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Quote:Yeah, somewhere. Meanwhile, in this thread...blah, blah, blah.

Yeah a thread about an administration so thin skinned they created "alternative facts"!
Quote:Absolutely verifiable lies
Quote:Read this.  He told five verifiable lies. 




The problem was, simply stating a rather harmless fact, that the crowd was down from previous inaugurations, which can easily be explained by the political and demographic makeup of the DC citizenry, caused Trump to send his spokesman out to argue about it, as if it really mattered.  


That statement, that the crowd size was smaller than the ones Obama had, was so innocuous that no one would have even remembered it, and no one cared about it, except for Donald Trump.   Our 13 year old President.   So what did he do?  He sent his press secretary out there to make a fool of himself. 

The problem is that you libs are so focused on supposed "lies" rather than what this really is about.


Why would any real news organization splash that (crowd numbers) on their online headlines and make it a focal point?  Why would they use an obvious misleading photo and cite it as "fact"?  Where was the coverage about what the new President had to say?


Talk about dissecting and looking for something.  The liberal media and their followers are searching for anything that they can find to downplay the enthusiasm and optimism of President Trump's speech and the reaction of voters.


This whole issue is not about "lies", inauguration crowds or anything else.  It's all about the dishonest and misleading liberal MSM.
Quote:The problem is that you libs are so focused on supposed "lies" rather than what this really is about.

Why would any real news organization splash that (crowd numbers) on their online headlines and make it a focal point? Why would they use an obvious misleading photo and cite it as "fact"? Where was the coverage about what the new President had to say?

Talk about dissecting and looking for something. The liberal media and their followers are searching for anything that they can find to downplay the enthusiasm and optimism of President Trump's speech and the reaction of voters.

This whole issue is not about "lies", inauguration crowds or anything else. It's all about the dishonest and misleading liberal MSM.

Ok. So why didn't Spicer say that? Why tell lies. He really has zero credibility now as a press secretary.
If only you guys would have nit picked what the WH Press Secretary said about the war in Syria.

When it comes to contradictions and inconsistencies regarding the support of terrorist groups in a civil war... Not interested.

When it comes to an argument over how many people showed up for the inauguration... Hoooboy you are all over it!


Who cares, you ask?   Trumps press secretary came out and brought it up!  And took no questions afterwards.  This is all he wanted to talk about!   The press didn't bring it up!  Trump's press secretary did! 


Look, if you think this is stupid crap, which it is, they why is Trump perpetuating this dispute by sending his own press secretary out there to lie about it?   Provable, absolute, bald faced lies!   What is he doing!  It's idiotic! 
#1  Could be an honest mistake.  

#2  The initial photos posted by CNN et al that were claimed as "live feed" were from 6 hours prior to the actual inauguration.  Disingenuous to say the least no?

#3  WHAT?  Too confusing for my simple mind to comprehend.

#4  I was at work.  I watched it online with 4 other co-workers.  Were these online numbers calculated into the equation?  For the record my first time ever watching an inauguration live.

#5  With all of the threats made openly about then President elect Donald Trump I am logically thinking there may have been some extra security measures in place, No?
Quote:If only you guys would have nit picked what the WH Press Secretary said about the war in Syria.

When it comes to contradictions and inconsistencies regarding the support of terrorist groups in a civil war... Not interested.

When it comes to an argument over how many people showed up for the inauguration... Hoooboy you are all over it!

"We" are not all over it.  It was TRUMP who was all over it.   He's the one who sent out his spokesperson to lie about the facts and defend the size of his crowd. 


"We" don't give a crap about the size of Trump's crowds.  It's TRUMP who raised a stink about it.  If he had not sent out his spokesperson to rant about the issue, no one would even remember who had a bigger crowd.   Because no one cares, except Donald Trump. 


The issue is that we have a President who is so thin-skinned that he sees every fact that goes against him as the product of a conspiracy get him.  
How do you build a polluting factory and still protect the environment?
Quote:"We" are not all over it.  It was TRUMP who was all over it.   He's the one who sent out his spokesperson to lie about the facts and defend the size of his crowd. 


"We" don't give a crap about the size of Trump's crowds.  It's TRUMP who raised a stink about it.  If he had not sent out his spokesperson to rant about the issue, no one would even remember who had a bigger crowd.   Because no one cares, except Donald Trump. 


The issue is that we have a President who is so thin-skinned that he sees every fact that goes against him as the product of a conspiracy get him.  

It wasn't Trump who made a stink about it. Was the networks and the twitter-bots who made this irrelevant issue even relevant. Again, they were desperate for any way to disparage Trump, and they did so by headlining and trending this pointless story all weekend. Trump sent his spox out to correct the record and call out dishonest journalism. It wasn't even specifically about this single incident, like Spicer said. It was about a collection of incidents where the major networks are simply out to besmirch Trump instead of just reporting honestly and fairly.


