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Full Version: Jaguars fans leaving the stadium with the game still in question
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It's hard to watch the inevitable. I don't hold anyone that leaves early in any less regard than someone that sits there all game knowlingly watching garbage.

Quote:I'm not sure what gives you the right to call out the people who left when the outcome of the game was obvious. I've owned multiple season tickets every year since 1995, and the last thing I need is someone "shaming" me for leaving early. When you've paid $6000/year for 20 years for tickets, come talk to me. Until then, zip it.

I'm not sure what gives you the right to tell someone to zip it. Only your opinion matters because you've been a season ticket holder for 20 years? I appreciate you financially supporting the team for that long, but quite frankly that is irrelevant to this discussion and comes off more like you're just tooting your own horn. Good for you for knowing the game was over before it was over. I was under the impression that, like me, most people are so passionate about sports because of situations specifically like Sunday where a team could still possibly win in dramatic fashion late in the game. It happens multiple times in the NFL throughout each year. We have a young quarterback who is showing flashes each game. You'd think with the excitement and hoopla surrounding his ascension to the starting job that people would want to stick around and see these types of situations and how they unfold.
Quote:I've attended more than 150 home games. Played football in college......I have a sense of when a game is over. At most close games, I'll stay until the final whistle, but I'm pretty good at selecting which are over early. In fact, the only game where I was wrong was a Browns game a few years ago where I assumed the Jags had won, only to hear on my headphones that a " Hail Mary" pass won it for the Browns. I weigh the benefits vs. the risks. I can wait until the absolute end and spend an hour in traffic, or leave a couple minutes early and be home in 15 minutes. But in any event, I bought the tickets and I can leave any time I pick. The "fans " in the expensive seats between the 30 yard lines annoy me when they go inside during hot or inclement weather, making the stadium look half-full on tv, but I respect their right to do so.

Oh lord... smh
This team has so many more relevant issues at this time than some fans leaving early that I can hardly believe this was brought up.... 

It's not like this is new, there have been a certain segment of fans leaving games early since '95.
This is not unique to Jacksonville

Quote:It's not like this is new, there have been a certain segment of fans leaving games early since '95.
This, some folks in my section have always left early whether we we're winning or losing. Personally we always stay to the end. Where we park we are still out of downtown quickly. We typically will get home (Jax beach) within 30 minutes of the final whistle.
Quote:I heard one Steelers fan say to his approximately 5 year old son." Watch this son this is called the walk of shame enjoy it!" That bothered me probably because he's right lol

Little does his son know that he will learn what the walk of shame really is in about 15 years. It is that 300 pound behemoth wearing a yellow and black Steelers moo moo dress with a yellow towel tossed over her shoulder leaving your college dorm room at 9AM for everybody to see. 
Quote:I have season tickets in the "expensive seats" as Section105 calls them..  I have had them for years (and have a 10+ year Lapel pin to prove it LOL) .   I left when the Steelers picked up a first down with about 3 minutes remaining.  The game was over.


 I have a 2 hour drive back home. By leaving a few minutes early (when the game was decided) I was home by 6:30.   If I had waited a few more minutes, I would have had to walk out to the tailgaters lot with a bunch of drunk obnoxious steelers fans, and then been stuck in traffic and not made it home until closer to 8:00 or 8:30. 


If that makes me less of a fan in your mind... I'm good with that.

No that is understandable and I covered your situation in the following quote from my original post:

Quote:I understand there will be circumstances that require some to leave by a certain time.

My complaint is for those that live in and around Jacksonville, that don't have any other reason to leave other than to beat a little local traffic and get to their recliners a few minutes earlier. With the amount of people that I saw leaving early, there had to be some of that "let me get to my recliner ASAP" mentality. There is a difference between fans and great fans. It's about what you have the ability to do vs. what you actually do. If you drive 2 hours back and forth to games, I'd say you are a great fan.
Quote:My friends always bug me and joke but plain and simple i bleed teal and gold from canada 1 of maybe 3 jag fans in my city of 350,000 go jag nation.

