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Quote:Why are yall arguing with someone who cant spell and form a correct sentence?

What's the alternative?   Arguing with the guy who can't find the apostrophe?   ^^^^hint hint^^^
Quote:Yeah, I remember thinking the same thing under mularkey... JDR was a blissfull dream compared to this.

I also remember how frustrating it was to watch Garrard play. He'd make the crucial int at the end of close games to lose it for us. But we were in games.

But that's the past...

Now is now. I'm trying to critique based on what I'm seeing now. And there are positives. Like you said, I think Caldwell is doing well so far. And I have faith in him.

I just want to see the coaching staff start showing me signs that we can have faith in them. If not, I hope some changes are made.

Last night there was a discussion about the cowboys and Jason Garrett. When Garrett first became the Cowboy HC he was criticized pretty heavily too. But you know what he did? Every season, he re-worked his coaching staff in order to 1)keep his job and 2) adapt in order to get better.

I hope Bradley and Caldwell take this lesson to heart.

Now, I'm not calling for any firings as of right now. There's still games after the bye. But it's important to see some real and tangible progress.

If we're still talking about marginal progress at the end of the season, it's not a good sign for the entire coaching staff.

I was at the Redskins game a few years ago when Garrard threw that INT in the endzone and lost us the game. Man that hurt..
With JDR you always felt we were in the game..and the games were important deep into the season. JDR had decent talent, but Shack Harris and GS never did him any great favors. I think the bottom line is I am lots of other long time fans...just tired of getting beaten (often badly) and searching and trying to find bits of improvement in the team. I have hope....but like for many others it is not easy.

Quote:I was at the Redskins game a few years ago when Garrard threw that INT in the endzone and lost us the game. Man that hurt..

That was a while ago, but if memory serves it was a december game and we were still in the playoff hunt...  Ahhh the good ole days!


That game was a heartbreaker!
Quote:That was a while ago, but if memory serves it was a december game and we were still in the playoff hunt... Ahhh the good ole days!

That game was a heartbreaker!

Exactly was a December game and it had playoff meaning. The last few years December means we are that much closer to the draft..
Quote:Exactly was a December game and it had playoff meaning. The last few years December means we are that much closer to the draft..
Wallbash  Wallbash  Wallbash  Wallbash
Quote:What's the alternative?   Arguing with the guy who can't find the apostrophe?   ^^^^hint hint^^^
My bad girl. You have no reason to argue with me about jack because I'm not starting threads telling folks enough is enough. You need to teach your boyfriend some grammar and spelling and stop being sensitive though.
Wait, so are we collectively missing JDR and wishing we had him with competent GM? 


I personally loved Garrard, I will never get rid of my black Garrard jersey. I wish he would have had better weapons because he would have looked much better, but alas it is what it is. 
Quote:Why are yall arguing with someone who cant spell and form a correct sentence?
This is why I like this board.  Some of you see through all the clutter.  You have to go through a lot of post that are so typical but when you get a gem like this it is worth while!
Quote:there are a number of complints  anymore. a lot of people here are tired of loseing, and want to win now, and all the time. If you want to win now, and all the time go cheer for the broncos, or patriots. They both seem to always have winning seasons. if you can't take loseing a lot maybe you also got to use to winning so much in jags early years. Don't get me wrong here, of course i want the jags to win. I'm not going to put the team down each, and every week though. if you can't take the bad with the good now, then go cheer for a team that wins all the time.  also no offense to D6 here, but all those years that the lions were bad he stuck by his team, and now lions are looking fairly decent this season, same can be said for the browns who are in first place. if you want to win now, and all the time go cheer for the pats, and Broncos.  Some people on here need to learn to lose, and stand by the team. Stop calling for everyone to be fired. If your a fan of the jags, and you are so made about loseing,and start calling for fireing of people on the team maybe your a super sore loser, and you should be fired as a fan. 



