Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Colts Game Day Thread***
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seriously... lol
Wow gonna let em score
Wow. So we seriously are letting this happen.
Falling apart

lol and the boat just sailed on marrone


that playcalling was absolutely cowardly

Marrone is gone for sure

We're gonna blow this game
Yeah. Throw that flag. You've gotta be kidding.
Need a pick Ramsey
Malik was also slow coming off. 

Wow lol
This crap just looks rigged. Our defense is just swiss cheese.


Gonna lose
Quote:Yes, top 5 pick, keep it going luck
Dude, shut up.
can't believe this...
lol ..   this one is funny!!

Holly [BLEEP] Batman, Jaguars Lose???
