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Quote:Which post are you translating?   I've never seen anyone post anything that equates to that  list of absurdity.

Take your pick. There are plenty of posts right here on this thread. The minute someone expresses disappointment, or vents anger because the expectations they were led to believe would happen haven't happened, they get attacked for expressing their opinions and feelings. I, and many others, are fully aware that the Jags are "rebuilding". If you go back in time to the July/August time period and read the posts on this board, you'll realize how hyped the fans were about the prospect for this season. Go back to July/August 2012 and you'll see the same thing. Now, with 20/20 hindsight, we're told that those high hopes were stupid......we had no talent on this team, yadda, yadda, yadda. So, after how many years of listening to lies will you become jaded? Five? Ten? Twenty?

Fool me once, shame on you..........Fool me ten times, shame on me!
Quote:there are a number of complints  anymore. a lot of people here are tired of loseing, and want to win now, and all the time. If you want to win now, and all the time go cheer for the broncos, or patriots. They both seem to always have winning seasons. if you can't take loseing a lot maybe you also got to use to winning so much in jags early years. Don't get me wrong here, of course i want the jags to win. I'm not going to put the team down each, and every week though. if you can't take the bad with the good now, then go cheer for a team that wins all the time.  also no offense to D6 here, but all those years that the lions were bad he stuck by his team, and now lions are looking fairly decent this season, same can be said for the browns who are in first place. if you want to win now, and all the time go cheer for the pats, and Broncos.  Some people on here need to learn to lose, and stand by the team. Stop calling for everyone to be fired. If your a fan of the jags, and you are so made about loseing,and start calling for fireing of people on the team maybe your a super sore loser, and you should be fired as a fan. 



now there are people on here who this post doesn't releate too.

Glad mediocrity suits you.
Quote:Take your pick. There are plenty of posts right here on this thread. The minute someone expresses disappointment, or vents anger because the expectations they were led to believe would happen haven't happened, they get attacked for expressing their opinions and feelings. I, and many others, are fully aware that the Jags are "rebuilding". If you go back in time to the July/August time period and read the posts on this board, you'll realize how hyped the fans were about the prospect for this season. Go back to July/August 2012 and you'll see the same thing. Now, with 20/20 hindsight, we're told that those high hopes were stupid......we had no talent on this team, yadda, yadda, yadda. So, after how many years of listening to lies will you become jaded? Five? Ten? Twenty?

Fool me once, shame on you..........Fool me ten times, shame on me!
I understand your position, but it's not as black and white as you are making it IMO, and no one asserted any of the things in your list.  I'll just assume you were being sarcastically hyperbolic. 


Most posters who have tendencies do defend any of the current regime (myself included) also express dismay and/or malcontent with certain aspects of the rebuild -  while often questioning a coach or coordinator along the way. 


No one's telling you to cheer for failure.  Many of us expected the team to be take a small step forward this year  - and we have been disappointed that they took a step back in some areas instead while taking only baby steps forward in others.  


The gripe really boils down to how high your expectations for the youngest roster in the league in year two of a rebuild were -  and whether you can see tangible areas of improvement or not.  You obviously expected more and don't see anything to be hopeful about. 


I see several rookies, a few second year players and and two or three free agent acquisitions that could be great building blocks for this regime moving forward. It doesn't keep me from being disappointed - but it softens the blow. I also have a hard time getting overly worked up about a team's offensive struggles when they're starting a rookie QB who has averaged ~2 picks per game.  
After you draft a quarterback and had 3 years in the gm seat it's no longer a rebuild. You have put together a team. Whether it's good or not depends on his scouting and who he has leading them(coach). Good chance we fail next year because the coach sucks but give him the whole year to suck so it's no question about it.
12-36 last three years. If we lose our final 6, it'll be 12-42. We finished in the bottom 5 in both offense and defense last 2 years.

Twenty year multiple season ticket holders like me are getting pretty upset. We see other teams ( see Kansas City ) turn their seasons around in one or two seasons. We see other teams that have winning seasons almost every year. We ask......"why not us?" We're told....." Be patient.....it's a young team......we're rebuilding.......rookies make mistakes.......what we're looking for is improvement, each game, each play....."

Next year never seems to arrive.........

Just be patient


"Whether you think you can or you think you can't........you're right ". (Henry Ford)
Quote:Glad mediocrity suits you.

This is why they keep getting away with this. The fans allow it. We are so loyal they think they can continue this trend. We haven't had a blackout since 2009? That's because of the economy. This is the lowest of low for this franchise. What do they say to us? Next year. What do the fans that don't want to go against the grain say to us who don't stand for the high school jaguars? You aren't a fan and shut up. Yeah...if this were a normal business, they'd be out of business.


This picture sums up the past two years:


[Image: 130319164909-gus-bradley-single-image-cut.jpg]

Quote:This is why they keep getting away with this. The fans allow it. We are so loyal they think they can continue this trend. We haven't had a blackout since 2009? That's because of the economy. This is the lowest of low for this franchise. What do they say to us? Next year. What do the fans that don't want to go against the grain say to us who don't stand for the high school jaguars? You aren't a fan and shut up. Yeah...if this were a normal business, they'd be out of business.


This picture sums up the past two years:


[Image: 130319164909-gus-bradley-single-image-cut.jpg]

Is Gus showing us how many wins we can expect this year? Or next year?
Quote:Is Gus showing us how many wins we can expect this year? Or next year?

