. It is ridiculous how many different systems of accreditation exist and rarely crossover from degree plan to degree plan. Lastly, him wanting to address government interference in the school system is another plus. Once again you monkeys are screaming at the top of your lungs because it was a POTUS selection.



Hammer, meet nail.

Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.engadget.com/2017/02/02/who-is-jerry-falwell-jr-and-why-is-he-reforming-higher-educatio/'>https://www.engadget.com/2017/02/02/who-is-jerry-falwell-jr-and-why-is-he-reforming-higher-educatio/</a>

Jerry Falwell Jr. is the president of Liberty University and one of America's most vocal evangelical Christian leaders. He's also the son of ultraconservative Southern Baptist pastor, televangelist and founder of the Moral Majority movement Jerry Falwell. Falwell the younger holds a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law as well as a BA in Religious Studies from the school he now governs. Given his pedigree, Falwell Jr's politics unsurprisingly skew far to the right.

What's more, although his university offers advanced science classes with fully stocked labs, its faculty "takes pride in teaching evolution alongside biblical creationism," according to the

"<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/for-many-at-liberty-university-guns-and-god-go-hand-in-hand/2015/12/14/3251bfb2-9fc9-11e5-a3c5-c77f2cc5a43c_story.html?utm_term=.c05033d651d0%22%5D'>https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/for-many-at-liberty-university-guns-and-god-go-hand-in-hand/2015/12/14/3251bfb2-9fc9-11e5-a3c5-c77f2cc5a43c_story.html?utm_term=.c05033d651d0"]</a>
What is this fear you have of your views being challenged?  It appears to me that you want to silence anyone that disagrees with you.  Are you really that insecure?  Personally I welcome being challenged.  It forces me to re-evaluate my position.  
Quote:If I showed my advisor/professor this, who is an evolutionary geneticist, he would die from laughter. I if took this post to Biology Reddit you would be massacred. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, but the funny thing is you think you do.
Lol. Translation, I have to say something, but i cant. Ill just hurl a blind insult about how someone smarter than me could respond.

Find the prof that has empirically proven abiogenesis and have them call me. Ill be at home.
Quote:What is this fear you have of your views being challenged? It appears to me that you want to silence anyone that disagrees with you. Are you really that insecure? Personally I welcome being challenged. It forces me to re-evaluate my position.

His professor and Reddit said jerry was the boogeyman
Quote:They could have got someone from a proper university though surely?
Like UC Berkley?
The bottom line is, evolution is a theory.


Creationism is a theory.


Neither can be proven and neither are "settled science".


Where is the harm in teaching both and allowing students to actually think for themselves and come up with their own answers?


The liberal idea of "teaching" reminds me of an ad that came out during the 1984 Super Bowl.  Liberals don't want to teach, they want to indoctrinate so that everyone is much like the people marching in the ad.

A non-liberal institution for higher learning scares the hell out of liberals.


Propaganda free zones just don't seem fair to them.

Quote:If I showed my advisor/professor this, who is an evolutionary geneticist, he would die from laughter. I if took this post to Biology Reddit you would be massacred. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, but the funny thing is you think you do.
Can you be any more smug? I'm guessing you are a college student?
Quote:If I showed my advisor/professor this, who is an evolutionary geneticist, he would die from laughter. I if took this post to Biology Reddit you would be massacred. You simply have no idea what you're talking about, but the funny thing is you think you do.

He has a pretty big misunderstanding of the law of Biogenesis.  Pasteur did not nor could he have demonstrated that it's impossible for life to come from non-life.  All the law of biogenesis really demonstrates is that life does not come from non-life in every day life.  All it really did was debunk the theory of the time which was spontaneous generation.  

As for the first law of thermodynamics (at least he didn't use the second, since earth is NOT a closed system), there's many hypothesis as to how the energy from the big bang got there.  Of course we don't know for certain, and we may never know for certain.  There's the Zero Energy Universe hypothesis which has some evidence in support of it.   There's a number of other hypothesis for including creationism--of course creationism is the only one that goes "You can't explain it, therefore the answer is this."  There's no experiment you can do that would allow you to describe the creation process or even to ascertain if it's possible.  (This is from Henry Morris by the way, who is a creationist).  If there were, then I'd be all for it being in the science classroom. It's not falsifiable either.  It's basically a hypothesis that can neither be proven nor disproven.  

Quote:He has a pretty big misunderstanding of the law of Biogenesis.  Pasteur did not nor could he have demonstrated that it's impossible for life to come from non-life.  All the law of biogenesis really demonstrates is that life does not come from non-life in every day life.  All it really did was debunk the theory of the time which was spontaneous generation.  

As for the first law of thermodynamics (at least he didn't use the second, since earth is NOT a closed system), there's many hypothesis as to how the energy from the big bang got there.  Of course we don't know for certain, and we may never know for certain.  There's the Zero Energy Universe hypothesis which has some evidence in support of it.   There's a number of other hypothesis for including creationism--of course creationism is the only one that goes "You can't explain it, therefore the answer is this."  There's no experiment you can do that would allow you to describe the creation process or even to ascertain if it's possible.  (This is from Henry Morris by the way, who is a creationist).  If there were, then I'd be all for it being in the science classroom. It's not falsifiable either.  It's basically a hypothesis that can neither be proven nor disproven.  

