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Quote:I've said clearly that nothing is 100%.  But when you hear them talk now vs. 2 months ago, the tone is much different.  All things are pointing to him not returning.  Not soon, not next year, but at all.


Just wanted to remind some of you who always list Blackmon when talking about WRs on this team.  He's basically done.
There is a difference, just not the one you're thinking of. Over the past two months, 1010XL has become the flagship station of the Jaguars. As such, they must spend much more effort talking about the Jags. Given that it's 3 weeks before the draft now, and was 5-6 weeks before when this all took place, they had to find something to talk about. You can only fill show content with pre draft talk and the like so much before it sounds like a re-run.


What you're hearing is a desperate attempt to find a fresh topic to discuss because there simply isn't a whole hell of a lot to talk about this time of year that hasn't been already covered a time of fifty.
Quote:Killing a person would wear someone down mentally more than liking to smoke weed I would imagine.

You would think but some people are just built different from others
Gut feeling says he'll be back.
Blackmon will be back and its absolutely hilarious that someone would come on here and not only make a post about how worried they are over a radio station supposedly changing their tune about him but defending it tooth and nail. He will be back, radio hosts don't know more than us dude, but the blunt down and keep the paranoia levels low yo.
Sorry, but I'm keeping expectations low.  I'd rather he surprise than disappoint.

I hope he comes back, dude is a monster on the field. 

Quote:I hope he comes back, dude is a monster on the field. 
We need him back. So much potential..
Quote:Blackmon will be back and its absolutely hilarious that someone would come on here and not only make a post about how worried they are over a radio station supposedly changing their tune about him but defending it tooth and nail. He will be back, radio hosts don't know more than us dude, but the blunt down and keep the paranoia levels low yo.

It's the offseason bro.  There's nothing to talk about.  Don't agree with me? Fine, I don't care.  


Just asserting Blackmon will be back is completely pointless.  Way to add to the discussion.
Quote:Gut feeling says he'll be back.

Well even if he does see the field again, how long will it be until he messes up again?? You know we will all be thinking it, including the coaches.


The odds of him staying on the straight and sober are not with him.


I'm still rooting for JB to get his life back on track.


It's just such a shame to see a talent like his get wasted. If he doesn't straighten himself out, one day he is going to look back at his wasted opportunities and he's going to regret it.
I think they should prepare as if he's not coming back, i.e. draft any WR they need to, but if in the end this culminates with them simply outright releasing him or trading him away for pennies on the dollar, then they are stupid. He'll go somewhere else and blow up with the potential we have already seen here. The Jags should handle this as he's going to play here, and star here or nowhere. Don't make it easy for him to leave and have a HOF career elsewhere. 

Quote:I think they should prepare as if he's not coming back, i.e. draft any WR they need to, but if in the end this culminates with them simply outright releasing him or trading him away for pennies on the dollar, then they are stupid. He'll go somewhere else and blow up with the potential we have already seen here. The Jags should handle this as he's going to play here, and star here or nowhere. Don't make it easy for him to leave and have a HOF career elsewhere. 
This is exactly what they have said they are going to do on many occasions. He will play here if he is to play again.
Quote:I think they should prepare as if he's not coming back, i.e. draft any WR they need to, but if in the end this culminates with them simply outright releasing him or trading him away for pennies on the dollar, then they are stupid. He'll go somewhere else and blow up with the potential we have already seen here. The Jags should handle this as he's going to play here, and star here or nowhere. Don't make it easy for him to leave and have a HOF career elsewhere. 

Yes, I agree with that.   I hope they evaluate team needs as if he's not on the team.   And don't just release him for nothing.   If he's suspended, it costs us nothing financially or cap-wise.   So he plays for us or he plays for no one.   Personally, I have a gut feeling, based on nothing in particular, that there's a 20% chance he comes back.   I think the silence on the subject speaks volumes.   If he was successfully getting his life in order, we would hear about it.  
Quote:I think they should prepare as if he's not coming back, i.e. draft any WR they need to, but if in the end this culminates with them simply outright releasing him or trading him away for pennies on the dollar, then they are stupid. He'll go somewhere else and blow up with the potential we have already seen here. The Jags should handle this as he's going to play here, and star here or nowhere. Don't make it easy for him to leave and have a HOF career elsewhere.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they've indicated their approach would be.
TMD and Jwired are right....

we've also beat this horse before.


