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They don't even know the rules.

If Doug can overcome the refs as bad as they've been, myers, on the road, he needs to be retained.
Quote:Yep, the goal of the refs is to "screw" us... lol,,,


the game should never be so close that we get hosed, if we play crappy we deserve it.


Now we got a break and lets see if we can do something

Hey Brooklyn, glad to see you changed Alts today!


So u can throw a "pass" after a blocked punt?
This is ridiculous
Quote:Whats happening? Im following on NFL.Com and nothing is changing since 4th down
The punt was blocked now the refs are deciding on what is the best way to give the clots as much of an advantage as possible. 
i thought once it was blocked the offence can not advance it its dead where they touch it, so he could not make a incomplete pass

I would think a blocked kick would negate a forward pass. What do I know
There were 5+ Colts down field passed the line of scrimmage during a pass, isn't that a penalty?

So we go ahead with a Field goal.... then if we screw the pooch, its all on us

I member the times before instant replay and you just lived with a bad call once in a while.
Surely you can't get away with an ilegal forward pass and gain yards for it.

Quote:Congrats! Her 1st New Year
Yes it is!! Thank you!!
Quote:So u can throw a "pass" after a blocked punt?

According to these guys you can...
Quote:I guess the braintrust couldn't come up with a way to give the ball back to the Colts. 

They tried their best
This why NFL ratings are down, stupid long reviews, instant replays, challenges. Bring back 80s 90s football
How hard is it to penalize them from the throwing spot and count the down? This ineptitude explains why they miss crap and then make up crap when they feel like it. The NFL should invest in finding qualified personnel and having training in the offseason. This is stupid.

seriously, this is among the reasons the nfl has really gotten sucky to watch..   along with jax..

Quote:Whats happening? Im following on NFL.Com and nothing is changing since 4th down

Skuta blocked the kick. The Colts recovered and threw forward. 


It's ruled an incomplete pass, but they talked about it for a few minutes. 


Since it's an unreviewable play, they're reviewing it anyway.


Quote:i thought once it was blocked the offence can not advance it its dead where they touch it, so he could not make a incomplete pass
This is what I thought. It's a deadball. A lot like them downing it.