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This needs to be the new mantra for Fisch.  This doesn't mean let him throw tons of picks without corrections or coaching, it just means don't handcuff the man with dink and dunk stuff.  Let him throw downfield.  Let me learn.  Let him grow.   Don't make him into something he's not.


Blake is going to be a fantastic QB as he learns and grows.  The eye test alone tells us that much.  In the meantime, Let Bortles Be Bortles.

Quote:This needs to be the new mantra for Fisch.  This doesn't mean let him throw tons of picks without corrections or coaching, it just means don't handcuff the man with dink and dunk stuff.  Let him throw downfield.  Let me learn.  Let him grow.   Don't make him into something he's not.


Blake is going to be a fantastic QB as he learns and grows.  The eye test alone tells us that much.  In the meantime, Let Bortles Be Bortles.

I hate this idea that Fisch actually doesn't want Bortles to throw down-field.


It makes me laugh.

Quote:I hate this idea that Fisch actually doesn't want Bortles to throw down-field.


It makes me laugh.

You can only go by what we've seen. 


Blake seemed more apt to go down the field in preseason and his first few appearances in regular games. Since that point it does look as if Blake has been reigned in somewhat. I can't say for sure if thats on Blake or if that is Fisch-induced, but if I had to guess I'd say it was probably Fisch induced since Blake's first instincts were to attack the whole field and then that trended back as time went on. The offense also looked similar with Henne back there. To me that suggests the OC wanting a certain type of short pass dominated offense. 
Because you're new, i'll cut you some slack, but this topic has been beat to death, returned from the dead, then beaten again.

Quote:Because you're new, i'll cut you some slack, but this topic has been beat to death, returned from the dead, then beaten again.

Haha, its a topic that probably will never go away, either. It can be found in some form on probably all 32 NFL message boards as well as most college ones. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt as much as I can to Fisch while still trying to go by what we're seeing. 


I think people just want to see an offense that puts up a reasonable number of points compared to the talent, though. Last years offense talentwise was pretty bad. This year, while they are young - yes I get that, I think the talent level is significantly increased. Yet the overall point numbers are still similar to last year at a similar point of the season. People are getting frustrated with that and just want to see some flashes of what this offense could be as far as just having one breakout game or 2 by now. You know like the offense putting up a shootout or 2. They really haven't. And the thing is I'm not sure the playcalling that we've seen thus far is conducive to really get that type of point output. 
Ok hows this for a new topic?  Jags draft Ariana Grande to play in a bikini.  



Oh the possiblities

Quote:Haha, its a topic that probably will never go away, either. It can be found in some form on probably all 32 NFL message boards as well as most college ones. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt as much as I can to Fisch while still trying to go by what we're seeing. 


I think people just want to see an offense that puts up a reasonable number of points compared to the talent, though. Last years offense talentwise was pretty bad. This year, while they are young - yes I get that, I think the talent level is significantly increased. Yet the overall point numbers are still similar to last year at a similar point of the season. People are getting frustrated with that and just want to see some flashes of what this offense could be as far as just having one breakout game or 2 by now. You know like the offense putting up a shootout or 2. They really haven't. And the thing is I'm not sure the playcalling that we've seen thus far is conducive to really get that type of point output. 
To be fair Blake has played 6 games. When were you expecting a "breakout game" to happen? And the talent level is improved overall but they are still rookies learning and adjusting. Most teams may start 1 maybe 2 in some rare cases. We have a legit 5 rookies starting on offense and a number of second year players as well. It will happen but we have to allow the time to pass.  
Quote:To be fair Blake has played 6 games. When were you expecting a "breakout game" to happen? And the talent level is improved overall but they are still rookies learning and adjusting. Most teams may start 1 maybe 2 in some rare cases. We have a legit 5 rookies starting on offense and a number of second year players as well. It will happen but we have to allow the time to pass.  

Is it unreasonable to expect a breakout type of game by now? I'd think Peyton Manning had a breakout game within his first 6 or 7 starts. I'm pretty sure Russell Wilson did, too. Andrew Luck? Matt Ryan?? Same thing. I'd agree that I don't expect consistently high outputs from Blake at this point, but the odd game every 5 games or so where he puts up 3 or 4 TD's/ and or close to 400 yards? I don't think thats too much to ask even at this point.
Quote:Is it unreasonable to expect a breakout type of game by now? I'd think Peyton Manning had a breakout game within his first 6 or 7 starts. I'm pretty sure Russell Wilson did, too. Andrew Luck? Matt Ryan?? Same thing. I'd agree that I don't expect consistently high outputs from Blake at this point, but the odd game every 5 games or so where he puts up 3 or 4 TD's/ and or close to 400 yards? I don't think thats too much to ask even at this point.


