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Full Version: Robert Mathis suspended
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Many men? Do you have stats to back this up?

It's approved only for women. Can men take it, sure. If that was the case though, he knew the process he would have to go through to get it ok'd. My guess is, there was a reason he didn't say a word.

I did some reading up on it and its actually pretty interesting considering I had surgery and my pituitary is gone. The very basics are that taking this drug actually increases testosterone. The doctor told him that....what football player that knows the drug testing rules wouldnt automatically say ding, I need approval for this!?

You don't have a Pituitary anymore?? Isn't that kind of necessary?....
Quote:You don't have a Pituitary anymore?? Isn't that kind of necessary?....

I have a guy that smuggles them in from Cuba, let me know if you would like to purchase a box, or crate. Every box comes with a free humidor for first time customers.
Quote:You don't have a Pituitary anymore?? Isn't that kind of necessary?....
This is probably for another thread, but its gone.
Sounds like Robert got caught on a cycle like Ray did a couple years ago with the deer antler spray. To the people who don't know much and are just casual fans they'll buy it but the people who know what they are looking at know the truth.
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