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Quote:So...we have the global numbers in? I haven't seen any myself so i don't know if that statement is accurate or not, though it will be funny as hell to watch the madlibs if it turns out to be right.
Not what he said now you're making alternative facts. He said both in person and global. Of course good luck finding a global numbers from 2008 to ever verify that. It doesn't matter. It's a lie the minute he said in person. Why lie about that?

The joke of the whole situation is our president was so hurt by the mere fact that Obama had more spectators that he had to said his Press Secretary out to lie about it. How infantile can you be?

Who cares how many people showed up?
Quote:He said and I quote " This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe."

While one could file this in The Who cares bin. It appears Donald cares very much and Spicer decided to use alternative facts. All the while lecturing the media on honesty??

Really now?

Then there is this gem of a lie:

" this was the first time in our nations history that floor coverings had been used to protect the grass on the mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas in which people were not standing."

Except for when they covered it in 2013.

He never said that. I'm making things up. Now you are too. Anything that comes from the White House mouthpieces is verified and not able to be challenged.

Even when it borders on Kim Jong Un territory. Can't wait for Trump to reveal the discovery of the unicorn cave.
The point isn't who had the largest audience, or who had the most spectators.   Washington DC is 96% democrats, of course Obama had the most spectators.   The point is, Trump seems to really really care about it.   So much so that he sends his press secretary out to speak on this subject and only this subject.   No other topics, no questions, just who had the most spectators. 


What.  The.  Hell.   Does he not have more important things to worry about?   And if you're going to send your Press Secretary out to tell a bunch of lies, why not do it when it's a lot more important?   Talk about stepping on your dick!   First day in office, and this is what he's worried about?  

Call it what you will, but it's night and day better compared to the complete bull [BLEEP] we got from Gibbs, Carney (possibly the worst of any) and Earnest.

How dare he?!


Seems like he's not worried about it nearly as badly as those he's agitated.


Mission accomplished.

Quote:The point isn't who had the largest audience, or who had the most spectators.   Washington DC is 96% democrats, of course Obama had the most spectators.   The point is, Trump seems to really really care about it.   So much so that he sends his press secretary out to speak on this subject and only this subject.   No other topics, no questions, just who had the most spectators. 


What.  The.  Hell.   Does he not have more important things to worry about?   And if you're going to send your Press Secretary out to tell a bunch of lies, why not do it when it's a lot more important?   Talk about stepping on your [BAD WORD REMOVED]!   First day in office, and this is what he's worried about?  
It's the same reason he tweets at anyone who says a bad thing about him. He feels the need to always have the last word. Every other tweet from Trump is about how SNL made fun of him or how the media made something up again. If he's going to be in office for 4 years, he needs to let those things slide. Tweeting is not worth it.
Quote:The point isn't who had the largest audience, or who had the most spectators.   Washington DC is 96% democrats, of course Obama had the most spectators.   The point is, Trump seems to really really care about it.   So much so that he sends his press secretary out to speak on this subject and only this subject.   No other topics, no questions, just who had the most spectators. 


What.  The.  Hell.   Does he not have more important things to worry about?   And if you're going to send your Press Secretary out to tell a bunch of lies, why not do it when it's a lot more important?   Talk about stepping on your [BAD WORD REMOVED]!   First day in office, and this is what he's worried about?  

Is he really that worried about it? It was a few statements from his press secretary and maybe a tweet from him. He spent the entire day today in meetings actually being president, it seems.


Doesn't seem very important to him from my perspective. It does, however, seem important to the MSM and its sheep. They love to get riled up over an irrelevant tweet here or a innocuous statement there. They have spent 3 days talking about it, totally missing all the other actually important news. 3 days over a statement from the press secretary about something so totally irrelevant.


MSM needs to stop being so OCD.

When is Hillary going to jail?

When are his taxes being released?

When are the real inauguration photos going to be released?

When is Mexico paying for the wall?
I don't think he really cares. Didn't seem to deter him from pulling out of the TPP with an EO, as well as boosting our military's pay and getting Mattis' to work on ISIS. 


R-E-L-A-X. While everyone is busy worrying about him speaking through his PS over something laughable he's already making moves left and right. 

LOL.  Liberals are still in full meltdown mode.

Quote:The point is: why even say it? He didn't have to say anything at all about it. He could have said exactly what you just wrote but chose to say something that wasn't true.

"Crowd size doesn't matter. Next question." See. It's easy.
Trump is a emotional teenager
Quote:When is Hillary going to jail?

When are his taxes being released?

When are the real inauguration photos going to be released?

When is Mexico paying for the wall?



-When Barron Trump figures out how to work Photoshop.

Quote:LOL. Some  Liberals are still in full meltdown mode.
Quote:LOL. Liberals are still in full meltdown mode.

And yet it is not they who are on National TV acting like an infantile child.

I am enjoying this so very much!
Quote:LOL.  Liberals are still in full meltdown mode.

And Trump supporters think it's just a big joke if the guy lies his [BLEEP] off every time he opens his mouth. 
You know it's bad when Johnny Manziel tells you to stay off twitter lol

Quote:And yet it is not they who are on National TV acting like an infantile child.

I am enjoying this so very much!

Except it is them. Every single day. On CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC.




Quote:And yet it is not they who are on National TV acting like an infantile child.

I am enjoying this so very much!

So those people they were showing on my tv, throwing bricks through windows and destroying stuff weren't acting like infantile children?
Were there claims to the contrary?

Quote:So those people they were showing on my tv, throwing bricks through windows and destroying stuff weren't acting like infantile children?

I am sure there are a few people that are acting like children sure? Is this the first time?
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