Keep reaching.

Quote:Ok hows this for a new topic?  Jags draft Ariana Grande to play in a bikini.  



Oh the possiblities
LOL, you are winning right now!!!
Quote:Is it unreasonable to expect a breakout type of game by now? I'd think Peyton Manning had a breakout game within his first 6 or 7 starts. I'm pretty sure Russell Wilson did, too. Andrew Luck? Matt Ryan?? Same thing. I'd agree that I don't expect consistently high outputs from Blake at this point, but the odd game every 5 games or so where he puts up 3 or 4 TD's/ and or close to 400 yards? I don't think thats too much to ask even at this point.

Peyton went about 12 games before he had a breakout dominant game. Andrew took about 8-9. Russel went 6 or 9 depending on how you look at it. Matt Ryan went a whole season without a "breakout game". Like I said that's not how you rate rookie qbs and everyone is different with different learning curves and situations.

I did some number crunching for you.

Through Peyton s first six games he had 1364 passing yards 14 ints and 6 tds. Blake has 1631 passing yards 13 ints and 8 tds. Blake has a way better completion percentage as well.

What you are asking for those guys never did their rookie year. Why on earth would you expect Blake to do that.

It makes me wonder how much football most of you guys have watched. He looks just like a rookie qb should look like.
Quote:Ok hows this for a new topic?  Jags draft Ariana Grande to play in a bikini.  



Oh the possiblities
Ariana Grande? Isn't she like 16? And built like a twig?


Give me Sofia Vergara if we are going Latin and Brooklyn Decker if we are going with the beach blonde theme.
Quote:Peyton went about 12 games before he had a breakout dominant game. Andrew took about 8-9. Russel went 6 or 9 depending on how you look at it. Matt Ryan went a whole season without a "breakout game". Like I said that's not how you rate rookie qbs and everyone is different with different learning curves and situations.

I did some number crunching for you.

Through Peyton s first six games he had 1364 passing yards 14 ints and 6 tds. Blake has 1631 passing yards 13 ints and 8 tds. Blake has a way better completion percentage as well.

What you are asking for those guys never did their rookie year. Why on earth would you expect Blake to do that.

It makes me wonder how much football most of you guys have watched. He looks just like a rookie qb should look like.
Because that's what Jag fans do.  They avoid doing any real research, then set unrealistic expectations based on their own foggy recollection. 
Quote:Through Peyton s first six games he had 1364 passing yards 14 ints and 6 tds. Blake has 1631 passing yards 13 ints and 8 tds. Blake has a way better completion percentage as well.


Yep. Jedd ruined him. 
Quote:Yep. Jedd ruined him. 
Well, he IS handcuffing Bortles, right?
Lets beat Dallas... Give Bortles the Bye week to really hone his skills and actually practice rather than prepare for the next game and boom... whole new QB!

Quote:Yep. Jedd ruined him. 
of course, i mean right, jed is telling the oline to give BB like all of 2 secs. to throw the ball. deep routes need good protection for a good 4 secs at least :teehee:
If Bortles comes to close to the below stats agaisnt Dallas, then, dare I say, Bang Bang into my heart?!


19/31 - 301 Yards




45 yards rushing

Quote:Peyton went about 12 games before he had a breakout dominant game. Andrew took about 8-9. Russel went 6 or 9 depending on how you look at it. Matt Ryan went a whole season without a "breakout game". Like I said that's not how you rate rookie qbs and everyone is different with different learning curves and situations.

I did some number crunching for you.

Through Peyton s first six games he had 1364 passing yards 14 ints and 6 tds. Blake has 1631 passing yards 13 ints and 8 tds. Blake has a way better completion percentage as well.

What you are asking for those guys never did their rookie year. Why on earth would you expect Blake to do that.

It makes me wonder how much football most of you guys have watched. He looks just like a rookie qb should look like.


Okay, you missed a critical word in my paragraph that you quoted. "OR". 


Going by that, I was correct in my assesments with the QB I brought up - with the exception of Matt Ryan of which you would be correct didn't meet either criteria. 


However, Peyton Manning hit 3 TD in a game by week 7 of his rookie year. 


Luck hit close to 400 yards in week 5 and either hit 3 TD or close to 400 yards in week 9 of his rookie year. 


Russell Wilson hit 3 TD in a game in weeks 6 and 9 of his rookie year. 




Also to add to the above, I also think that Blake is pretty much performing like the typical rookie QB. I don't have an issue with his play. I'm just hoping to see that one or two games this year where he has the breakout or even mini breakout. I don't think thats really asking too much. 

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