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Just hope he won't turn into another Blaine Gabbert. You can only hope!

If Blake has 17 TD and 14 int I think those are reasonable goals and would show much improvement

I just don't want out passing game to be dead last
Let's give Blake a few more tenths of a second to throw, and eliminate a few dozen head-on collisions with 300 lb. defensive ends, and then I'll call the jury in for their decision.
"When a play does break down protection-wise and you have a guy that can go get yards, you don't want to discourage it," Olson said. "There is a time to make something to happen with your feet. For other quarterbacks, that's not part of their makeup. That's a strength of Blake's and we want him to continue to utilize that." - Olson



1929.  I think people still don't understand how big this is.  In reality, there is little if any separation between Blakes production and leftwhich or gabbert.  If he doesn't signifigantly improve this year then we could be looking at a situation like the jets in the new microwave microwave NFL.

Quote:1929.  I think people still don't understand how big this is.  In reality, there is little if any separation between Blakes production and leftwhich or gabbert.  If he doesn't signifigantly improve this year then we could be looking at a situation like the jets in the new microwave microwave NFL.
The credibility you may have had..... Is now gone.
Rookie year comparisons, 2,214 12td 11int 65.4 rat, that's gabbert 2819 14td 16int 73 rat that's lefty and 2903 11td 17 ints and 69.5 rating that's bottles and he had the fewest wins. Facts are stubborn things.
Quote:Rookie year comparisons, 2,214 12td 11int 65.4 rat, that's gabbert 2819 14td 16int 73 rat that's lefty and 2903 11td 17 ints and 69.5 rating that's bottles and he had the fewest wins. Facts are stubborn things.

So is punctuation.
I'm on my cell phone, sue me
IMO......... to some degree, it matters not how good or how lousy Bortles stats are next season because some of those stats will be beyond his own control. More importantly, this upcoming season (as was the case this past season) just how far the JAGS go depends on how far the OL takes them. Tom Brady could have been behind center and he would have had a mediocre season too. (if he survived at all without getting hurt). That said, Bortles at the very least, needs to show remarkable improvement as an NFL QB or he could be in serious trouble. 

Quote:I'm on my cell phone, sue me
Sure seemed to find a comma that time.....

Regardless, Leftwich was on a much better team. Blake is by far better than Gabbert too. I'd be shocked if he has a Gabbert like career here.
Quote:Rookie year comparisons, 2,214 12td 11int 65.4 rat, that's gabbert 2819 14td 16int 73 rat that's lefty and 2903 11td 17 ints and 69.5 rating that's bottles and he had the fewest wins. Facts are stubborn things.

Numbers don't always tell the whole story.  Byron was promising despite his awkward throwing motion.  If you think there's any comparison between Blaine and Blake though there's no helping you.
Quote:Sure seemed to find a comma that time.....

Regardless, Leftwich was on a much better team. Blake is by far better than Gabbert too. I'd be shocked if he has a Gabbert like career here.

I've seen bortles throw far dumber passes than blaine ever thought about


bortles went full tim tebow several times this year
Quote:I've seen bortles throw far dumber passes than blaine ever thought about


bortles went full tim tebow several times this year
go away
Brilliant post.

Quote:Rookie year comparisons, 2,214 12td 11int 65.4 rat, that's gabbert 2819 14td 16int 73 rat that's lefty and 2903 11td 17 ints and 69.5 rating that's bottles and he had the fewest wins. Facts are stubborn things.

Let me add one........3739 yards, 26 t.d.'s, 28 int., 56.7% completion percentage, 3 wins, 71.2 passer rating.............

That's Peyton Manning.

Not predicting that Bortles will become the second coming of Manning, just pointing out that rookie stats are often inconsistent with eventual performance. Let's see how Bortles improves in 2015 before we throw him in the trash pile.

I read an analysis of the best 42 QB's since 1970 recently. The author's conclusion was that if a QB has mediocre stats after two years (32 games), it's highly unlikely that he'll eventually develop into a top-tier QB , UNLESS he plays for a "terrible" team. This is what happened to Terry Bradshaw. I submit that the 2014 Jaguars fit the definition of a terrible team. That's not to say that it's automatic that such a QB will become great, it just means that being placed on a terrible team is a handicap, even for the most talented QB's. History dictates that before final judgement on Bortles is rendered, he must be given a better supporting cast.
For the record, I wasn't bashing Blake. I wasn't him to succeed as much as anyone. At the same time, I am pointing out the fact that realistically, he hasn't produced yet. That's okay, but it's not a guarantee that it will.

Also for the record, Blake has mechanical flaws that manifest themselves by way of inaccuracy to the deep third if the football field, that's a concern. He also hadn't hit a hit route since he's been here, that's a bigger concern and why Jeff fish is at Michigan. These are concerns. To pretend otherwise is delusional.

The kids tough athletic and has the ability to make plays. That's true of all quarterbacks taken in the first round. The difference is when some qbs take the next step and develop into consistent performers on the field making reads on time and throwing accurately to ask levels of the field. Right now he's at the beginning of that process and that's understandable, at the same time it's irresponsible not to point out that he's at the same place essentially as the last two guys we took in the top ten and frankly regressed as the season progressed leaving this as an off season with legitimate questions.

As for Payton manning, yes over the first four years of his career he threw 100 interceptions but two counterpoint, 1) he also the for more TDs his rookie year than any qb in the history of this franchise, 2) in reality, against quality teams he never stopped throwing interceptions. Just ask Ty law. His Superbowl drain his past rating throughout the playoffs was less than 80 with 7 picks. So you may not get a full picture of a guy in his rookie year, but you can get a glimpse. And the glimpse of Blake leaves miles to go before we sleep.
"As for Payton manning, yes over the first four years of his career he threw 100 interceptions but two counterpoint, 1) he also the for more TDs his rookie year than any qb in the history of this franchise, 2) in reality, against quality teams he never stopped throwing interceptions. Just ask Ty law. His Superbowl drain his past rating throughout the playoffs was less than 80 with 7 picks. So you may not get a full picture of a guy in his rookie year, but you can get a glimpse. And the glimpse of Blake leaves miles to go before we sleep."

3 wins his rookie season, same as Blake.
Quote:So much this, especially the underlined. Bortles could move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year significantly better than Henne has been able to do the last 2 years, yet some people are already claiming Bortles is in a "make or break" year or lacks potential. If you don't see Bortles potential, then you aren't paying attention.

The thing that gives me the most confidence in Bortles future is his ability to move the ball up and down the field in his rookie year with rookie WRs, a young o-line, and bad mechanics.



He talks about it in his opening press conference.

Get with it bro
Quote:I've seen bortles throw far dumber passes than blaine ever thought about


bortles went full tim tebow several times this year
That is because Gabbert's favorite receiver was the fullback. 
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