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Full Version: The official weightlifting/fitness/exercise thread
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Quote:Girls get mad when you try to put them in your beer though, so be careful!

That's why I have two hands; one for the beer, one for the ladies.
Quote:That's why I have two hands; one for the beer, one for the ladies.

In case they try to escape? Wink








.... Tongue

Admit it...you laughed!! Tongue
Quote:Admit it...you laughed!! Tongue

I'll admit it took me a minute to catch it  Big Grin
Quote:We're beer kinsman now. 

My brother.
Quote:I'll admit it took me a minute to catch it  Big Grin

Quote:Sorry I guess I'm supposed to talk like this I guess:

"Uhhh, yeah, that Mayo on potatoes appetizer doesn't sound very pleasing to the palette....."

Better there, chief?

Its a msg board. WHo the hell cares how we talk as long as the points are made???
you still haven't answered my question.
Quote:you still haven't answered my question.

I answered it the first time you asked it, days ago. 
Quote:I answered it the first time you asked it, days ago.
guess I missed it.
Quote:It is a bit of a challenge. I need to get some light beers I guess!



Wow - 14 pounds in 3 weeks is a lot! So you're doing the workouts from the 21 day fix? Which ones? How long are the videos?

Sorry for the late reply, been slammed at work. The 21 day fix included two DVDs with 3-4 workouts on each one. There's the Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Dirty 30, Cardio Fix, Pilates and Yoga. I skip the pilates and yoga and just do the strength and cardio workouts. They're all 1 minute exercises that are repeated a couple of times with four or five rounds per workout. They're all 30 minutes. The total body cardio fix is the toughest by far. The upper & lower aren't too bad. Same with the dirty 30. The cardio's pretty tough too but not as bad as the total body.
I'm a beast. 

I was 262. I'm at 186 right now. Check me out on Twitter... @domworld_peace

Quote:thats just flat out ewwwwww

Exactly my point. And alot of people do it.
Quote:I was 262. I'm at 186 right now. Check me out on Twitter... @domworld_peace

Ayyyy Dom is back!
Quote:Ayyyy Dom is back!

I figured I'd drop by for a second, and I saw this thread. It was divine intervention. "you know what divine intervention is?" 
Quote:Funny this comes up, i brought it up about a year ago and sought advice but I wasn't prepared to do anything with working out until a month ago when i got up to 372 lbs and lightheaded every day. So far I'm down to 352 and really haven't done anything drastic in terms of changing my eating habits. I am on average losing 1-2 lbs a week and with no more exercise besides walking (until tomorrow night when i get back into the gym)

Typical meal

6 eggs (3 are egg whites only) with 1tblspoon butter, feta cheese, onions, and mushrooms (no meat) with a glass of water and either an apple, banana, or cup of grapes.


Spinach and mushroom etouffee with garlic bread and rice


8 oz mahi mahi with some lemongrass, basil, thai rice with brocoli, baby corn, and sugar snap peas.


Freezey pops because summer


Granola bars

grapes or bananas

not all these snacks but i do a morning and afternoon snack

I drink 64oz of water and walk 1.75 miles and climbing a day.

What i use: I have a Fit Bit (i recommend it highly either the bracelet or the pocket one), i use Run Keeper, and My fitness pal.

Fit Bit tracks all my activity and calories burned

Run keeper tells me how many calories I burn specifically on my walks

My Fitness pal helps me track my calories. You choose your age,height, weight and how much weight you want to lose per week and it sets a calorie goal each day to maintain. When you exercise it gives you calories. It tracks all your nutritional information down to how much sodium and iron you take in each day. One of the coolest things you can do is you can scan your food ala the barcode and just put in the serving size.

If you do a meal say like chili or something that has a lot of ingredients, the best thing to do there is to track the amount of each ingredient you cook on a piece of paper. Once you add it all up together, you measure out the amount cooked and say if you make 10 cups of chili for a total of 2,000 calories, then you would say 1 cup equals 200 calories and measure off what you want to eat for dinner.

Right now it has me sitting on about 2400 calories a day and i gain 375 calories back usually each day and often stay under 2,000 calories. And get this.......it's not even hard to do!

If you need meal ideas let me know. I've essentially got some good stuff that allows me to eat really good and it's fresh all the way through for the most part. The rice stuff for my dinner is found at Kroger(dunno if you all have that).

i buy groceries for a few days at a time incorporating a lot of veggies into my diet. I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish so a pescatarian if that's spelled right. I occasionally will have a bite of chicken or steak if im out and someone says " you gotta try this!!"

Does fit bit calculate the calories burned by just figuring all this stuff out?
Quote:Does fit bit calculate the calories burned by just figuring all this stuff out?
You give it some info about your height, weight and activity level and basically all the fitbit does it track steps taken. Walking, running or climbing (even in place) it tracks. It converts all your activity into a calories burned amount.

You have to enter the food and calories in, which can be a pain, but once you use it for a few weeks everything you eat is saved in there and it pops up pretty quick.

You also have to manually enter things like push-ups or pull-ups because it can't track those.

When you start it asks you what your goal weight is, how fast you wanna get there etc., and then basically tells you based on the activity you're doing above (in real time) when you need to be more active or when your close to eating too much. Or when you burned enough to cheat a little bit.

For me it's more of a motivating tool. Something about graphing how many calories I'm consuming every day makes me not want to cheat nearly as often. Also, seeing a date that I'm on track to hit goals by works well for me.
I just had to talk my friend out of buying anabolic steroids because he's so impatient and wants results now.

Quote:Does fit bit calculate the calories burned by just figuring all this stuff out?

Yea and it'll send that data to the myfitnesspal app and give you what kind of net calories you earn. 
man loose two months of gym time and the day after that first day back is absolute hell.
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