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Full Version: Fire Special Teams Coordinator Mike Mallory
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Quote:I miss Vic


The same reason we miss Jack Del Rio. Because he is "a little better" than the guy we have now.
Quote:The same reason we miss Jack Del Rio. Because he is "a little better" than the guy we have now.

Ah yes. We pine for the slightly better days.
2015 Jaguars slogan.


Stay The Course.

Quote:"A self-defeating (or self-refuting) statement is one that fails to meet its own standard. In other words, it is a statement that cannot live up to its own criteria."


You're assertion is that those on here who have a different opinion than you are wrong (or idiots as you've put it before).  You are judging us by the criteria that our "opinions" are invalid because we are not qualified GMs, coaches, etc.  You are correct that our observations that you claim are incorrect because they are "negative" are not qualified observations.  They are not qualified as far as being "stamped" true by a real GM, HC, etc..  However, I haven't seen anyone do anything on here other than exclaim their own personal opinion.


"How do you expose self-defeating statements?


13. You shouldn't judge.

The person who says this is making a judgment, namely, that it is wrong to judge! You might respond, "If it is wrong to judge, then why are you judging?""


In light of the logic above, your judgement of "us" is incorrect as well (unless of course you are Dave Caldwell or Gus Bradley) and have qualifications as a HC, GM, etc.  So, unless that's true, you should try to be more respectful and just enjoy the discussions here.



I'll only take your opinion as valid if you assure me that you are pounding the table with the veins in your neck sticking out and your face turning red. Then I'll know you really care so much more than the rest of us.


Show me where I've said anyone is wrong. I've simply said that you have no idea if you are correct. You can give me a medical opinion as well, and I'll give it the same level of respect I'd give your take on a football matter. I haven't seen your resume in which you show me why I should pay any attention to anything you say. However, it is very amusing to read people who so clearly think that anyone cares what they think. That's what is so amusing - people who don't know anymore than I do trying to convince me of something.


Opinions are only interesting if they are backed by fact, or are said in an interesting way, or are funny - or all three.


Sadly, that's rarely the case. But I keep checking in just in case. (And I find your admonition to be respectful hilarious. Good use of irony.)
Quote:Hahaha way to deflect the question since you can't answer it.


I also love how you call people out for not being "fans" simply because they criticize the team.

Try to stay up to speed. The subject is re Oesher. 


You can call yourself whatever you wish.
Someone is on the company fast track to future moderator.

Quote:On points where I agree with him, he's still a shill. Your "within the confines" is the definition of being a shill. He can only say what the management allows him to say.

And I'm truly amazed at the lengths the apologists will go in order to reach for excuses for an obvious disaster such as the ST play this year.

And yet you read him and respond. I'd say he's doing his job.
Quote:Someone is on the company fast track to future moderator.

And someone is on the fast track to becoming TMD II. I knew you could do it!
Quote:And yet you read him and respond. I'd say he's doing his job.

I don't read him. I did read the quote from him in an earlier post.

Quote:Moron.  I never said anything about the ST blocking to you ever prior to this.   Don't put words in my mouth, [BLEEP]. 
Wow! Name calling. Poor baby got your feeling's hurt?
There's no reason he should return. This has been one of the worst seasons for special teams in franchise history, moreso than the one where we were trotting out Matt Turk
Quote:Try to stay up to speed. The subject is re Oesher.

You can call yourself whatever you wish.
Thank you for your permission. A Jags fan it shall be!
Quote:There's no reason he should return. This has been one of the worst seasons for special teams in franchise history, moreso than the one where we were trotting out Matt Turk
Hey according to some on this board "it's not the coaches"  Can't say I agree with them
Quote:Serious question. If the Jags are under .500 this time next year, would you still have faith in this coaching staff as a whole? 
Quote:I don't think you understand how his job works.


He was asked, basically, if Mallory was coming back. Since Oesher has sources with the Jaguars, working for them and all, he said Mallory is coming back, and gave reasons why.


Would you prefer he lie to you? And why do you read him if he "just parrots everything the team tells him to say" and you think you're so much smarter anyway?


I look forward to your columns in the near future.
...and therein is the rub. He did not give 'reasons' why; what he gave is his opinions which are not validated by what any of us have been witnessing on the field. I can say I'm a NASA scientist and then say the moon is made of cheese, but it doesn't make it true. What we've all been seeing on the field compared to the virtues that Oesher has attributed to Mallory simply do not compute...


In this teams history, we've never had this much trouble with special teams. Go figure....

Quote:What makes Mike Mallory "a very good special teams coach"?
good question!
Quote:Send your question to Oesher. He takes them, you know.


Or perhaps someone on this board will answer - it's chock full of coaches and general managers.
Hey Adam2012, you seem rather defensive... is it that time of month sweetie?
Quote:Hey Adam2012, you seem rather defensive... is it that time of month sweetie?
I apologize for that inappropriate remark. (my wife read this 'cause she heard me laughing while at the computer and promptly smacked me up'side my head)... someday I'll learn not to make jokes about 'that time of the month...' 
Quote:Wow! Name calling. Poor baby got your feeling's hurt?
You're quoting a post for two months ago and then hypocritically calling me names.  Safe to say you lack any perspective on why I called that poster the names he was called.  


The poster didn't hurt my feelings, I simply tired of him accusing random posters of stances they never took in multiple threads back in Oct/November. Then following with some tired little song dance similar to your "poor baby" routine. Trust me he earned it.  


Are you the insult police or just in 6th grade? 
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