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Full Version: Obamacare repeal costs: 3 million jobs gone, $1.5 trillion in lost gross state product
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Quote:The replace part comes later. It has to be done this way.



When? Republicans have no interest in replacing it.
Quote:Is that why so many were uninsured or being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions? Where is your proof it was better? Better in what way?
There are a lot of people who chose to not enroll due to the high deductibles and monthly payments...It's actually cheaper to pay the fine than to buy the health care...
Quote:There are a lot of people who chose to not enroll due to the high deductibles and monthly payments...It's actually cheaper to pay the fine than to buy the health care...

Until you get injured or sick.
Quote:Until you get injured or sick.

It's definitely cheaper if the insurance companies are forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions. Right now the best strategy is to just wait until you get sick enough that the treatment costs more than the deductible, and then buy the insurance. 100 million already-insured Americans can pay for it through higher rates and huge increases in deductibles.


That's one big problem with Obamacare.

Quote:It's definitely cheaper if the insurance companies are forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions. Right now the best strategy is to just wait until you get sick enough that the treatment costs more than the deductible, and then buy the insurance. 100 million already-insured Americans can pay for it through higher rates and huge increases in deductibles.


That's one big problem with Obamacare.
I think they need to accept pre existing conditions...when you switch jobs or your company switches health care providers they need to cover what you were being treated for with your last health care provider...I have type 2 diabetes and some other things, if they didn't cover me if I switched jobs or the company changed providers I wouldnt be able to pay for my medicine or treatment
Quote:Until you get injured or sick.
Thats why people flock to the emergency room when their kid has a cold or the flu... The deductibles are way too high and the weekly payments are too high too...We looked into it when my current health provider jacked our rate up 15% at the beginning of the year...
Quote:I think they need to accept pre existing conditions...when you switch jobs or your company switches health care providers they need to cover what you were being treated for with your last health care provider...I have type 2 diabetes and some other things, if they didn't cover me if I switched jobs or the company changed providers I wouldnt be able to pay for my medicine or treatment

Continuation of coverage in those instances shouldn't be an issue we can't resolve. We already do it with car insurance, so there's a precedent for it. I'm more concerned about those who never had coverage suddenly purchasing it when a crisis occurs. That behavior damages the whole market and all the rest of us.
Quote:Thats why people flock to the emergency room when their kid has a cold or the flu... The deductibles are way too high and the weekly payments are too high too...We looked into it when my current health provider jacked our rate up 15% at the beginning of the year...
The funny thing is that those are the people who complain about wait times in the ER too. "We were here before that gunshot victim, and I need my kid's runny nose looked at NOW!"
Anyone sensible would look at nations with superior healthcare at better costs and see what they can incorporate into trump care.
Many of the working poor fall right in between the cracks on this. They make too much to get a subsidy but the premiums are more than their rent. It is totally unaffordable. 

Quote:Many of the working poor fall right in between the cracks on this. They make too much to get a subsidy but the premiums are more than their rent. It is totally unaffordable.

Yes must be awful not to be able to afford healthcare.
Quote:Yes must be awful not to be able to afford healthcare.


The EMTALA ensures that nobody goes without healthcare. It has been around since 1986, and didn't need 27000 pages of legislation that nobody could even read while considered.


You are showing your ignorance of this country's healthcare system. You don't live here. Let's not pretend to be an expert on it.


There is a reason that persons of power and influence throughout the world used to come to the US for their healthcare. It was the best in the world. You don't hear about that so much anymore though. Have you ever asked yourself why?
Quote:Many of the working poor fall right in between the cracks on this. They make too much to get a subsidy but the premiums are more than their rent. It is totally unaffordable. 
and then have a $5000 deductible on top of that and a 20% or more copay
Quote:The funny thing is that those are the people who complain about wait times in the ER too. "We were here before that gunshot victim, and I need my kid's runny nose looked at NOW!"

Well that just speaks more to the fact how badly broken the system was before the ACA. Healthcare wasn't more affordable or more accessible. How does repealing the ACA address this?
Quote:Well that just speaks more to the fact how badly broken the system was before the ACA. Healthcare wasn't more affordable or more accessible. How does repealing the ACA address this?
The ACA was a broken, poorly written, never vetted bill.  It should have never seen the light of day.  When you have to pass a bill to see what is in it that should have been a huge red flag.  Nope, it was passed anyhow and the results were predictable.  
Quote:The ACA was a broken, poorly written, never vetted bill. It should have never seen the light of day. When you have to pass a bill to see what is in it that should have been a huge red flag. Nope, it was passed anyhow and the results were predictable.
If was never meant to be a final version. It was put in place to be a work in progress.

You're right the results are predictable. It's a popular law especially among people who have it, and Trump supporters who like the ACA didn't know it was Obamacare. Now they feel duped.
Just an honest assessment here, I think Obamacare got more people technically insured but it turned the healthcare for everyone that was already insured on its head and didn't actually do anything to lower costs or improve healthcare outcomes. You have the previously uninsurable on insurance now that they often cannot afford or use. You have people who were happy with their healthcare before paying ridiculous premiums, having the plans they liked cancelled, losing their doctors, and going to the doctor even less than before.  Now the chickens are coming home to roost because insuring a bunch of people with preexisting conditions is not profitable at all so the insurance companies are dropping like flies. I reside in Arizona now (still a homer for my Jags), but on the marketplace, we have ONE provider left and the cost for a silver plan is more than my mortgage. That is a joke. 


The only people who come out ahead on this are the people not working at all, totally indigent, and they get expanded Medicaid in many states or a huge subsidy. Everyone else got messed over really badly.

Quote:If was never meant to be a final version. It was put in place to be a work in progress.

You're right the results are predictable. It's a popular law especially among people who have it, and Trump supporters who like the ACA didn't know it was Obamacare. Now they feel duped.
Oh... I stand corrected. Was the intent to collapse the entire private insurance market so Democrats could get single payer in the end? That must have been somewhere in those thousands of pages that nobody read before they passed the bill. 
Quote:If was never meant to be a final version. It was put in place to be a work in progress.

You're right the results are predictable. It's a popular law especially among people who have it, and Trump supporters who like the ACA didn't know it was Obamacare. Now they feel duped.
They had 8 years to fix it.  The only thing I saw was to delay implementation for "some" businesses.  
Quote:Oh... I stand corrected. Was the intent to collapse the entire private insurance market so Democrats could get single payer in the end? That must have been somewhere in those thousands of pages that nobody read before they passed the bill. 

I thought it was the Republicans who put all the holes in the ACA so it'd fail and the blame fall on the Democrats. 
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