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Full Version: Jaguars fans leaving the stadium with the game still in question
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I'll be in Jacksonville for my first Jags game on October 19th. Can't wait. And I will be staying the entire time, that's for sure.
Gamepass is only for canada but there are ways around it.
I stay till the end,  but who cares what the other fans do.  just glad they bought tickets myself.  I don't even mind the steeler fans,  just helping our revenue out.  some of you guys get worked up over the craziest things.  do you care if people leave the times union center before the show is over?  its their time not yours.

Quote:I stay till the end,  but who cares what the other fans do.  just glad they bought tickets myself.  I don't even mind the steeler fans,  just helping our revenue out.  some of you guys get worked up over the craziest things.  do you care if people leave the times union center before the show is over?  its their time not yours.

That comparison is completely irrelevant. The crowd at the times union center isn't affecting the performance on the stage, nor are they trying to or encouraged to. People are well within their rights to leave early if they like. Fans that realize they have a role, albeit a small one, in helping their team win are well within their rights to be disappointed in those that choose to abdicate that role. If you have an interest in the team winning then you should do anything in your power that is allowable to influence the outcome. Unfortunately one voice alone does nothing in the cavern of an NFL stadium, but 10's of thousands together does have power. It's hard to believe a fan could be invested enough to stay until the end but then be so flippant about seeing thousands of other's leave early. Maybe you have other reasons to stay until the end?
Fairweather fans can't truly understand football and the process that teams go through. Sometimes the rebuild gets restarted but you always root for your team.

I try to keep positive and have faith in management until shown otherwise. Our rebuild is definitely on the right track.
Quote:Fairweather fans can't truly understand football and the process that teams go through. Sometimes the rebuild gets restarted but you always root for your team.

I try to keep positive and have faith in management until shown otherwise. Our rebuild is definitely on the right track.

Trust me, there's NO fairweather fans here.. This team is consistantly awful and yet, we're all still here waiting..
Quote:Fairweather fans can't truly understand football and the process that teams go through. Sometimes the rebuild gets restarted but you always root for your team.

I try to keep positive and have faith in management until shown otherwise. Our rebuild is definitely on the right track.

I can't imagine any Jaguars fans are fairweather fans because we have been losing for 7 years. They are just too impatient to see results of our rebuild, which I will never understand.
Quote:Gainesville, Florida, USA. I have never heard of Game Pass.
NFL Game pass is essentially NFL Game Rewind combined with Sunday Ticket, only available outside of the US.

Its how I watch all Jags games because other than the London game, we are never on TV here
Quote:Tough loss yesterday and disappointing in the end, but fun to have a good close game against a good team and fierce rival and have the game still be in question late into the 4th quarter.  The most disappointing thing, however, was seeing the droves of fans get up and leave with about 5 minutes left in the game and us being down a touchdown and 2 point conversion.  I understand there will be circumstances that require some to leave by a certain time.  I also understand leaving early during a blowout, but for that many people to get up and leave with the game still in question just to beat the traffic is not acceptable from this fan's perspective.  It's effectively lessening the homefield advantage to a degree at the most critical time of the game.  Shame on you if any who left early are reading this now.

I'm not sure what gives you the right to call out the people who left when the outcome of the game was obvious. I've owned multiple season tickets every year since 1995, and the last thing I need is someone "shaming" me for leaving early. When you've paid $6000/year for 20 years for tickets, come talk to me. Until then, zip it.
Quote:I'm not sure what gives you the right to call out the people who left when the outcome of the game was obvious. I've owned multiple season tickets every year since 1995, and the last thing I need is someone "shaming" me for leaving early. When you've paid $6000/year for 20 years for tickets, come talk to me. Until then, zip it.

Meister was saying the outcome is not obvious when we are only trailing by 8 points. There was plenty of time left to score another touchdown when people started leaving.
If you left before the Steeler's went into victory formation then the game was still in question.

I do not understand people's motives, but they risked missing an amazing finish for minimal time saving.

However if you bought tickets then thank you for supporting the team.
The Pittsburgh Steeler fans are very dedicated and follow their team on the road probably better than any other NFL franchise, but they also have a long reputation of winning games & going into the post season.  If they had never won an AFC Championship and after only winning 4 games last year at the end of the season against really bad teams that had no desire to win & went 0-5 this year being blown out 40+ points each game I wonder how many of the towels would be waiving in the 4th qtr....


I for one stay to the end of the game, because I wouldnt have paid money if I didnt want to attend.  I dont fault others for leaving early though.  The team has no chance of the playoffs this year.

Quote:Meister was saying the outcome is not obvious when we are only trailing by 8 points. There was plenty of time left to score another touchdown when people started leaving.

I've attended more than 150 home games. Played football in college......I have a sense of when a game is over. At most close games, I'll stay until the final whistle, but I'm pretty good at selecting which are over early. In fact, the only game where I was wrong was a Browns game a few years ago where I assumed the Jags had won, only to hear on my headphones that a " Hail Mary" pass won it for the Browns. I weigh the benefits vs. the risks. I can wait until the absolute end and spend an hour in traffic, or leave a couple minutes early and be home in 15 minutes. But in any event, I bought the tickets and I can leave any time I pick. The "fans " in the expensive seats between the 30 yard lines annoy me when they go inside during hot or inclement weather, making the stadium look half-full on tv, but I respect their right to do so.
I heard one Steelers fan say to his approximately 5 year old son." Watch this son this is called the walk of shame enjoy it!" That bothered me probably because he's right lol
With 5 minutes left, you actually still believed they could score a TD and a 2 point conversion.  This so called "gunslinger" couldn't even lead this team to a TD the previous 55 mintues of the game. 

Quote:With 5 minutes left, you actually still believed they could score a TD and a 2 point conversion.  This so called "gunslinger" couldn't even lead this team to a TD the previous 55 mintues of the game. 

[Image: rapper-dancing-troll-smiley-emoticon.gif]
I figured we'd have 2 dropped balls and 3 holding calls on big plays that would kill us. We seem to make mistakes at the most inopportune times and killing momentum. It's frustrating but I guess with such a young offense it's going to happen.
I have season tickets in the "expensive seats" as Section105 calls them..  I have had them for years (and have a 10+ year Lapel pin to prove it LOL) .   I left when the Steelers picked up a first down with about 3 minutes remaining.  The game was over.


 I have a 2 hour drive back home. By leaving a few minutes early (when the game was decided) I was home by 6:30.   If I had waited a few more minutes, I would have had to walk out to the tailgaters lot with a bunch of drunk obnoxious steelers fans, and then been stuck in traffic and not made it home until closer to 8:00 or 8:30. 


If that makes me less of a fan in your mind... I'm good with that.

Quote:I have season tickets in the "expensive seats" as Section105 calls them..  I have had them for years (and have a 10+ year Lapel pin to prove it LOL) .   I left when the Steelers picked up a first down with about 3 minutes remaining.  The game was over.


 I have a 2 hour drive back home. By leaving a few minutes early (when the game was decided) I was home by 6:30.   If I had waited a few more minutes, I would have had to walk out to the tailgaters lot with a bunch of drunk obnoxious steelers fans, and then been stuck in traffic and not made it home until closer to 8:30. 


If that makes me less of a fan in your mind... I'm good with that.

Clearly you a terrible fan, lol
Quote:Clearly you a terrible fan, lol
[Image: 200.gif]
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