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Quote:Truly disturbing

But perhaps its Khans way. He wants the increase in bottom line. Winning is secondary right now. No way is winning a priority when you take home field advantage away for 4 years. Maybe 2, and by then we should see improvement...enough to where a home game could be the difference in a playoff spot or not. But 4? Winning a fan base over there...losing one here?

But London makes money and the fans are happy with only seeing them once...even the British car maker Jaguar is thinking name change, due to association Blush


Yes, I agree that it's disturbing. I truly didn't consider that 3 straight years of only winning 1 game of the first 10 was some kind of putrid history.

Even with the perception of Bortles and the other young guys potentially bringing this team up out of the hole,,, that historical fact really knocks the wind out of it.

Welcome to the realm of historical NFL futility guys. Really disturbing.
Quote:And I should be happy with this and assume the coaches are doing well, and next year we will be better. Absolutely the worst day to be a Jags fan. Enough IS enough...

Tell me where someone says all is well and good? Tell me how whining and moaning and groaning helps?


Enough IS enough means what? You are not required to watch or attend. And for all the childish rants I've had to suffer through I still don't think that means people care more. It just means they are childish.
My main problem isn't losing and I personally like GUs and want him to stay.


My problem is we are not getting rid of coaches who aren't producing like we get rid of players who aren't producing.

 The special teams coach needs to be gone, countless blocks. And how about a running mandate dont run it out of the end zone becuase 90% of the time your not getting to the 20.

Whoever is responsible for teaching the defense how to tackle needs to be reassigned. You dont tackle above the numbers like we do. 


Its disheartening to see missed tackle after missed tackle that can and should be fixed.
also if anyone here still thinks they can do better then any player on our jags team, why don't you go try out for the team.

Quote:I don't think asking for more than 1 win out of 10 games is asking to win 'all the time'

Point. Blank. PERIOD
Snowie, I like you.  But unfortunately I have to disagree with this thread.


It almost comes off like you are attacking jags fans because you don't want to attack the jaguars organization.  


Just because some of the fans have nothing positive to say about a 5 year stretch of progressively bad football to watch doesn't give anyone the right to attack someone else.


We're all frustrated based on the performance of the Jaguars for the last few years at the least.  Some take out their frustration by critiquing the team.  


Others seem to be taking out their frustration by critiquing the critics.  I just don't know if I can agree with that.


It's your right to call it like you see it.  So, more power to you.  But I just wonder if maybe your frustration is misplaced...

its been 5 years of loseing already? I wasn't trying to attack any fans, its just some people are ready to win all he time. People seem to forget when jags first came into league in early years they were winning, and some have gotton to use to winning.  They just can't take the loseing  anymore, so instead of cheering for another team, they come here whine, and throw the jags team under the bus.  It wasn't my intention to attack anyone at all. i was just trying to open some peoples eyes.

A lot of us are Jag fans because they are our home town team. They represent us on the national scale. When they succeed we revel in the glory, when they suck we are annoyed. We are tired of being annoyed at our team.


No, I can't play any better than them so I'm not out there, but similarly I'm not a cancer doctor either but I can complain when my cancer doctor fails to succeed.


Regards...........................the Chiefjag

Quote:its been 5 years of loseing already? I wasn't trying to attack any fans, its just some people are ready to win all he time. People seem to forget when jags first came into league in early years they were winning, and some have gotton to use to winning.  They just can't take the loseing  anymore, so instead of cheering for another team, they come here whine, and throw the jags team under the bus.  It wasn't my intention to attack anyone at all. i was just trying to open some peoples eyes.

I wasn't a fan of the Jaguars until I moved to Fernandina for a couple years back in 2006.  I don't remember the early years the way you guys do.


Alot of Jaguar fans only know mediocrity with a couple good seasons in the sun sprinkled in.  


I honestly don't think that most posters in the Jungle are spoiled from the early success.  I think most fans right now are just tired of the losing. 


I hate to use this cliche', but it's always darkest right before the dawn.  And it seems pretty dark right now.  I just don't know if I blame most posters for expressing their frustrations.  But that's just me.


You're a die hard, and that's what makes you special.  So I won't begrudge you your feelings.  I just don't think that most posters on here are doing it to troll, not after this many years of being on this board and so many years of ineptitude.


These last 5 years or so has weeded out the weak willed fans!  LOL  
We are being conditioned so we don't put up a fight when Khan moves the team overnight.


Queue 2018 Jacksonville Inhabitant


"Oh they are moving the Jags? Who cares? They haven't had a winning season in 10 years!"


I can hear it now.



I was thinking more of the people that just come here, and post nothing but negtiave  after negtiave.  There is always postives no matter how bad it looks.  I can name 2 off top of my head.



1. we have the best looking cheerleaders



2. we have the best score board in nfl



3. we have the most entertaining mascoat ever


4. we beat a team this year that's in first place by themselves. the browns.

Wow...that is a painful statistic..

Thank goodness we got a win. Fortunately a goose egg in the left column is the more memorable failure.