Spicer said himself that both in-person and around the world it was the most watched inauguration, and he may be right. I had never even considered watching an inauguration in the past, and neither my family. Yet we all gladly watched it this time around. Also, I streamed it. Streaming media is massive compared to when all previous inaugurations were held. Calculating everybody who streamed (both nationally and internationally) it along with television ratings, I can almost assuredly say it was the most watched inauguration of all time.

Quote:It wasn't Trump who made a stink about it. Was the networks and the twitter-bots who made this irrelevant issue even relevant. Again, they were desperate for any way to disparage Trump, and they did so by headlining and trending this pointless story all weekend. Trump sent his spox out to correct the record and call out dishonest journalism. It wasn't even specifically about this single incident, like Spicer said. It was about a collection of incidents where the major networks are simply out to besmirch Trump instead of just reporting honestly and fairly.

Spicer said himself that both in-person and around the world it was the most watched inauguration, and he may be right. I had never even considered watching an inauguration in the past, and neither my family. Yet we all gladly watched it this time around. Also, I streamed it. Streaming media is massive compared to when all previous inaugurations were held. Calculating everybody who streamed (both nationally and internationally) it along with television ratings, I can almost assuredly say it was the most watched inauguration of all time.
You're trying so hard and it's hilarious.

Spicer came out to lecture the media about honesty while he told muliple lies. Yep first time they ever used white lawn coverings... Except when they did in 2013.

The White House Press Secretary won't be taken seriously ever again! He is the butt jokes these days.
Quote:You're trying so hard and it's hilarious.

Spicer came out to lecture the media about honesty while he told muliple lies. Yep first time they ever used white lawn coverings... Except when they did in 2013.

The White House Press Secretary won't be taken seriously ever again! He is the butt jokes these days.

So the media lies, the spox lies. Everyone lies.


Good thing we have this MB to get the truth.
Trump is still so hung up on it, he made small talk with members of congress about how it was the biggest inauguration and how he actually won the popular vote as 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary (which is an enormous alternative fact).
Quote:Trump is still so hung up on it, he made small talk with members of congress about how it was the biggest inauguration and how he actually won the popular vote as 3-5 million illegals voted for Hillary (which is an enormous alternative fact).

An investigation, if so desired, would help discover the truth.


Could non-citizens decide the November election?


"Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.


How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010."


Clearly a relatively small percentage of non-citizens have voted in the past. Given the current demographic and treatment of illegal immigrants, it wouldn't be hard to believe that number has increased. Plus, with all the shadiness discovered during the recount, it isn't outside the realm of possibility.


Half of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount
Quote:How do you build a polluting factory and still protect the environment?

By building a less polluting factory than the one that would have been built in China instead.

Quote:An investigation, if so desired, would help discover the truth.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/10/24/could-non-citizens-decide-the-november-election/'>Could non-citizens decide the November election?</a>

"Our data comes from the <a class="bbc_url" href='http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cces/home'>Cooperative Congressional Election Study</a> (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010."

Clearly a relatively small percentage of non-citizens have voted in the past. Given the current demographic and treatment of illegal immigrants, it wouldn't be hard to believe that number has increased. Plus, with all the shadiness discovered during the recount, it isn't outside the realm of possibility.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/05/recount-unrecountable/95007392/'>Half of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount</a>

Trump claims 3 - 5 million votes. There's no evidence to support such a claim whatsoever. Alternative facts.
Still LOLing at those living in an alternative reality lecturing others about what's real and what is not...





Quote:Still LOLing at those living in an alternative reality lecturing others about what's real and what is not...



Ask Baghdad Sean. He probably has some alternative facts for you.
Quote:By building a less polluting factory than the one that would have been built in China instead.

What incentive is there to do this? And who sets the criteria for pollution and who enforces the building of a less polluting factory?
Quote:What incentive is there to do this? And who sets the criteria for pollution and who enforces the building of a less polluting factory?

US factories are less polluting than Chinese factories. US power plants are less polluting than Chinese power plants. But the last administration gave a huge incentive to have China build these instead of the US.

Quote:What incentive is there to do this? And who sets the criteria for pollution and who enforces the building of a less polluting factory?

Have you not seen the pictures in China? People having to wear masks while walking down the street because the pollution is so bad. Look it up.

Part of the reason companies prefer to build factories overseas is because they don't have the same environmental controls that we have here thanks to the EPA. Less regulation meanscless money spent. Sadly for that country and its people it means an extremely poor environment to live in health wise.
Quote:Have you not seen the pictures in China? People having to wear masks while walking down the street because the pollution is so bad. Look it up.

Part of the reason companies prefer to build factories overseas is because they don't have the same environmental controls that we have here thanks to the EPA. Less regulation meanscless money spent. Sadly for that country and its people it means an extremely poor environment to live in health wise.

It was sort of a rhetorical question. You can't say you want to roll back regulations in order to build more factories and then say you want a "clean" environment. That doesn't add up
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