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Full Version: How can we suck this bad...
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Quote:Way to destroy the optimism I had for the offseason - the draft is the one thing that fans of teams with losing records have to look forward to during the dead time...


You can always have hope that the Jags will draft that difference-maker, the one that will change our fortunes, but then you bring reality into play and make us remember that we have failed time and time again at the top of the draft.

Does that make me one of the "realists" then?

I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade here, and I understand that the offseason, for a Jaguars fan anyway, is the happiest time of the football year because of renewed hope for the future, but let's not forget that most FAs don't always work out, and draft picks are certainly no sure thing.

The thought that we should lose in order to get the first pick is really dumb. I'm sure the 49ers were elated they could draft Alex Smith with the first pick instead of Aaron Rodgers, who went number 25 overall. I'm sure the Bears were filled with joy that they were able to take Curtis Enis before the Jaguars drafted the lowly Fred Taylor. Randy Moss didn't get tabbed until the 17th pick. Tom Brady. You could go on and on.

1st pick, 20th pick, whatever. It doesn't matter. You might get Peyton Manning, or you might get Tim Couch. No one knows, so why fight over it?
Here's my thing about the draft position.  For us, it's not THAT big of a deal if we draft 1 or 2.  The reason being, we have a our most important player.  They need to learn how to win on this team, plain and simple.  If we didn't have Bortles, I would definitively agree, whole heartedly.  It's time to win now.  If we were 7-8 right now, would you want us to suck right now because you know we wouldn't be making the play offs anyway?  I would want to be .500.

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