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If they want to get over here badly enough they will find a way wall or not.

Quote:Please stop. A 440 mile wall patrolled by a heavily armed militia is not the same solution being proposed here. Israel has a methodical tollgate system for commuting between the two states. Our southern border is not the densely populated overlapping mess of Israel /Palestine and doesn't have nearly as many hot button triggers like holy observances or decades long retaliatory attacks warranting it. Not the same thing at all.

440 miles is pretty long for a small economy like Israel. Based on their GNP we can afford a wall 60 times longer, or 26,400 miles. That should take care of BOTH borders and the shoreline too.

Quote:If they want to get over here badly enough they will find a way wall or not.

But less than 5% want it that badly. So 5% get past. Cutting down illegal immigration by 95% is a big win in my book.

Quote:440 miles is pretty long for a small economy like Israel. Based on their GNP we can afford a wall 60 times longer, or 26,400 miles. That should take care of BOTH borders and the shoreline too.

We can afford to spend twenty billion dollars on fireworks. Doesn't make it a wise investment.
Quote:We can afford to spend twenty billion dollars on fireworks. Doesn't make it a wise investment.

Protecting jobs of citizens from illegal criminal invaders is a wise investment.

Quote:Protecting jobs of citizens from illegal criminal invaders is a wise investment.

They do low skill jobs most native born citizens feel they are above. Their numbers are declining, in part to an improved economy in Mexico. The American economy is gonna be saved because we have OUR people doing migrant farming, hanging drywall and serving as maids?

We need to import external talent for the types of jobs Americans really want because we don't have enough home grown talent to do the jobs that pay wages families can live off of. Very few young people pick up a trade if they don't go to school. And very few of the students we have graduate with the skills we need to pave the way for our future.

I'm all for investing in America. Teaching our existing workforce skills that can be utilized now. Training our youth today in skills that will help us all tomorrow.

The majority of the jobs illegal immigrants satisfy are jobs most Americans don't want and can't survive on.
Quote:I think there will be some who are going to be very upset to have a structure built by on their land.

I see Conservatives getting a little Democrat in them.
There are setbacks and easements along the border even on private land... 
Quote:Doesn't seem that difficult to understand, does it?

Only for some around here I suppose
It's really not! If the government would quit giving public assistance such as free medical, food stamps, cash assistance, and housing assistance to illegal aliens, illegal immigration would slow down...It's never going to stop, but we have to do something to at least TRY to do something about it or soon we as Americans will become the minority...Other ways to slow it down would be to hit the landlords the illegals rent houses from with big [BLEEP] fines, and employers with even bigger ones...In every city the people and cops know where the illegals live (for the most part) and who hires the illegals, so it really shouldnt be so hard to bust the employers and landlords
Quote:They do low skill jobs most native born citizens feel they are above.
Their numbers are declining, in part to an improved economy in Mexico. The American economy is gonna be saved because we have OUR people doing migrant farming, hanging drywall and serving as maids?

We need to import external talent for the types of jobs Americans really want because we don't have enough home grown talent to do the jobs that pay wages families can live off of. Very few young people pick up a trade if they don't go to school. And very few of the students we have graduate with the skills we need to pave the way for our future.

I'm all for investing in America. Teaching our existing workforce skills that can be utilized now. Training our youth today in skills that will help us all tomorrow.

The majority of the jobs illegal immigrants satisfy are jobs most Americans don't want and can't survive on.
Not entirely true...Ever been to a construction site? Ever see who is running heavy equipment? These guys are make $18-$25 an hour with very little experience and even more if they have good experience...The construction industry is a skilled job and pays well...Pay rates are dependent on the area of course just as every industry is...


I have never seen or heard of a job an American won't do, but there are in fact a lot of low skill low paying jobs illegals take, but if they were not here, and Americans would not do the jobs, employers would have no choice but to pay more to staff their company 
Quote:Not entirely true...Ever been to a construction site? Ever see who is running heavy equipment? These guys are make $18-$25 an hour with very little experience and even more if they have good experience...The construction industry is a skilled job and pays well...Pay rates are dependent on the area of course just as every industry is...