Just don't count on him and you won't be disappointed.

Draft a good WR, then maybe we'll have two ....or more. :woot:


Heck who knows even if he does make it back, the knucklehead could scroo up again.

Just do our thing if he shows up fine if he doesn't...he won't be any where else.

Never count someone out, especially someone with the kind of potential he has. But, the Jaguars are in good hands so I have no worries about how they'll manage Blackmon.

Double post, my B.

I think many people are shooting the messenger on here because it isn't what they want to hear.  I agree with the original poster in that the tone has changed dramatically with some in the local media.  Did anyone hear Dan Hicken on Friday?  He stated that Blackmon is not coming back.  When given an opportunity by the co-host (not Prosser) to qualify or back track his statement, he didn't take it.  He said that there was "zero percent" chance that Blackmon is coming back.  This is a completely different tone from a couple months ago.  I'm not saying that I agree that it is zero percent, but I highly suspect Hicken wouldn't say that unless he's gotten some new inside information.  1010xl has recently become the flagship station of the Jaguars.  I suspect Hicken has gotten improved access to the Jaguars and with that, he's clearly become much, much more pessimistic of a Blackmon return.  I'm working on the assumption that Blackmon isn't returning and then will consider it a very pleasant bonus if he does.

Quote:I think many people are shooting the messenger on here because it isn't what they want to hear.  I agree with the original poster in that the tone has changed dramatically with some in the local media.  Did anyone hear Dan Hicken on Friday?  He stated that Blackmon is not coming back.  When given an opportunity by the co-host (not Prosser) to qualify or back track his statement, he didn't take it.  He said that there was "zero percent" chance that Blackmon is coming back.  This is a completely different tone from a couple months ago.  I'm not saying that I agree that it is zero percent, but I highly suspect Hicken wouldn't say that unless he's gotten some new inside information.  1010xl has recently become the flagship station of the Jaguars.  I suspect Hicken has gotten improved access to the Jaguars and with that, he's clearly become much, much more pessimistic of a Blackmon return.

Nicely said.  That was my point.  I hope Hicken is wrong, but he seemed extremely pessimistic about Blackmon's return.
I cannot see the Jags just letting Blackmon go; maybe a trade IF he has not committed anymore infractions, and even that does not seem likely. If he has remained clean, I believe the Jags will keep him. If the Jags cut him someone will pick him up...
Quote:I think many people are shooting the messenger on here because it isn't what they want to hear.  I agree with the original poster in that the tone has changed dramatically with some in the local media.  Did anyone hear Dan Hicken on Friday?  He stated that Blackmon is not coming back.  When given an opportunity by the co-host (not Prosser) to qualify or back track his statement, he didn't take it.  He said that there was "zero percent" chance that Blackmon is coming back.  This is a completely different tone from a couple months ago.  I'm not saying that I agree that it is zero percent, but I highly suspect Hicken wouldn't say that unless he's gotten some new inside information.  1010xl has recently become the flagship station of the Jaguars.  I suspect Hicken has gotten improved access to the Jaguars and with that, he's clearly become much, much more pessimistic of a Blackmon return.  I'm working on the assumption that Blackmon isn't returning and then will consider it a very pleasant bonus if he does.

Nobody is shooting the messenger.  They're saying Hicken has no improved insight.  He's stating his opinion, and nothing more.  Being the flagship doesn't give them any more insight than they had the day before that happened. 


I've spoken to media people who actually work for the team.  They have their opinions too, but they don't have any idea what's going to happen with Blackmon because everything is in this grand holding pattern while the team waits to find out if he's appealing to be reinstated.  Until that happens, nobody knows anything.

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