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Quote:I think for most people Xmas Christmas is just used as an excuse to "Keep up with the Joneses" and beat the Joneses. I can decorate more, I can buy bigger gifts, I can spend more.

Its the ultimate American holiday.
I agree. It's not that Christmas is overrated, it has been bastardized by the retail market. That part of Christmas is far, far, far from it's meaning.
Some movies:


American Hustle


Quote:I've got a very strict bathing order. First is my arms, chest, and groinal area. Then I do legs, back then face. Butt is last. Normally one would work top to bottom. But if I last bath my hiney I surely wouldn't want to wash my face first thing next time. So, there's my washing order.

My wife complains her loofa stinks some times I just tell her she needs to shower more
Quote:Some movies:


American Hustle


I haven't seen American hustle yet but I loved inception and scarface
I think aardvarks are overrated.

The hype is unbearable.
Right?!?!?! It's like, as soon as you open the dictionary, there they are! Front page!

The term 'beast'
Do we mean overrated or overused?
Quote:Some movies:


American Hustle

Bryce Harper
Quote:Bryce Harper
Don't be a clown, bro.
Quote:Bryce Harper

Stephen Strasburg
Quote:Bryce Harper

Quote:Stephen Strasburg
The whole Nationals team is overrated.


Actually, lets make the whole NL East overrated.
Quote:The whole Nationals team is overrated.

Actually, lets make the whole NL East overrated.

Quote:I haven't seen American hustle yet but I loved inception and scarface

If the intent of Scarface is to be a campy satire, that's fine. 


As a serious film, it is terrible.
Quote:Stephen Strasburg

I don't think Strasberg is overrated. Just injury prone.


Harper on the other hand...seriously overrated.
Quote:I don't think Strasberg is overrated. Just injury prone.

Harper on the other hand...seriously overrated.
ESPN and MLB network continually mention Harper and Trout in the same breath. Harper can't carry Trout's jockstrap.
Quote:ESPN and MLB network continually mention Harper and Trout in the same breath. Harper can't carry Trout's jockstrap.

Yeah. And that's a joke. Trout is just about the perfect baseball player. The Angels just need to win and he'll be the star of his generation that he deserves to be.
Quote:Some movies:


American Hustle

Add "the Counselor". Great cast. Really bad movie...
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