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 Jones-Drew on the left...

Bortles is going to bust. Not Gabbert bust, more like Jake Locker bust.
Quote:3rd best QB, at best.
2nd. Best QB in the 2014 draft in My Opinion... I actually prefer Bortles if Bridgewater is off the board...

Quote: Jones-Drew on the left...
I don't really have a problem with Bortles if Teddy/Clowney are both gone. Not because I think he's going to be great, but its difficult to justify taking a WR (Watkins) or a LB (Mack) at #3. I think both of those players will be pretty good, but its just too difficult to change a franchise as a WR or a LB.
Quote:what if you could get a guy that will have a great NFL career!?
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.

There is no guarantee any QB from this class is going to have a great career. I don't see Bortles and Teddy as being far apart at all. I'd be happy with either one. I just happen to have a feeling that Bortles will have the best career out of this year's crop. Call it a hunch.
Quote:What game was that? Can't say I remember hearing that.

Same. When he first became a starter, I recall nothing but cheers.
I dont want us to draft one of these QBs with the 3rd pick but I wouldnt hate it either.  If we ended up with Bortles I'd be excited to see how he does.  He has a lot of what you look for.  Size, makes plays, is a winner, etc....  I wish he had a bigger arm.  And I wish he was a little more consistent with his accuracy.  But accuracy could be tied to footwork.  And his arm is strong enough, its just not elite.  I think he has a lot of potential.  I'd argue he has more potential than the other two.  But he probably has a lower floor than Teddy.

Quote:I dont want us to draft one of these QBs with the 3rd pick but I wouldnt hate it either.  If we ended up with Bortles I'd be excited to see how he does.  He has a lot of what you look for.  Size, makes plays, is a winner, etc....  I wish he had a bigger arm.  And I wish he was a little more consistent with his accuracy.  But accuracy could be tied to footwork.  And his arm is strong enough, its just not elite.  I think he has a lot of potential.  I'd argue he has more potential than the other two.  But he probably has a lower floor than Teddy.
The biggest upside IMO with Bridgewater and Bortles is the fact that Bridgewater is smart enough to avoid the blitz and based on Bortles' college play and film he stands in the pocket and takes the hit to throw the ball.  If anything I can see him ending up taking to many sacks holding the ball to long trying to make a play.  Same thing they say about Romo and Big Ben, but the upside of their playmaking ability usually mitigates the negative.
Quote:Bortles is going to bust. Not Gabbert bust, more like Jake Locker bust.

Ive thought about this too. Locker seems a little too dumb for the game. Id hope Bortles is more of a cerebral player.
Quote:Ive thought about this too. Locker seems a little too dumb for the game. Id hope Bortles is more of a cerebral player.
Even beyond that, he just is not accurate enough. If he was at about 62% in college, I don't see what reason there is to believe it will improve in the pro's.
Quote:Even beyond that, he just is not accurate enough. If he was at about 62% in college, I don't see what reason there is to believe it will improve in the pro's.

62%? I disagree, he is plenty accurate to be a good nfl qb.
Bortles looks to me like he'd need a lot of work. From the video I've seen of him, he locks onto his first option almost every time. Seems to lose some accuracy over 25 yards or so. If we go QB early I'd much prefer Bridgewater if he's there.
Quote:62%? I disagree, he is plenty accurate to be a good nfl qb.
My bad I was looking old stats, 2012. 2013 was much better. I'll insert foot in mouth now...
Quote:Bortles looks to me like he'd need a lot of work. From the video I've seen of him, he locks onto his first option almost every time. Seems to lose some accuracy over 25 yards or so. If we go QB early I'd much prefer Bridgewater if he's there.

Now im leaning passing on both and going Zach Mettenberger in round 3 or Tajh Boyd in round 5. Tajh has been my guy for a while. Time to go back to what I know.
Quote:The only way I want Bortles here is if Bridgewater and/ or Manziel are already gone. 


I'd be okay selecting Bortles after a trade down, but thats about it. 

I don't see Manziel being gone at 3, and I certainly don't see both Teddy and Manziel being gone... But, if Bortles has the most upside and Gus thinks he can reign him in and polish him up over a couple years, that's fine with me. Give the keys to Henne for a year or two and let the kid learn the ins and outs of the pro game from a decent backup, and then let him take over (a la Aaron Rodgers) after being groomed by a decent OC and QB coach. I think the biggest contribution to Gabbert's lack of success was Del Rio tossing him to the wolves with McCown came out flat that season. Poor kid got killed by a line that couldn't protect him and never got over the phantom rush after that.

Quote:Now im leaning passing on both and going Zach Mettenberger in round 3 or Tajh Boyd in round 5. Tajh has been my guy for a while. Time to go back to what I know.

Mettenberger in the 3rd is what I'm hoping for. He reminds me a lot of Brady
Quote:Mettenberger in the 3rd is what I'm hoping for. He reminds me a lot of Brady
I think I have a man crush on Mettenberger. I think he's going to be a good one
Look, there's a lot of shouting people down going on in this thread, claiming that they don't have a clue about quarterback evaluation. Let's not jump to accusations like that just because someone disagrees with your assessment of a QB who has never played a snap in the NFL.

Let's save that for cases where people have said things that were not only inane at the time but have been proven since to be every bit as inane as they sounded. Like, say, claiming that Quinn Gray was the best QB on our roster. That sort of thing would qualify someone as worth ignoring on QB evaluation for all time, I'd suggest.

Quote:Mettenberger in the 3rd is what I'm hoping for. He reminds me a lot of Brady

Seeking the better value selections like this is what's going to separate the Kaepernick drafters from those who are going home disappointed with their first round Lockers, Ponders, and Gabberts.
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