Lol! Still laughing. Thanks!
after being a jet fan for 52 I know about being let down season after season owners and gms dont like to admit they are wrong too much ego and everyone around them is yes sir  people now I know nobody wants to here this they need someone with a spark and heart to lead them just saying

Quote:after being a jet fan for 52 I know about being let down season after season owners and gms dont like to admit they are wrong too much ego and everyone around them is yes sir  people now I know nobody wants to here this they need someone with a spark and heart to lead them just saying
I agree!


Frangie sucks as a play by play guy, and now that your idol has some radio time under his belt, he would make a great PBP replacement
Quote:This is why they keep getting away with this. The fans allow it. We are so loyal they think they can continue this trend. We haven't had a blackout since 2009? That's because of the economy. This is the lowest of low for this franchise. What do they say to us? Next year. What do the fans that don't want to go against the grain say to us who don't stand for the high school jaguars? You aren't a fan and shut up. Yeah...if this were a normal business, they'd be out of business.


This picture sums up the past two years:


[Image: 130319164909-gus-bradley-single-image-cut.jpg]

Then don't buy tickets. And sell the ones you may have for this year.  I don't mean that flippantly or as provocation.  I mean - that's the only real message you can send the organization.  They certainly don't read this board.  But they keep careful track of those transactions. 


I was in Jacksonville a few weeks ago and did not go to the game. That is practically sacrilege for me. But - I had business that needed my attention - and while I could have managed to do both - I decided not to spend the money and concentrate on work.  You better believe I'd have bought an $80 ticket and spent $30-40  in concessions had the team been looking better and I felt they had a chance to compete. 


I try to attend two home games per year even though I live 1000 miles away. Sometimes it's only one. I'll be at the Thursday night game in December, but I'm doing it on someone else's dime.  Not sure I'd attend otherwise. 


Next year I'll be living in Jax again and I'm sure I'll attend 4 or more home games, but I'll certainly curb that if the team hasn't progressed markedly. 


I may come off as defensive of the organization  - and I do like what Caldwell is doing thus far  -  but I'm perfectly OK with folks altering their monetary investment in the product. I have.  Even if it's quite small in comparison to the multi-year season ticket holder. 
you sound like rex all smoke and mirrors sometimes you have to try something risky maybe after another losing season you will be open to taking a risk

Quote:Then don't buy tickets. And sell the ones you may have for this year. I don't mean that flippantly or as provocation. I mean - that's the only real message you can send the organization. They certainly don't read this board. But they keep careful track of those transactions.

I was in Jacksonville a few weeks ago and did not go to the game. That is practically sacrilege for me. But - I had business that needed my attention - and while I could have managed to do both - I decided not to spend the money and concentrate on work. You better believe I'd have bought an $80 ticket and spent $30-40 in concessions had the team been looking better and I felt they had a chance to compete.

I try to attend two home games per year even though I live 1000 miles away. Sometimes it's only one. I'll be at the Thursday night game in December, but I'm doing it on someone else's dime. Not sure I'd attend otherwise.

Next year I'll be living in Jax again and I'm sure I'll attend 4 or more home games, but I'll certainly curb that if the team hasn't progressed markedly.

I may come off as defensive of the organization - and I do like what Caldwell is doing thus far - but I'm perfectly OK with folks altering their monetary investment in the product. I have. Even if it's quite small in comparison to the multi-year season ticket holder.

I agree 100%. I said in a different post I won't pay this year. I would just go if a friend had an extra ticket. I'm 300 miles away, and I usually go to 1-2 games a year as well. I'm die hard, but each game the past 3 years, I'm expecting a loss. We are at the colts this week. It's a loss. I even grabbed the colts D off the waiver wire this week bc the Jags are pkaying them this week. If you know me that's blasphemy .

Jag fans, just sit down and shut up

Keep buying season tickets despite the overwhelming number of losses each season

Cheer for the offense every time they come off the field after another 3 and out.

Cheer for the defense after they give up every 80 yard drive.

Cheer for special teams after each blocked field goal, blocked punt, t.d. Run back, block-in-the -back penalty that wipes out a big return

Cheer each time the tean commits a stupid penalty on a crucial play.

Just continue to ignore those fans from the opposing team taunting our fans in our stadium

Never post anything on this board that' offends anybody else.

Be good little mindless robots.
Gotta love this. 


We should NOT accept year after year of losing in embarrassing fashion.  


We do have the right to complain, and vote with our money - it's the only way to get the point across that putting this garbage on the field is simply not acceptable. 
Quote:Gotta love this. 


We should NOT accept year after year of losing in embarrassing fashion.  


We do have the right to complain, and vote with our money - it's the only way to get the point across that putting this garbage on the field is simply not acceptable. 
Right, because complaining on a message board to a bunch of people who have no control over the situation is the way to get things accomplished.


You are that special kind of stupid aren't you?
Quote:Right, because complaining on a message board to a bunch of people who have no control over the situation is the way to get things accomplished.

You are that special kind of stupid aren't you?
Because complaining about people complaining is so much better?
Quote:Right, because complaining on a message board to a bunch of people who have no control over the situation is the way to get things accomplished.


You are that special kind of stupid aren't you?
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the kids because they don't know any better.  


You have to hope it's that and not that they're just plain stupid. 
Quote:Sometimes you just have to laugh at the kids because they don't know any better.  


You have to hope it's that and not that they're just plain stupid. 
Are you talking to yourself now cupcake?
Quote:Because complaining about people complaining is so much better?
I'm just telling you idiots to grow a pair.
Quote:I'm just telling you idiots to grow a pair.

We can't even grow a pair of wins.
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