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Quote:There was "improvement" this year and we went from 4 to 3 wins.  I'm thinking contracts are renewed for all if we have a break out year and go 5-11.
As I wrote in my original post, I tend to quantify improvement by the win/loss record. Football is traditionally viewed as a team sport with wins and losses attributed to the entire team. While individual statistics are of interest to statisticians and the individual player, they don't reflect the team as a whole the way the win/loss record does. So regardless of the hype from the senior sport writer of the team to the contrary, the 'team' regressed in 2014 from where they were in 2013. A large part of that seeming 'regression' had to do with injuries, but that not withstanding, they did regress in the area that matters... the win column.


It wasn't my intention to sound disingenuous when I suggested that a minimum record in 2015 of 6-10 would be the 'watermark' for the team. A record less than that by the end of the third year of the rebuild puts Gus Bradley in question. It would be great... and I hope it happens... if we achieved well beyond 6-10. But i think 6-10, with (hopefully) better coaching, with more experience, and with good draft and f/s selections, is a realistic and achievable goal. Sure, becoming S.B. contenders would be great in 2015, but is that realistic for this team at this point? No. It's possible... yes, but probable... no.


So speaking for myself, if this team can churn out a 6-10 season this year, then it indicates to me that they are moving in the right direction. It doesn't mean they've 'arrived', but it would be the best season we've seen here in some years. I also only view 6-10 as a 'way point'; they have to continue past middle of the pack. For now though, 'middle of the pack' would be encouraging.

Quote:... I don't think they had any choice but to reign him in which people seem to consider as regression or a sign that bortles is a bust.



Thank you for pointing this out. As he proves he can do more without throwing INTs, they'll loosen those reigns.

Quote:Which is very possible if not likely especially with this new addition to the coaching staff, do we move on from him or give it another year? Obviously if Bortles is bad this year then Gus and the entire staff is getting canned at the end of the season. Do we cut bait or give him the third year?
That isn't 'obvious' at all... let's keep this in perspective; Bortles was playing behind a turn style line this past season (our o-line has specialized in 'turn style' for many years now). He had an inexperienced OC, mostly rookie receivers with two sub-par veteran receivers.


Remember, Bortles wasn't even supposed to play this past season. 'Hind sight' being 20/20, it was a mistake to pull Henne for Bortles as nothing good came from it; not that Henne was any good, but I suspect we didn't get any wins with Bortles that we wouldn't have gotten with Henne too. All we did was cause our rookie franchise quarterback to regress in his pass technique by throwing him to the wolves before he had an acceptable o-line in front of him.


Remember, it was his rookie season; many quarterbacks who've gone on to develop into great players had a less than stellar rookie season. The key word here is 'develop; Blake must show signs of positive development, or else we're just 'spit'en in the wind' and wasting our time. I'm not saying he has to turn into an elite level player this coming season, but we need to start seeing signs on the field of things like...


exercising better judgement with the football so he's doesn't take so many sacks,

consistently better technique in his passing game which should lead to better accuracy when throwing.


We'll see.

Quote:That isn't 'obvious' at all... let's keep this in perspective; Bortles was playing behind a turn style line this past season (our o-line has specialized in 'turn style' for many years now). He had an inexperienced OC, mostly rookie receivers with two sub-par veteran receivers.


Remember, Bortles wasn't even supposed to play this past season. 'Hind sight' being 20/20, it was a mistake to pull Henne for Bortles as nothing good came from it; not that Henne was any good, but I suspect we didn't get any wins with Bortles that we wouldn't have gotten with Henne too. All we did was cause our rookie franchise quarterback to regress in his pass technique by throwing him to the wolves before he had an acceptable o-line in front of him.


Remember, it was his rookie season; many quarterbacks who've gone on to develop into great players had a less than stellar rookie season. The key word here is 'develop; Blake must show signs of positive development, or else we're just 'spit'en in the wind' and wasting our time. I'm not saying he has to turn into an elite level player this coming season, but we need to start seeing signs on the field of things like...


exercising better judgement with the football so he's doesn't take so many sacks,

consistently better technique in his passing game which should lead to better accuracy when throwing.


We'll see.
If this team is 4-12 or worse again.... Bradley will not and should not be back.
4-12 or worse, yea I agree - time to find a new head coach (very big Gus supporter)... but enough is enough


At this stage we need at minimum 5-6 wins, lol


Blaine Gabbert got another chance in his third season when he started week one. Granted he got hurt, came back a couple of weeks later and played two more games, he was awful and they benched and gave up on him. So if they treat Bortles the same way, he should get another chance unless he plays like Blaine did in his three starts in 2013.

What Bortles needs to do in year two is improve his accuracy, cut down on the INTs, improve his production in yards and TDs, and just basically play a better all round game. He should be fine as long as he shows enough progress in his all round game, even if the team only wins a few games and Gus gets canned.