now there are people on here who this post doesn't releate too.
Good post.........tough to read but good none the less. If the Jags followed most of the fans on this board's advice............they'd be down to about 4 players and no coaches. Part of the problem here guys was the off season moves the brass made built up an excitement not seen in a long time. But, that was on paper which for a good portion of the season did NOT translate on the field so hence.........anger, dis-appointment etc. etc. Truth be told, as of right now, the JAGS are clearly not as good as we all thought they'd be.....but not as bad either as some might think. Let's hope the make some offseason moves that translate immediately to the playing field when season 2015 opens up.
Quote:I was thinking more of the people that just come here, and post nothing but negtiave  after negtiave.  There is always postives no matter how bad it looks.  I can name 2 off top of my head.



1. we have the best looking cheerleaders



2. we have the best score board in nfl



3. we have the most entertaining mascoat ever


4. we beat a team this year that's in first place by themselves. the browns.

Well Snowie, those 2 things you listed off the top of your head actually made me chuckle.
well its true though, we do have the best looking cheerleaders in nfl,and the best scoreboard. 

I love the Jaguars ever since they came about. I lived in Panama City, and now in NC but still a huge fan. I remember the best when Big Hen and Stroud. Everytime the Jags improve in an area they tend to get fall apart in another. They have had some good coaches and they don't need to be fired everytime a bad season is here. The Jags just need to play as a whole unit where each group feed off of the other. For example the Dallas game. Jags hold Dallas to 3, O drives for 7 and then D hold Dallas to Punting. Momentum building so fast for Jags and then 1 bad play and all of it crashed down on the Jags and they never recovered. The record doesn't show how good this team really is and if fans have really been watching you also see that players from other teams that get hurt during the season always make sure they are back in time to play against the Jags. That is also a testiment on how good the Jags are. You will also see that no matter if they finish 1 and whatever, next year they will have one of the toughest schedules as if they were in the SuperBowl. WHY. B/C everybody  Fears the JAGUARS!!!!  No matter what they will always be #1

Fans are spending their hard earned money to watch the Jags - we absolutely have the right to complain about the organization.  


If you go to a restaurant and you get bad service or food, you have the right to complain, right?  


So, if the Jags are stinking it up year after year, we should just keep on forking out money and just be ecstatic that we're the laughingstock of the NFL?

I am fortunate to get a sideline pass once each season and I can say this: our cheerleaders look better from the stands! :yes:


Regards...................the Chiefjag

Quote:I am fortunate to get a sideline pass once each season and I can say this: our cheerleaders look better from the stands! :yes:


Regards...................the Chiefjag

You are turning one of Wolfies positives into a negative, Chiefjag.
its not the teams fault. 

Quote:Fans are spending their hard earned money to watch the Jags - we absolutely have the right to complain about the organization.  


If you go to a restaurant and you get bad service or food, you have the right to complain, right?  


So, if the Jags are stinking it up year after year, we should just keep on forking out money and just be ecstatic that we're the laughingstock of the NFL?
You have no right to win over any other team's fans who fork out their hard earned money.


It's professional sports. All teams go through periods of being bad. You just have to suck it up and wade through the down periods just like every other fan base has had to do while paying their hard earned money.


Being a fan of a currently winning franchise is a privilege not a right. No one is forcing you to spend your money.
On top of that, the organization has been up front with sharing the low expectations on the field it had for this season and last. So if you spent your hard earned money expecting something better don't blame the organization, blame yourself for not listening to what you were told point blank.


So if you go to that restaurant after being told they have undergone management change and that they currently can't offer a high quality experience and chose to spend your money any way, does that give you the right to complain when you don't get a 5 star experience?


No, because they were up front about what you would be receiving. Spending your money and expecting something more would just be stupid on your part.

Every paying fan has a right to complain but some of us wonder, has any team ever started this many rookies?  Have they ever had this many first and second year players on the field at the same time?  Getting rid of coaches because of the mistakes being made by an extremely young team will only guarantee that the losing will continue. Patience is understandably in short supply around this team but it is what's required.

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