I still think we are better than our record, but more than just about everything, TACKLING has to improve. Alot.

Cyp's bad angles and missed tackles are at the top of my list. I am very tired of seeing him fly off the shoulders of players he should be punishing for the audacity of entering our secondary.
Quote:also if anyone here still thinks they can do better then any player on our jags team, why don't you go try out for the team.
I don't think any of the people on this board think they could play NFL level football......and that arguement has very little to do with the point that the fans have expectations and those expectations in that last few yeras have not been met. Like many others I grow tired of how poorly we look just about every game and how often the game is only close because of "garbage time" scores.  Just an OBTW in the last 2.5 seasons we have been out scored by 515 points! I would say there is plenty of room for improvement. I continue to remain patient.....but it becomes increasingly more difficult each year!
Quote:I was thinking more of the people that just come here, and post nothing but negtiave  after negtiave.  There is always postives no matter how bad it looks.  I can name 2 off top of my head.



1. we have the best looking cheerleaders



2. we have the best score board in nfl



3. we have the most entertaining mascoat ever


4. we beat a team this year that's in first place by themselves. the browns.

That's great that you like the "mascoat" and cheerleaders and basically all things aesthetically pleasing. 


I want to see W's on the schedule. I remember being at the championship game against the Titans 3819785981932 years ago and seeing how much pride and interest were in our team. That's dwindled so much because they haven't been able to figure out anything to right the ship.


Yeah of course there are die hards, but most die hards have blinders on and are too caught up in something to at least be able to admit this franchise is terrible and nothing has been really done about it that's turned into something positive. 
Quote:I don't think any of the people on this board think they could play NFL level football......and that arguement has very little to do with the point that the fans have expectations and those expectations in that last few yeras have not been met. Like many others I grow tired of how poorly we look just about every game and how often the game is only close because of "garbage time" scores.  Just an OBTW in the last 2.5 seasons we have been out scored by 515 points! I would say there is plenty of room for improvement. I continue to remain patient.....but it becomes increasingly more difficult each year!

Not to mention all the JDR years that most of us fans have had to endure, we were pretty much all getting to the point we are right now, back then. So for those of us that haven't forgotten those painful years, it makes it even harder to remain patient right now. 


For now, I'll continue to turn on the TV at 1 PM on sundays, but I'd sure like to be able to say that I'm waking up early in the morning and heading to the stadium for a good game of football to watch. 
Why are yall arguing with someone who cant spell and form a correct sentence?
I haven't lived in Jax for 9 years, and I made it to atleast 1-2 games a year since I left.  I am itching to move back, so I can attend games, and be a season ticket holder.  With that being said, I have not attended 1 game this season, nor do I plan to.  If I can get a free ticket from a friend I will.  I will not spend my money to see this product we call a football team.  There was a point to every game I have ever been to was a win.  That streak ended a few years ago, and the feeling being their getting blown out is so miserable.  You can't tell me you are satisfied with this coaching staff or team.  This is not a fluke year, it has been happening since 2008, and then been going WAY down hill since then.

Quote:Not to mention all the JDR years that most of us fans have had to endure, we were pretty much all getting to the point we are right now, back then. So for those of us that haven't forgotten those painful years, it makes it even harder to remain patient right now. 


For now, I'll continue to turn on the TV at 1 PM on sundays, but I'd sure like to be able to say that I'm waking up early in the morning and heading to the stadium for a good game of football to watch. 

But even in the JDR years, were were still in the playoff hunt come december...  It's been 3 seasons since JDR...  
Quote:But even in the JDR years, were were still in the playoff hunt come december... It's been 3 seasons since JDR...

Exactly. JDR has never held our records for wins/losses when he was here since he left. He made scrubs look like a team. I think we took him for granted with the trash Gene Smith gave him his last 3 years.
Quote:Exactly. JDR has never held our records for wins/losses when he was here since he left. He made scrubs look like a team. I think we took him for granted with the trash Gene Smith gave him his last 3 years.

Yeah, I remember thinking the same thing under mularkey...  JDR was a blissfull dream compared to this.  


I also remember how frustrating it was to watch Garrard play.  He'd make the crucial int at the end of close games to lose it for us.  But we were in games.


But that's the past...  


Now is now.  I'm trying to critique based on what I'm seeing now.  And there are positives.  Like you said, I think Caldwell is doing well so far.  And I have faith in him. 


I just want to see the coaching staff start showing me signs that we can have faith in them.  If not, I hope some changes are made.  


Last night there was a discussion about the cowboys and Jason Garrett.  When Garrett first became the Cowboy HC he was criticized pretty heavily too.  But you know what he did?  Every season, he re-worked his coaching staff in order to 1)keep his job and 2) adapt in order to get better.


I hope Bradley and Caldwell take this lesson to heart.  


Now, I'm not calling for any firings as of right now.  There's still games after the bye.  But it's important to see some real and tangible progress.  


If we're still talking about marginal progress at the end of the season, it's not a good sign for the entire coaching staff.

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