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Full Version: So for you conservatives, is Jerry Falwell Jr okay for higher education?
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Quote:Where does it say everyday citizens should have guns? Or we just going to ignore the militia part?

You shouldn't ignore the context part either
Quote:You notice how Pirkster's first response to anything is to say how ignorant someone is, yet he never actually engages in the debate? He won't debate you in topics like Climate Change, or the merits of teaching Creationism in a science class because he doesn't really know anything.

I know YOU didn't just say that.
Quote:"a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency."

So you are part of the National Guard?

At the time the second amendment was written and for long periods of time post revolution the country didn't even keep a standing army.  It was understood that the citizenry were to be held as part of the common national defense in the event of encroachment by a.) foreign powers or b.) an overly intrusive federal government. 


This was a nation that was just born of an armed rebellion and a populace that wanted to ensure that they would not be disarmed to be held as hostages of the state. 


That's why the clause reads "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." and not "The right to keep and bear arms is reserved to those members of a standard [formal] militia" 


This is BASIC STUFF!  A second grade civics student should know the original intent and contextual meaning of the second amendment.  You don't and you have the audacity to come here and lecture us about what should and should not be taught in schools and where our tax dollars should go?


It's not wonder, that you and your friend don't understand the concept of enumerated powers of government.   It is the foundational principle of governments formation to PROTECT IT'S CITIZENS and IT'S BORDERS.  To that end, we, as the governed, consent to the formation and upkeep of a military (at the discretion of our elected representatives) as an expression of our nations sovereignty and common defense.  We consent to the formation of law enforcement to enforce the laws dually passed by our elected representatives under the protections of the constitution to internally protect the rights of all citizens. 


We also consent to a communal pooling of means, in order to achieve infrastructure that is impossible for any one person to build.


We do not concede ourselves as SLAVES to the government to be forced to buy goods and services we don't like want or need.  WE UNDERSTAND that the greater the level of choice that a consumer or a person has to exercise their freedom of choice in the market place then the better the result for the community as a whole. 


IT's amazing that the two sectors of our economy that have been the most insulated from price competition, Healthcare and education, are the most inordinately expensive and inefficient. 


It is a national disgrace that in the advanced age of technology that our educational system is still based on a Victorian era design when books and information were scarce and hard to disseminate to the masses.  The idea that we could spend 10k per child for 12 years 12 YEARS and not have a reasonable expectation that after more than a decade in a government school that a child will have a marketable skill set is a fundamental dereliction of our responsibility to the coming generations. 


It is also SICK that certain people would deny children in failing schools from economically depressed areas the opportunity to seek out a better future because their main concern is not their education, but to ensure a SECULAR INDOCTRINATION.  That's sad, ladies and gentlemen. 


In the 12 we spend 0 time actually teaching kids how to build habits of success and study titans of industry.  We spend 0 time teaching about risk management, risk tolerance, investment, or financial planning.  And then we wonder why people don't understand the mortgage and insurance documents that they sign. Instead we have a system that produces between 85-95% of all students that have a FEAR of handling money in the market place and or basing all or part of their professional compensation on commissions. 


This is a joke.  We deserve better.  We should demand better. 


I would get into the true intent progressives had when they designed the public education system but I don't want to scare the children. 
Quote:There's no evidence backing the historical texts, though.


Yet another falsehood.  The most recorded event in the history of mankind is in the historical texts.  There is tons of physical evidence to support the idea of a massive flood in our history.  The nation of Israel was a real nation with a real history.  To make that blanket statement is just flat out uninformed. 


Also, you loose all credibility when you try to massage natural laws to fit your own agenda.  There has been no observed abiogenesis in the History of mankind.  Even the successful synthesis of a man made cell doesn't dispute that.  We have synthesized elements that don't occur in the natural periodic table as well.  To intimate that this part of the scientific cannon doesn't reasonably lend itself to philosophical interpretation is self delusion.
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