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Full Version: Obamacare repeal costs: 3 million jobs gone, $1.5 trillion in lost gross state product
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Oh boy, more fear mongering!


If it is repealed, everyone WILL DIE!!!


The economy will collapse!




How did this country survive before Obamacare?

Quote:Oh boy, more fear mongering!


If it is repealed, everyone WILL DIE!!!


The economy will collapse!




How did this country survive before Obamacare?

Do you mean...

[Image: vlnW.jpg]


If it is repealed passed, everyone WILL DIE!!!


The economy will collapse!




How did will this country survive before with Obamacare?

That's the 2009 version. 

Quote:Oh boy, more fear mongering!


If it is repealed, everyone WILL DIE!!!


The economy will collapse!




How did this country survive before Obamacare?

The entire country certainly got along better before it.  That's indisputable.
Quote:The entire country certainly got along better before it.  That's indisputable.

Then why don't they just repeal it?   Why all the angst about what will happen if they repeal it without replacing it?   Why bother to replace it?   Why not just go ahead and repeal it?  


The Republicans look like the dog that caught the car and don't know what to do next. 

Quote:Then why don't they just repeal it?   Why all the angst about what will happen if they repeal it without replacing it?   Why bother to replace it?   Why not just go ahead and repeal it?  


The Republicans look like the dog that caught the car and don't know what to do next. 

Just repealing it will be an improvement. But replacing it is necessary for the establishment politicians to satisfy their critics, so they can still enjoy the perks of being a favored son of the Washington glitterati.

Why has life expectancy dropped for the first time in decades if Obamacare is such a great program worthy of our tax dollars?

And consider this, United HealthCare quit offering ACA plans in most states because of huge sustained losses.



It's a fact that health care costs are rising much faster than inflation.

Hell I had bloodwork done recently and was charged 16.00 just for sticking the needle in!

Quote:And consider this, United HealthCare quit offering ACA plans in most states because of huge sustained losses.



It's a fact that health care costs are rising much faster than inflation.

Hell I had bloodwork done recently and was charged 16.00 just for sticking the needle in!

Sure, but how much was it to pull the needle out?  That's what I want to know. 
Quote:Then why don't they just repeal it?   Why all the angst about what will happen if they repeal it without replacing it?   Why bother to replace it?   Why not just go ahead and repeal it?  


The Republicans look like the dog that caught the car and don't know what to do next. 

Politics is the reason.


There's no reason to replace other than political appeasement.


"Well, if you get rid of it what are you going to replace it with?"  That's assuming the nonsense was necessary at all.  It certainly was not.  Therefore, it does not need or deserve a "replacement."  That's a false narrative devised to falsely control what happens next.


Only, there are issues that do need to be addressed.  That's what should have happened 8 years ago instead of this mess being rammed down the public's throats by Democrats.  Addressing specific needs in the industry and not 0bamacare is what the public needed then, and still needs now.
Quote:Then why don't they just repeal it? Why all the angst about what will happen if they repeal it without replacing it? Why bother to replace it? Why not just go ahead and repeal it?

The Republicans look like the dog that caught the car and don't know what to do next.

Because the Free [BLEEP] Army is a sizable voting block.
Quote:Because the Free [BAD WORD REMOVED] Army is a sizable voting block.

For Republicans?   Republicans are in control now.  They can do what they want.  They can do what they promised. 


Repeal it.   If it was so undisputably bad, then just go ahead and repeal it.  What's the problem? 


Did they oversell their promises? 
Quote:For Republicans?   Republicans are in control now.  They can do what they want.  They can do what they promised. 


Repeal it.   If it was so undisputably bad, then just go ahead and repeal it.  What's the problem? 


Did they oversell their promises? 
More like the MSM will shill fake news at incredible rates about how millions of Americans are dying on the streets and Republicans are evil granny killers. Aside from Trump, most Republicans still care about how they are presented by the MSM (despite its weakening after the election).


Repealing it isn't enough, though. Going back to the old solution, though it being better, still sucks. Cross-state competition is key to making this work. Allow cross-state competition, catastrophic plans, and include a requirement by law to accept pre-existing conditions, and we may, MAY, have a solution that works.


People claim that requiring pre-existing coverage makes it impossible for an optional free market solution to work, but I disagree. We don't know what it is like to have cross-state competition with modern health insurance. I am confident businesses will be able to innovate a solution when they compete nationally.

Quote:And consider this, United HealthCare quit offering ACA plans in most states because of huge sustained losses.
<a class="bbc_url" href='http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/19/investing/unitedhealthcare-obamacare-exchanges-aca/'>http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/19/investing/unitedhealthcare-obamacare-exchanges-aca/</a>

It's a fact that health care costs are rising much faster than inflation.

Hell I had bloodwork done recently and was charged 16.00 just for sticking the needle in!

Therein lies the problem.... For profit healthcare.
Quote:My wife is a nurse, and she thinks this is bunk. 

My nephew works at Taco Bell and stated they're most likely not going to experience gains or losses as a result of the border wall.
Quote:Therein lies the problem.... For profit healthcare.

Yeah, you should totally have to provide a service that can't pay for itself. That's sure to last a good long time!
Quote:For Republicans?   Republicans are in control now.  They can do what they want.  They can do what they promised. 


Repeal it.   If it was so undisputably bad, then just go ahead and repeal it.  What's the problem? 


Did they oversell their promises? 

Don't kid yourself, the country is closely split between producers and takers; the political whores can't upset too many of either one and keep their perks.
Quote:Don't kid yourself, the country is closely split between producers and takers; the political whores can't upset too many of either one and keep their perks.

So now Trump is promising that everyone will be covered, and at a lower cost than under Obamacare.   Obviously, Trump has abandoned the Producers and gone over to the Takers. 
Quote:Therein lies the problem.... For profit healthcare.

Private sector/profit makes goods and services better and cheaper through competition.


As long as gross over-regulation doesn't prevent competition and natural market forces from achieving those things.


Regulation and government intervention is the problem in healthcare today.

Quote:So now Trump is promising that everyone will be covered, and at a lower cost than under Obamacare. Obviously, Trump has abandoned the Producers and gone over to the Takers.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
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