I have never seen or heard of a job an American won't do, but there are in fact a lot of low skill low paying jobs illegals take, but if they were not here, and Americans would not do the jobs, employers would have no choice but to pay more to staff their company
Construction companies (and clothing manufacturing companies, etc.) hire these people illegally so they won't have to pay them $18-25/hr. I agree these companies should be punished (cough Pulte Homes). But if you think Americans will do the menial jobs migrant workers (legal and illegal) do, you are dead wrong. Especially when it comes to working in the field under the hot sun day in and day out. These people fill a hole we won't fill ourselves.
Quote:Construction companies (and clothing manufacturing companies, etc.) hire these people illegally so they won't have to pay them $18-25/hr. I agree these companies should be punished (cough Pulte Homes). But if you think Americans will do the menial jobs migrant workers (legal and illegal) do, you are dead wrong. Especially when it comes to working in the field under the hot sun day in and day out. These people fill a hole we won't fill ourselves.

Not to be all religious, but the ancient textual concept of "those who will not work shall not eat" tends to correct that problem. Instead we subsidize laziness, sloth, and pride then top it off with an unhealthy dose of social media-driven self esteem and jealousy.
Quote:Construction companies (and clothing manufacturing companies, etc.) hire these people illegally so they won't have to pay them $18-25/hr. I agree these companies should be punished (cough Pulte Homes). But if you think Americans will do the menial jobs migrant workers (legal and illegal) do, you are dead wrong. Especially when it comes to working in the field under the hot sun day in and day out. These people fill a hole we won't fill ourselves.
I work in construction and have my whole life other than the time I spent in the Navy...I am currently a project manager for a company building subdivisions and I'm telling you those illegal aliens DO make that money...Most of them send about $800 a week home to Mexico where their families live extremely well...


If a company can not fill their staffing requirements they will be forced to either pay more or close up shop and Americans WILL do any job for the right price...If there were no illegal aliens willing to work for sub standard wages, the companies would either fold or pay high enough wages that we would take them...America was founded on farming...Look in the midwest and see how many farmers there are still and Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska...I'm not talking about large corporate farmers like for Delmonte  vegetables, I'm talking about owner operators with a couple hundred acres they farm...My family on both sides come from farming families and I still have Uncles and cousins who own their own farms...There are scores of those kinds of farmers all over the country and they dont hire illegals
Quote:Construction companies (and clothing manufacturing companies, etc.) hire these people illegally so they won't have to pay them $18-25/hr. I agree these companies should be punished (cough Pulte Homes). But if you think Americans will do the menial jobs migrant workers (legal and illegal) do, you are dead wrong. Especially when it comes to working in the field under the hot sun day in and day out. These people fill a hole we won't fill ourselves.

Pay enough and most citizens would be willing to work in the field under a hot sun. These are not jobs Americans won't do, these are jobs Americans won't do at the low wages paid to illegals.

Quote:Pay enough and most citizens would be willing to work in the field under a hot sun. These are not jobs Americans won't do, these are jobs Americans won't do at the low wages paid to illegals.

We should totes raise the Federal Minimum Wage to $42.65 an hour to fix that problem.
The walls a waste of resources but trump doesn't have a choice he campaigned so hard on it. To really fix immigration do three things:

End war on drugs

End federal welfare all of it

Abolish federal taxes and force a federal consumption tax as their only means of revenue.

Mexico has an immigration problem not us.
Quote:The walls a waste of resources but trump doesn't have a choice he campaigned so hard on it. To really fix immigration do three things:

End war on drugs

End federal welfare all of it

Abolish federal taxes and force a federal consumption tax as their only means of revenue.

Mexico has an immigration problem not us.

To really fix immigration one only needs do two things:

#1. End war on Drugs



#2. Go after companies that hire illegal immigrants.  