Bortles is a talented QB and needs time. Not every QB comes out and has the success Luck has had with the Colts. Some QBs take time to develop. Drew Brees had an okay first season as as a starter, went backwards in his second, and broke out in his third. He's gone on to big things. I'm not saying Blake will do what Brees did, but he's one example of a QB that took time to find his way.
Quote:4-12 or worse, yea I agree - time to find a new head coach (very big Gus supporter)... but enough is enough


At this stage we need at minimum 5-6 wins, lol
If we were to roll another season that bad again... I'd have to consider the possibility that Gus might not be here in 2016. I set the bar a little higher at 6-10 though; 5-11 can result from just getting a few lucky breaks that we didn't get last season without the team actually being any substantially better. To get to 6-10 (and I agree, it's pathetic to have such a low goal...) the team would actually have to do some things better than they did the last two seasons. We're not talking giant steps here (I'm also not referring to the John Coltrane song...) but small, measurable, individual improvements that should lead to at least a middle of the pack end of season result. 


The good news of this is that if we achieve this then we will have some tangible evidence that Gus is leading the team in the 'right' direction. The bad news of this is if we achieve middle of the pack status we lose the higher draft pick status we've had for some time now and Dave's job becomes substantially harder  and more critical as a result.
Quote:Which is very possible if not likely especially with this new addition to the coaching staff, do we move on from him or give it another year? Obviously if Bortles is bad this year then Gus and the entire staff is getting canned at the end of the season. Do we cut bait or give him the third year?
If Bortles struggles so does the coaching staff and possibly the GM (unless another QB emerged to save them during this upcoming season).  They have it in their best interest to make Blake a superstar.  He'll improve, he has to...
Quote:If Bortles struggles so does the coaching staff and possibly the GM (unless another QB emerged to save them during this upcoming season).  They have it in their best interest to make Blake a superstar.  He'll improve, he has to...
as Bortles goes, so goes the GM and probably the HC...

probably, but saying it and being able to actually make it happen here are too very different things.
I think Bortles isn't in a make it or break it year as a QB, but his head coach certainly is, so his fortunes will have a direct impact on what happens with Gus after 2015.  If he struggles and the team winds up back in the 3-5 win window, that won't bode well for Gus, especially knowing that they're going to be making significant investments this year in getting the roster right.   

I wonder if we just promote Marrone and Olsen if we have another really bad year.  Or do we clean house in the coaching department?

Quote:I wonder if we just promote Marrone and Olsen if we have another really bad year.  Or do we clean house in the coaching department?


And I would assume we clean house. Marrone would just be promoted to interim HC and then the new HC would probably want their own guys.
Quote:I wonder if we just promote Marrone and Olsen if we have another really bad year.  Or do we clean house in the coaching department?
I guess that would depend on how the offense performs (or OLine), because if the team lost every game but the Oline was rated the best & the offense was rated the best than Dave would promote one of them I would guess.
Quote:I wonder if we just promote Marrone and Olsen if we have another really bad year.  Or do we clean house in the coaching department?


It wouldn't shock me. The Raiders considered promoting Olsen from OC to HC during the season last year.

I think Bortles will be highly influenced by seeing such a classic Super Bowl in person after the end of a very hard year. I truly believe the food for the soul that witnessing in person such an awesome example of quarterback play and just grit and gut and what it's all about to get there, will serve as a great lesson for Blake, specifically at this time in his life.

Then, once the team has more talent from free agency and the draft, specifically on the oline, this team will start to win. Win big and win alot

I suppose this could be the case for the lot of our young guys that may have been at the game
Bortles will be fine. He moved the ball up and down the field between the 20's better than any QB we have had since Garrard. We did however, kill a lot of drives with INTs and not being able to put the ball into the endzone. Experience will come. I'm not worried at all because he has shown flashes of brilliance. We all know he can do it, he just has to put in the work. When was the last time we have seen that kind of potential out of a QB on this team? 

Read Olsen expects Bortles to not only work with Palmer but with Rodgers and Brees in California....hope it pays off
Quote:Bortles will be fine. He moved the ball up and down the field between the 20's better than any QB we have had since Garrard. We did however, kill a lot of drives with INTs and not being able to put the ball into the endzone. Experience will come. I'm not worried at all because he has shown flashes of brilliance. We all know he can do it, he just has to put in the work. When was the last time we have seen that kind of potential out of a QB on this team? 
So much this, especially the underlined. Bortles could move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year significantly better than Henne has been able to do the last 2 years, yet some people are already claiming Bortles is in a "make or break" year or lacks potential. If you don't see Bortles potential, then you aren't paying attention.


The thing that gives me the most confidence in Bortles future is his ability to move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year with rookie WRs, a young o-line, and bad mechanics.


Quote:Read Olsen expects Bortles to not only work with Palmer but with Rodgers and Brees in California....hope it pays off

Quote:So much this, especially the underlined. Bortles could move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year significantly better than Henne has been able to do the last 2 years, yet some people are already claiming Bortles is in a "make or break" year or lacks potential. If you don't see Bortles potential, then you aren't paying attention.


The thing that gives me the most confidence in Bortles future is his ability to move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year with rookie WRs, a young o-line, and bad mechanics.



One of the stories on jaguars.com. Where Olson was talking about what Bortles will be doing during the off-season
Quote:So much this, especially the underlined. Bortles could move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year significantly better than Henne has been able to do the last 2 years, yet some people are already claiming Bortles is in a "make or break" year or lacks potential. If you don't see Bortles potential, then you aren't paying attention.


Blake is a tough sell outside of Jacksonville. We watch him and see sheer potential. We know that if he can fling the ball like he did early on while not throwing INTs like he did in December, that he's taking this team places. But others just look at stats, and Blake's were dead last in most categories qbs who started most or all of the season.

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