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Full Version: How can we suck this bad...
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Here you go men!  You deserve not only Baskin Robbins, but Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza!


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Quote:There is no reason not to be happy about winning.

Exactly. Plus it was an entertaining game, turn over free and another example of Bortles as a leader. Plus, we beat the Titans. Always a positive!
Quote:Exactly. Plus it was an entertaining game, turn over free and another example of Bortles as a leader. Plus, we beat the Titans. Always a positive!

A win against a bottom feeder on their 3rd QB just so we can hand them their choice in the draft. Wallbash
Quote:Exactly. Plus it was an entertaining game, turnover free and another example of Bortles as a leader. Plus, we beat the Titans. Always a positive!

And it showed Bortles improving.
Quote:A win against a bottom feeder on their 3rd QB just so we can hand them their choice in the draft.

What makes you get that idea? Teams always play to win no matter what the week, opponent, or record is.
Quote:What makes you get that idea? Teams always play to win no matter what the week, opponent, or record is.

I understand the team plays to win.  From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want.  I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.
Quote:I understand the team plays to win. From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want. I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.

Quote:I understand the team plays to win. From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want. I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.

No guarantee of that.

I like seeing our rookie qb getting more comfortable with his rookie wrs
Quote:I understand the team plays to win.  From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want.  I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.
Keep up the pipe dream that all you delusional tankers have about getting a haul for the #1 pick, like it's some guarantee or something.  You guys are precious.
Quote:I understand the team plays to win.  From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want.  I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.

We were not eligible for the #1 pick anyway because of the SOS tiebreaker. Tampa Bay has the weakest schedule of all two-win teams. Also, we will not get the same pick number in each round because a few other teams will be 3-13.


What difference does it make which pick we get on April 30? The BAP at our pick will be elite. And what makes you think Caldwell would want to trade down?
Quote:I understand the team plays to win.  From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want.  I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.
Jesus you complain when they lose every week.  The couple of wins they have you complain about those.  Do you want them to win or lose?  Good christ. 
Hey boys, they have medicine for that premature thing you got going on.

Quote:I hope they don't pan out to be franchise QBs. We will be singlehandedly responsible for putting Luck and Mariota/Winston in the AFC South.

No. We played the Colts twice the year before they picked Luck. We weren't responsible for where or who they picked. Nice try tho.
Quote:See why you should quit jerkin your knee off so early!
Im not sure anyone should do that to their knee, i dont care what time it is... Not sure how u pull that off either, but hey, if their knee likes it more power to them.
Quote:No. We played the Colts twice the year before they picked Luck. We weren't responsible for where or who they picked. Nice try tho.

Wow this is the new winner for most obvious revisionist history on the board. We did the exact sane thing we did today. There was only one or two games left, and we knew if we beat the Colts we woukd be handing them at a minimum the 2nd pick, and probably the first. Everyone knew it. I mean they were starting freakin curtis Painter. We were the only team they could have beat, but we pulled out a ugly useless win and they got Luck. And. The apologist went crazy! 115 yards is progress? 13/26 is progress? If this is what Blakes game has to do to prevent int, then give me the ints back.
Quote:You're such a whiny little [BAD WORD REMOVED] dude.
did this guy receive a warning for this post?
Quote:I understand the team plays to win.  From a franchise perspective I'll take the 2-14 season and the #1 pick so I can exchange it for 3 top 2 round picks or draft whoever I want.  I'll take the #1 & 33 pick all day to rebuild a franchise instead of the 5 & 37.
Agreed.   We took a step back and hurt our chances next year. 
Quote:A win against a bottom feeder on their 3rd QB just so we can hand them their choice in the draft. Wallbash

Dude, people have been suggesting it, but I just realized...you really are TMD jr.

We won? Arghpitchforks! We lost? Fire everyoneargh!

Get outta here with this crap salad.
Quote:No. We played the Colts twice the year before they picked Luck. We weren't responsible for where or who they picked. Nice try tho.
Hmmm, yes - we did.  You sir, are wrong.  
Quote:Agreed.   We took a step back and hurt our chances next year.

We've picked in the top ten for nearly a decade straight. Top 5 three years in a row.

It doesn't matter what pick we have in the draft. I don't know how to make you people learn that there are no sure things in e NFL, and especially not in the NFL draft. Give the team a chance.
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