If not for the jaguars i would not be a NFL fan.
I'm from Hamilton, Ontario...Don't know any other Jags fans here either lol
Quote:No that is understandable and I covered your situation in the following quote from my original post:

My complaint is for those that live in and around Jacksonville, that don't have any other reason to leave other than to beat a little local traffic and get to their recliners a few minutes earlier. With the amount of people that I saw leaving early, there had to be some of that "let me get to my recliner ASAP" mentality. There is a difference between fans and great fans. It's about what you have the ability to do vs. what you actually do. If you drive 2 hours back and forth to games, I'd say you are a great fan.

Different people have different obligations in their lives. If they have to leave early, then they have their reasons. Are you really in a position to judge someone as a good or great fan? 


I pay good money to Shad Khan to get kicked in the scrotum every Sunday. That is a great fan in my book, even if I leave at halftime. 

Quote:My complaint is for those that live in and around Jacksonville, that don't have any other reason to leave other than to beat a little local traffic and get to their recliners a few minutes earlier. With the amount of people that I saw leaving early, there had to be some of that "let me get to my recliner ASAP" mentality. There is a difference between fans and great fans. It's about what you have the ability to do vs. what you actually do. If you drive 2 hours back and forth to games, I'd say you are a great fan.

I know great fans that don't go to any games.
Quote:I know great fans that don't go to any games.
Do they live in town? Are they healthy enough to attend? Can they afford to attend? Are they claiming to be Jaguar fans? if they meet the mentioned criteria and are not attending they are not great fans IMO. fans maybe, just not great Jaguar fans.
Direct your frustration at the team sucking for years instead of the fans. Cowboys fans aren't even going to games anymore because they're tired of going 8-8 every year. Jaguars fans are filling a stadium to see a trash team not even win more than 5 home games the past 3 years. And they're all blowouts. I think you work for the team coming on here with that crap critizing fans who show up to support this mess.


I know the problem with this fan base. The people of Jacksonville who love football are so glad to have a NFL team that no one around the nation thinks they should have they take anything from this organization. They're so scared of this team packing up and leaving that they sit and take this team continuously being garbage but will still show up to protect the franchise. Other fan bases don't worry about that and show disgust and don't show up when prolonged ineptitude ensues like here. 

The fans have a right to do whatever they please.  


Our job is to buy tickets and be there.  I think the fans have done a marvelous job compared to the team.


I've left games to go home early.  When you're down by 30 points, you can do whatever you wish.

Regarding the Walk of Shame comment, I highly recommend taking out your phone and attempting to get a video recording of that person making such statements and post it on social media.  It's quite amazing what one can do to a persons career when their video with comments are posted to the nation to view.

Quote:The fans have a right to do whatever they please.  


Our job is to buy tickets and be there.  I think the fans have done a marvelous job compared to the team.


I've left games to go home early.  When you're down by 30 points, you can do whatever you wish.

This is exactly the problem most of you are having... reading comprehension. Go back to the original post and re-read. I specifically didn't call anyone out for leaving during blowouts. We've seen many home blowout losses over the last few years and people shouldn't be called out in those situations. However, I have not seen the amount of people get up and leave with the game still in question late in the 4th quarter like I did on Sunday. Sure there's always a few that do regardless of what's going on on the field and I'm sure most of them have very good reasons for doing so. Just because we're down by 8 and are "probably" going to lose isn't one of them.
Quote:Regarding the Walk of Shame comment, I highly recommend taking out your phone and attempting to get a video recording of that person making such statements and post it on social media. It's quite amazing what one can do to a persons career when their video with comments are posted to the nation to view.

Why would you want to possibly damage someone's career for just being rude during a football game?
Quote:Do they live in town? Are they healthy enough to attend? Can they afford to attend? Are they claiming to be Jaguar fans? if they meet the mentioned criteria and are not attending they are not great fans IMO. fans maybe, just not great Jaguar fans.

I don't know their financial well being. I'm not in the fan ranking business.
Quote:I don't know their financial well being. I'm not in the fan ranking business.
Well you were the one that ranked them as great. So, what you talkin bout Willis?
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