Gee.  If only there were a bipartisan bill in the senate that could have been passed by congress that agreed to at least do #2.  


Building a wall has so many problems with it that it doesn't even begin to fix anything.  
Quote:They do low skill jobs most native born citizens feel they are above. Their numbers are declining, in part to an improved economy in Mexico. The American economy is gonna be saved because we have OUR people doing migrant farming, hanging drywall and serving as maids?

We need to import external talent for the types of jobs Americans really want because we don't have enough home grown talent to do the jobs that pay wages families can live off of. Very few young people pick up a trade if they don't go to school. And very few of the students we have graduate with the skills we need to pave the way for our future.

I'm all for investing in America. Teaching our existing workforce skills that can be utilized now. Training our youth today in skills that will help us all tomorrow.

The majority of the jobs illegal immigrants satisfy are jobs most Americans don't want and can't survive on.
Your post is the poster for entitlement mentality. People that feel that they are above doing work, no matter what it is, are the problem. Right now, they do nothing. They live off of the government. Guess where the government gets the money to fund these dead beats? Yep, the remaining working people. They work more and get less.


Here's a little secret. If people have to hang drywall, farm, or work as a maid in order to eat and have a roof over their head, eventually they will. I have a step-son living in a truck with his dad because he thinks that kind of work is below him. I gave him a home and fed him for a year and a half and all he did was play x-box and watch tv. We told him that Speedway was hiring and his response was, "Working in a place like that will suck your soul out of you."  Needless to say, he never looked for a job. Never took any initiative. He left here and sponged off of his sister who needed a babysitter. Did that for almost a year and did the same there. His dad moved in there also after a couple months. Both living off of a young woman with 2 children with a part time job at UPS. They burned their bridge with her and got the boot last week. Yesterday, he came here begging for a place to stay. We told him to get a job and then come back and we would talk.


Welcome to the story of modern America and liberal entitlement. It eventually bites you right in the [BAD WORD REMOVED].

Dude. Almost everyone I meet under a certain age these days is entitled. I don't think political affiliation has anything to do with it.

You have made a series of posts lately blasting this stereotypical nonsense about liberals being lazy and not wanting to work. It's garbage. Do you look at the welfare and poverty statistics in perennially red states? Stop with the machine gun spray finger pointing. You're better than that (when you're not acting like someone is on your lawn).

Get me a hundred of the most conservative unemployed people and get them a job as a field worker. If ten show up the next week, I'd be shocked. Like it or not, illegal immigrants fill a hole for some jobs.

You think its coincidence the majority of women in the Maid Brigade are not white? There's entitlement that some people feel they are better than some jobs. I see people with minimal skills wanting top dollar for average work and always asking for more.

If you don't have an education or a trade, you'd better wanna work. Sadly, too many parents just coddle their kids and let them leech off them til they are 30. Work ethic is a diminishing trait.

If you wanna make a case construction jobs are being taken.. I'm right there with you. Companies that get caught employing large groups of illegals should be punished.

However, I also happen to know a guy who heads one of the largest remodeling companies in town. You know what his biggest problem is? Getting reliable help. Half his crews have criminal records and can't get jobs elsewhere. And most have alcohol or substance abuse issues. This is construction, painting, drywall, tile, even electrical. He is always busy and always needs more help due to turnover. He doesn't employ illegals, but it's easy to see why many do.

Don't set this false ideal like the uneducated, minimally skilled workers of this country are all eager to do a great job and take pride in their work. It would be great if that was the case. It isn't.

It would be great if we invested in our people to get them the skills and training to work higher value, higher paying jobs. We don't. We groom lazy morons who think they are owed something just for showing up. It's not all cases, but a growing percentage of our workforce. Eventually you're going to have to admit these people are not all liberals.
What jobs are they doing that people actually want to do?


Quote:What jobs are they doing that people actually want to do?




Time out. It doesn't matter if you want to do the job. If the job is there and you need to work to eat then by god get your [BLEEP] to work.
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