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Sex is overrated.

Quote:Sex is overrated.

Maybe you're doing it wrong.
Quote:Could be anything.

Here are a few for me.

Bruce Springsteen. I like Born to Run. Glory Days is alright if you need a good song to pitch in slow motion to. But how do you have a 40 year career, be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and have every song sound the same? Good work if you can get it.

Chipotle. The chain restaurant, not the pepper. It's fine if you need a quick lunch. But I am not waiting 30 minutes in line for what is a mere step or two above Taco Bell quality. And they charge what...$2-$3 more for chips and salsa? Nah thanks.

Craft beers. Maybe I have an unrefined pallett. Maybe I just was not meant to be a beer snob. Maybe I should try harder to be a hipster. I think most the craft beers I have tried suck. Most taste like crap. And they cost twice as much (if not more) than beer I can pick up at Publix. You can keep your craft beer, horn-rimmed glasses and general contempt for anything popular. I'll keep my water down Americna lager, contact lenses and enjoy the day.

What say you?

You lost me on the craft beer thing. Drinking coors or whatever when you could have something from engine 15 is just a bad decision.

Can you not taste stuff?
Quote:There are some wines I like on occasion, but mostly I find them bitter.

What I want to know is why a person who polishes off a bottle of wine a day is considered cultured, but if someone else drinks the same amount of alcohol in the form of beer they're considered low brow lushes.

I thought you were just trying to razz me. FWIW, I much prefer beer to wine any day.


I don't have a problem with craft beer in a general sense, but the market seems to be getting a little saturated if you ask me.
Quote:On craft beer, they have more alcohol then your cheaper beers.  And yes, you have an unrefined pallet.


Moe's:  I've gone there 3 times and every time I went it was just as bad as before.  I kept thinking maybe I just had a bad experience.  Yuck.


gators:  Way overrated last year.


Watermelon:  Yeah, I must be the only one.

I swear there was a time when Moes food had taste. Im with you on watermelon. I can't deal with the seeds. Just isn't worth it. Plus it's like eating water. It doesn't feel like i'm accomplishing anything.
You guys are eating the watermelon all wrong.




Banana  Banana  Banana  Banana  Banana

Quote:Sex is overrated.
Only when you're by yourself. Tongue
Quote:Only when you're by yourself. Tongue

I guess that would make it solo-rated.


You and you alone are the judge.
Quote:Sex is overrated.

It's only over rated when you ain't getting any! :whistling:
Quote:I swear there was a time when Moes food had taste. Im with you on watermelon. I can't deal with the seeds. Just isn't worth it. Plus it's like eating water. It doesn't feel like i'm accomplishing anything.
They grow these seedless ones now. In season right now. I've had about 10 over last 3 weeks. Phenomenal.
Quote:They grow these seedless ones now. In season right now. I've had about 10 over last 3 weeks. Phenomenal.

Are the seedless ones the ones that have the tiny white seeds?
Quote:Are the seedless ones the ones that have the tiny white seeds?

Quit yer whining.
Eric Clapton. Decent enough guitar player I guess. His songs are just so bland to me. I can't stand his voice either. Tears in Heaven puts me to sleep. I don't get it nor do I want to.


Somebody said American Hustle which I'll second. It was OK, not great.

Pearl Jam. They had a couple of good songs but Eddie Vedder's a pretentious [BLEEP].



Disney World. Give me Busch Gardens or Islands of Adventure any day of the week.

Saturday Night Fever. That movie was horrible.

Friends. Watched one episode and couldn't stand it. Maybe that show's a chick thing.

Seinfeld. It was OK but it's very dated. Try watching it now, it just isn't that funny.

Big Bang Theory. Most overrated show ever. Simple humor for simple people.
George Clooney

Cameron Diaz

Gwynneth Paltrow

Just about every movie that's won the best picture Oscar since Gladiator.


Toyota Prius


Jay-Z AND Beyoncé

Beats headphones
The "system" of life in general in America is overrated.


From the cradle to the grave, I feel like I have been brainwashed. The older I get, the more and more detached I feel from everyone else. Sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work. I am twenty-six years old, and when I look around at the grand majority of the people that I have to work with on a daily basis, from young to old, I often ask myself "How and why did this all happen?" and "How can people continue to do this everyday?". It's so, so depressing man. I hate the fact that I have to have money in order to have a decent and sustainable environment to live in. I work 60 or more hours a week (off at 1 AM, approaching the 16 hour mark today), for what? To pay for water/cable/internet/electric and mortgage that I don't really get to enjoy as much as I probably should.


Am I the only one that feels this way? I can't be the only one. Don't you people get sick and tired of getting up everyday like a mindless drone, with an automatic routine that just gets more dull and dull by the day? My God, it's so tiresome and sickening to think about. The amount of things that we do in this world just to have "some" happiness. Don't get me wrong, I am not lazy, I like to work, but, why? It's just so aggravating sometimes man. I feel like whatever created us had better plans than for us to just look like a bunch of worker ants from afar. That's all we really are, well, the majority of us on this planet. I wish it would just stop, you know? No more systematical nonsense. No more economy, no more deadend jobs, more freedom, more happiness. More human progressiveness.


I don't know. I'll leave it at that. But, yeah, the system and way of life here is just so overrated....



Thank God for Football, and thank God for forums like this. I can't believe I have been posting on here since I was maybe fifteen or sixteen years old.... whoa....

And whoever thinks Sex and Bacon is overrated is flatout crazy. Sex and Bacon are beyond epic, if you know what you're doing.

Quote:The "system" of life in general in America is overrated.

From the cradle to the grave, I feel like I have been brainwashed. The older I get, the more and more detached I feel from everyone else. Sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work. I am twenty-six years old, and when I look around at the grand majority of the people that I have to work with on a daily basis, from young to old, I often ask myself "How and why did this all happen?" and "How can people continue to do this everyday?". It's so, so depressing man. I hate the fact that I have to have money in order to have a decent and sustainable environment to live in. I work 60 or more hours a week (off at 1 AM, approaching the 16 hour mark today), for what? To pay for water/cable/internet/electric and mortgage that I don't really get to enjoy as much as I probably should.

Am I the only one that feels this way? I can't be the only one. Don't you people get sick and tired of getting up everyday like a mindless drone, with an automatic routine that just gets more dull and dull by the day? My God, it's so tiresome and sickening to think about. The amount of things that we do in this world just to have "some" happiness. Don't get me wrong, I am not lazy, I like to work, but, why? It's just so aggravating sometimes man. I feel like whatever created us had better plans than for us to just look like a bunch of worker ants from afar. That's all we really are, well, the majority of us on this planet. I wish it would just stop, you know? No more systematical nonsense. No more economy, no more deadend jobs, more freedom, more happiness. More human progressiveness.

I don't know. I'll leave it at that. But, yeah, the system and way of life here is just so overrated....

Thank God for Football, and thank God for forums like this. I can't believe I have been posting on here since I was maybe fifteen or sixteen years old.... whoa....

Live in a third world country for a while. It completely realigns your value system.
Quote:Live in a third world country for a while. It completely realigns your value system.

Have you?
Quote:Live in a third world country for a while. It completely realigns your value system.

My brother said the same thing and I believe him. He was stationed in Iraq, Kuwait and Guatemala I think. But, now he's over in Dubai and it looks like he's on vacation while being stationed.  
Lebron James.

Yea I said it.
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