I'm pretty sure that creation itself is possible. I may be wrong but I remember reading about a lab where scientists created a very simple living cell. It's a long way to building a complex higher organism, but I wouldn't be surprised if humans were able to do that in another 100 or 200 years.


The real problem is whether or not there is (was) a creator. And if so, where did the creator come from? Was there another creator who created the creator who created life on Earth? It's turtles all the way down!

Quote:Or Trump University.

Doc how do you feel about students being able to take federal student loans at this private University? It's undeniable access to federal student loans at Liberty has greatly contributed to its swell in student population and hence financial success.

No university should be allowed to have federal loans. Even as someone who has used them I recognize that all they do is allow the university to expand its cost continuously despite no increase in product/desirability.

It is a bubble. Student loans have outpaced inflation by like 8x since 1970. No one can even afford to go to more than a community college and 'support' themselves with just a highschool minmum wage level job.

Even now when accountability measures are introduced the colleges just cut the limits on COL loans, but never decrease their tuition.
Quote:Its not a proper university. I bet it's an absolute resume killer when searching for a job. So many great universities in the US to pick from. Is liberty university and it's folk donors I imagine?

Over 100k attend a year. Extreme liberals that would care aren't hiring in general. So the crowd it would hurt you with, generally isn't an owner of a business anyway.

Quote:Liar liar. Macro evolutionary theory hasn't been fully empirically observed, moreover a good number of the major predictions in the origin of species have been disproved or lack corroboration. That's why they had to develop the theory of punctuated equilibrium to explain the relative stasis in both the observed and fossil records.

Macroevolution is a term that students from public schools only have no clue about. They only know evolution (inclusive of both marco and micro) and assume it is all the same because that's how their teachers teach it. This is of course, because microevolution i.e. adaption is scientific and proven, so they want to tie macroevoltion (a bird becoming a lizard etc) which has no proof to something that no one can reject. It is of course, disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, but what did you expect from a government curriculum?


Edit: spell, original from phone

Quote:Evolution is evolution whether you are a bacterium, a finch, or a human. The only difference is the timescales on which they happen. Bacteria can accumulate mutations in only a few generations but they also have a extremely short replication process. A bird or a human may require 1000s of generations which can range anywhere from 5,000 to 30,000 years.
Then why havent bacteria turned into something greater by now? They have had billions of generations since people were paying attention in the last 50 years. Ecoli replicates every 20 minutes. Why hasnt it evolved into another species? All its done is gain new immunity to drugs. Thinking minds want to know...
Quote:Can you be any more smug? I'm guessing you are a college student?
And a undergrad. But dont worry hes a scientist.
Quote:Macroevolution is a term that students from public schools only have no clue about. They only know evolution (inclusive of both marco and micro) and assume it is all the same becauses thats how thier techers teach it. This is of course, because microevolution i.e. adaption is scientific and proven, so they want to tie macroevoltion (a bird becoming a lizard etc) which has no proof to something that no one can reject. It is of course, disingenous and intellectually dishonest, but what did you expect from a government curriculum?

Apparently you and your fancy private school education missed all the evidence.  There's plenty of evidence for macroevolution. From the transitional fossil record to genetics to much more. 



Quote:Then why havent bacteria turned into something greater by now? They have had billions of generations since people were paying attention in the last 50 years. Ecoli replicates every 20 minutes. Why hasnt it evolved into another species? All its done is gain new immunity to drugs. Thinking minds want to know...

50 years?  That's a very short period of time, even with that many generations.  And even in that time, we've seen them undergo mutations and evolution.  50 years isn't a long period of time, even with a lot of generations.  I thought this would be understood by now.
Quote:He has a pretty big misunderstanding of the law of Biogenesis. Pasteur did not nor could he have demonstrated that it's impossible for life to come from non-life. All the law of biogenesis really demonstrates is that life does not come from non-life in every day life. All it really did was debunk the theory of the time which was spontaneous generation.

Can someone Google the term rationalization for me?
Quote:Apparently you and your fancy private school education missed all the evidence. There's plenty of evidence for macroevolution. From the transitional fossil record to genetics to much more.

Liar liar. The fossil records lack of transitional forms prompted punctuated equilibrium as an explination.
Quote:Apparently you and your fancy private school education missed all the evidence.  There's plenty of evidence for macroevolution. From the transitional fossil record to genetics to much more. 




50 years?  That's a very short period of time, even with that many generations.  And even in that time, we've seen them undergo mutations and evolution.  50 years isn't a long period of time, even with a lot of generations.  I thought this would be understood by now.
Its the generations not the years that matter. The whole idea of evolution hinges on 'millions and billions of generations', a fish becomes a lizard etc. Well we have organisms that have had that many generations in the last 50 years when we are paying attention, and none of them became a different species. Its simple. The transitional fossil record is weak and full of holes, see the best example of 'horses' up to the last decade or two which was proven false and then quietly removed from texts.


Marco evolution is made on a whole lot of assumptions. But it is highly preferred to the alternative by academia. See Ben Stein's excellent (and non christian/religious btw) documentary on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5EPymcWp-g

Given that Ben Stein is not a scientist, I'm not sure why I'd check that video out.  

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